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Re: If your wife is anything like mine was....
Goliath.789 5 Reviews 554 reads

Funny stuff.  That reminds me of the Don Rickles joke.  "My wife said she wanted to go somewhere she'd never been for our anniversary.  I said how about the kitchen".

registerThat2140 reads

I'm pretty new to the hobby, and I was wondering where some good places to store my hobby phone would be.  If my SO even saw a second phone in the house it would cause some pretty big problems.  I'm just looking for some ideas.

And if it is found, you can always disavow any knowledge of it; just keep it password-locked.

Oh, and keep it on mute ;-) or better yet - turned off until you are ready to use it.

at the moment I had considered placing it in the trunk under the mat that covers the spare tire, another option for the car would be to wedge it in between the cushions in the back seat so if it ever is discovered it looks like it just fell out of someone's pocket and got stuck back there.  Another option I had been toying with is hiding it in an empty drive bay in my desktop.

Funny stuff.  That reminds me of the Don Rickles joke.  "My wife said she wanted to go somewhere she'd never been for our anniversary.  I said how about the kitchen". you really need a second hobby phone? Maybe I'm lucky in that my SO isn't nosy or the snooping type. I have alot of stripper and some provider numbers in my everyday phone, but they are coded and the phone has both a password and a pattern lock. Also the phone never really leaves my side. Maybe I'm rolling the dice, but to me a second phone can be more trouble than it's worth.

I don't have an SO, but I still have a hobby phone.  I would recommend having a hobby phone to anyone that participates unless they are completely blackmail proof.  Everyone has to do what is right for themselves though.  All it takes is an escort that is bsc and she could turn my world upside down.  Could probably do that anyway, but at least with a hobby phone she would have to put a little more effort into it.  Trying to see only well reviewed ladies also minimizes my risk.

-- Modified on 8/14/2014 10:07:35 PM

Posted By: justintime2985
I don't have an SO, but I still have a hobby phone.  I would recommend having a hobby phone to anyone that participates unless they are completely blackmail proof.  Everyone has to do what is right for themselves though.  All it takes is an escort that is bsc and she could turn my world upside down.  Could probably do that anyway, but at least with a hobby phone she would have to put a little more effort into it.  Trying to see only well reviewed ladies also minimizes my risk.

-- Modified on 8/14/2014 10:07:35 PM

Yes I absolutely need a hobby phone, there is no way that I'd ever be OK with using my personal cell phone, as others have said it is protection against bsc providers or blackmail sites like exposingjohns, or even LE.  Plus I if I ever decide I want to walk away from the hobby I can just ditch the burner phone and be done with it, changing my personal cell number would cause a lot of headaches.  

As far as others have said about keeping it at work, while that is an option I'm not really comfortable doing it just for paranoia reasons.  

And no to the under the toilet suggestion, it may have worked for Walter White but this is reality and we've had the flapper chain break or come loose several times and my wife has no problems taking the back off the toilet and reaching in there and fixing it herself.  

The SIM card sounds pretty good I even have several old phones that it would work with.  I've got a rooted android phone that I can unlock, I just need to find some place that sells AT&T or GSM sim cards for cash.  Yes I'm so paranoid that I will only pay cash for burner phones/sims

Can use the burner app as well, so you have one device with multiple phone numbers.  Crazy person starts bugging you, just ditch the number.  Can have as many or as few numbers as you want, and keep them as long as you want.  there's a usage fee though

speedebump660 reads

I am a newbie too, and have been wondering the same thing.  Found out you can rent a USPS post office box for $30 for six months.  Thinking of leaving a phone, and a few other items as well.

 has anyone else tried this?

JustAnotherOpinion417 reads

PO won't allow you to store things in a PO box.  I have kept phones in tool boxes, in drawers at work, in the trunk of my personal vehicle in a box of odds & ends.

ThePeopleRule443 reads

Posted By: speedebump
Found out you can rent a USPS post office box for $30 for six months.  Thinking of leaving a phone, and a few other items as well.
Why not try it and report back.  To put it to a real test,
try leaving some condoms in there also

Im not sure what you do for work, but its where I store mine.  Im even paranoid about that so I stash it under the desk in the wire holder thing.  Unless you're looking for it you'd never see it.

Car: inside removeable seat headrest; under dash; behind glovebox; under seat between support wires; inside jack compartment

Work: office desk in a lockbox or document safe; locked file cabinet

Home: locked toolbox; crawlspace or attic insulation; mechanical room; inside exercise equipment shroud; hollow out a pocket in top of door frame; inside the toilet tank float (requires superglue); inside a floor vent; behind the furnace filter; behind sink inside cabinet of a bathroom; remove lower drawer of bath vanity and use the open cavity

Out & About: get a post office box and mail it to yourself but leave it until you need it, then mail it again when done; storage unit; ask a single friend to hold your hobby phone

Or get a hobby SIM card that works in your normal phone, and swap SIMS when you want to play.  Then only have to hide the tiny little card instead of a whole phone.  More likely you'll lose the card though.

when drawers are removed, tool boxes that's she'd never go in, emergency phone in your car (even an inactive phone can call 911),   Wood / lawn mower storage...  some guys use gym locker or gym bag...  but must fit YOUR real life style.  Some sporting goods that she doesn't like or share...    Your gun safe...  if she does not know the combination.   Do you have a drawer of old phones & chargers?  

NO not spare tire...  she'd have a d*mn flat!  
I choose to not leave numbers on hobby phone

where the edges of are not anchored down...  but the weight of the carpet keeps things from moving or rattling.  Autos are different but you can best explore yours.  
Mine is in a dusty corner or my workshop...  behind something.

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