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Re: How safe is BBBJ or DATY?
FairwayBunker 2423 reads

Posibly another dumb question, but how many clients per night is the norm and what do providers to do *clean up* in between?

Personally, I wouldn't want to DATY if some random dude has been in there very recently. I don't mean this to sound smartass, but it is something I've been curious about.

CareBear0811877 reads

I have been reading some reviews and notice that some providers provide BBBJ and/or receive DATY. My question is, how safe is this? If a provider starts to do BBBJ, will it be insulting to stop her. Additionally, providers that provide CBJ may allowed DATY - how safe is this for the hobbyist? Is it wrong when meeting providers and asking them when it was the last time she had a health check - of course hoping to get a honest answer( do providers have safety check list to warn them about the hobbyist?) There are many beautiful providers out there who don't mind providing/receiving these services and I am sure they have their ways of deciding when to do or not. Hope this makes sense...

tyciol5454 reads

I would not think it is insulting. I think providers understand everyone has their hangups. They don't even know if it is about hygiene for you, it might be about your preference or fetish, perhaps you just do not like it.

I would not worry, be open about it. Realize that it's not just about her being a risk to you, but about you being a risk to her, right? So you are looking out for her! Like HPV or whatever right what? Lol

If you want CBJ simply ask for it. The lady will not be insulted. If you don't want to DATY then don't.
Asking a gal when she had her last STD screening will not go over well.

The hobby has risks. You should only do it at your comfort level.

CareBear083430 reads

I know its quite obvious it is your choice or is it. I like to take a survey on how many hobbist would stop a beautiful provider from doing a BBBJ - in the heat of the moment, the wrong head is thinking... I would believe at that point, the sense of reasoning is no longer a issue. Additionally, you read some reviews or profiles you will see some providers automatically do a CBJ (w/o choice) but will allow you to DATY or play with the kitty cat on the outside only. However, I do agree its at your comfort level to decide your preferences. don't belong in the room with a lady.

For myself DATY with a lady who appreciates and enjoys it is a big part of the fun. I tend not to repeat with ladies who don't allow it or seem to enjoy it. I also prefer bbbj to cbj.  It has nothing to do with the little head doing the thinking. I am aware of the potential risks and they are minor enough that I am willing to accept them.

CareBear082651 reads

WTF - this was a simple question/discussion and you are trying to make it personal. Good for you - enjoy your choice but don't speak on who should be with a lady or not - like you some f..king expert. After much review from this site/and other links, I have decided to play it safe and still hope to have fun verse take a chance on increasing the potential risk regardless how minor you may think.

Do you engage in BBBJ or DATY with civvie girls? Do you ask them when was the last time they had a health check? Believe it or not, providers take many more precautions than your average girl you meet in a club/bar/store.

If you want to be covered for everything, let her know, she won't mind. She also is not going to grab your ears and shove your head between her legs, you don't have to DATY if you don't want.

There is a health risk anytime you engage in sexual activity with another person every single time. Providers do all they can to reduce that risk as much as possible, civvie girls can't make that claim.


Bodercollie3935 reads

If true that “Providers do all they can to REDUCE THAT RISK AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE” they would insist on a cover for BJ and DATY and we know that is not the case. Believe me, Providers take many more risk than Civvies just base on the fact they have way more sexual partners and encounters.  Also many Civvies practice as safe and safer sex than many Providers such as those who work the street, bars or clubs and even the internet.  Regardless, how safe a sex act is, largely depends on the precaution you take and not the precaution Provider/Civvie takes.  A cover sex act with civvies is probably no more risky than having the same cover sex with a Providers.  

-- Modified on 3/15/2008 1:45:28 PM

Posibly another dumb question, but how many clients per night is the norm and what do providers to do *clean up* in between?

Personally, I wouldn't want to DATY if some random dude has been in there very recently. I don't mean this to sound smartass, but it is something I've been curious about.

CareBear082960 reads

I concur with your last statement. What are some precautions that providers do after having back to back hobbyist within a single day. Many hobbyist write in their reviews, " I did a DATY and her p...y was(taste) so sweet"... I wonder did she put sugar on it? I remember seeing a movie once when a lady said to another lady that every time she kiss his (her man) lips, know that your kissing my p...y too! Can this be said about the receivers of a GFE, PSE, BBBJ, DATY, DFK, LFK,etc...

tokai2423 reads

You can get almost all the STD's from BBBJ and DATY.

Providers won't mind if you want CBJ.

CBJ are better as are regular and make-shift dental dams...

Bodercollie3300 reads

From the same Doctor, Dr. H. Hunter Handsfield, just a month later.

“Further, although oral gonorrhea is FAIRLY EASILY ACQUIRED by penile-oral exposure (fellatio), it is almost never acquired by cunnilungus.”

BTW, Oral gonorrhea infections from oral sex usually are located in the pharynx and not the oral cavity.

With respect to Dr Handsfield claim that oral gonorrhea almost always goes away by itself, without treatment, within 3 months, his more recent caveat statement is more telling

“The available data are 30+ years old, but studies in the 1970s indicated that virtually all untreated pharyngeal gonorrhea cases cleared up without treatment within 12 weeks.  HOWEVER, THE STUDIES WERE NOT VERY WELL DESIGNED BY TODAY'S STANDARDS, SO THE CONCLUSION IS SOFT.”

Pharyngeal gonorrhea is usually asymptomatic and is thought by some to be a significant pathway for the spread of this STD.  

-- Modified on 3/16/2008 6:44:07 PM

Im in the medical field...and no Im not a nurse aide or poop cleaner. I work in the ER. I have seen everything come in that door...from TRICH to AIDS. Its very easy to get clym/gonn from going oral to kissing to oral. In fact, if the woman has it and you kiss her and she goes down on can get it. rare but you can.It would have to be transitioned quickly in my mind for it to transmit. In my opinion, if her bact levels are that high...she would reek. The foul smelling vagina is always a clue even during a pelvic exam. HPV can be transmitted as well as herpes. HIV would be very hard. Keep in mind that saliva acts as a protective barrier..just like a dental dam. If you have chapped lips or sores....avoid all contact. If I see a beautiful woman and she is hot and clean.....i might just take my chances and have a taste.

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