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Re: In my experience, which I admit is limited, I have found...
themudpup 2 Reviews 1381 reads

that the reviews are pretty accurate.  I will admit, that some gents are less..lets say, able to communicate their experience than others.  Perhaps they "use" the verbage of previous reviewers, to try to express their experience.  But I have found that if you read several, you will find the info you need to make an informed choice.
I do not think there are fake reviews on here.  Just my $.02.

1) I am new here and I have seen where the reviews for some providers are very similar as if the same person wrote all of them under different names??  Is that possible?  

2) How reliable are the reviews?

3) Last question, is it fair to assume that the more reviews on a provider the better chance that they are legitimate?

1) Yes it is possible

2) As reliable as you make them. You will find over time that you will be able to determine the ones that are more reliable than others.

3) Yes, more reviews by guys who have multiple reviews themselves. For example, I have one review. I would not consider my review if I was looking at the reviews for a provider. I would look for at least 3 reveiw by guys who have 3+ review of other girls. That would satisfy my research that the provider is legit, safe, and reliable. As long as those juicy details contained what I am looking for in a provider. To read them you have to get VIP (which is a very good idea).


1:Theoretically no, if she only has a few though they could be faked.  Look for multiple reviews on a lady written by guys with multiple reviews.

2:Depends, Again, look for reviews by guys who write a lot of reviews. My ATF has at least one fake from a couple of years ago by a guy who only wrote one review-hers. There are a lot of variables and a lot of BS.  Some guys write a review of themselves and not really the lady that they saw. No system is perfect though. Again, a good cross section of reviews is important. Also, recent reviews are a plus though not always an indicator as a low volume lady may not get new reviews very often once she has an established customer base.


1. It is possible, but less likely (I think) than having reviews be similar because of reviewers having similar experiences with the same provider. Also, TER will de-list a provider or hobbyist found to be involved in posting fake reviews.

2. One review alone is not reliable. Many reviews that tend to "agree" are more dependable as being accurate.

3. Yes! You will hear on this board to never consider a SP without at least 3-5 reviews posted by guys who have 3+ reviews written. I assume you've gotten VIP, which is great. This will allow you to see the reviews by the reviewers.

that the reviews are pretty accurate.  I will admit, that some gents are less..lets say, able to communicate their experience than others.  Perhaps they "use" the verbage of previous reviewers, to try to express their experience.  But I have found that if you read several, you will find the info you need to make an informed choice.
I do not think there are fake reviews on here.  Just my $.02.

There are fake reviews all over the board.  There is really no way to prevent it from happening to some extent. Reviews are read to make sure they meet the criteria and the link has to work but nothing posted is ever fact checked. I have 2 favs with at least one fake review each that they are sure of.  Sometimes it's hard for the gal to remember a reviewer but when guys start describing out calls from girls who don't do them, jewelry that a lady doesn't own and anal or CIM form a gal that doesn't allow it then it's a dead giveaway...

Make no mistake this is a great site and a powerful tool for hobbyists and providers but no system is perfect. I like to think of myself as optimistically cynical when it comes to what I see in the review section. If I see multiple great reviews than I'm confident but if it's just one TGTBT rave I tend to stay away

Reviews alone may not complete the picture as they are pretty subjective.  One man's 9 is another man's 7.

If you read them, go to the ladies website, take a look at her pics and read what she had to say, you should have a pretty clear idea what to expect.

1.  See the link.  It refers to an accusation of that exact situation.  On a side note, it also shows how this board is a lot friendlier than some of the regional ones.

2.  Usually pretty reliable, but it's a numbers game.

3.  Absolutely.  Lot's of reviews, by frequent reviewers is as good as it gets.

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