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Re: giving your work reference..
ma vie 2766 reads

I have given my work reference in two different companies.  The receptionists never smirked later or spread rumors.  That is because the provider sounded professional on the phone.

I've had conversations with providers even when I worked in a cube.  A TER reviewed lady with good reviews can be trusted to have good sense and be discrete.

A favorite of mine says she is confirming a meeting.

so i've been reading/searching around... i haven't quite found my answer yet.

i would be a first time hobbyist.. i'd have to give my work reference to a provider, which i understand..

but what does the provider say when she calls my work place? i mean, i wouldn't like people at work knowing what i do on my spare time...


Many use some sort of either fictitious company or something like a dentist, doctor, computer repair, plumber, electrician...etc. They call to first see if you work there, to get someone other than you to tell them the company (usually receptionist or whoever answers the phone) then if it needs to be said they will say something about a doctor appointment or a time to meet the plumber at your house or something like that. All they want to do is verify you work for the company you say you do.

tokai1809 reads

They will ask the receptionist if you are married, have kids, have you ever dated the secretary, do you tell off color jokes, stuff like that. - just kidding.

They will ask to speak to you. If the person asks why, they will give an innocuous reason (confirm Dr. Appt). You could an innocuous reason to the Lady that works best for you.

Once they get to you, they may chat with you for a while in order to get comfortable with you. If you are not free to chat, just let them know.

Yes, and the lady doesn't want your co workers to do what she does for a living either.
The ladies that care enough about there own safety to screen are also smart enough to know how to do it.

What if I'm self-employed? What do I do then?

Tell the truth, give the info the providers ask for. Be prepared to "join" a verification site that the provider trusts.

As long as you choose a provider that has many good reviews you can be safe in the knowledge that she is a professional and will handle all information in a professional manner.

I am self-employed.  I started out seeing agency girls. Most agencies do not verify employment though they will ask for your full name and a home phone number and city. Once I was established with a couple of Boston area agencies they were happy to provide references for some indie gals that I have seen.
Be aware that not all indie girls will accept references from agencies.
Honestly, I've never ended up seeing a gal that did very heavy screening. I see a couple of lady's regularly that I've known for a couple of years and generally only experiment when I travel. If I can't find a lady who will accept available info I just move on or download some porn until I get home.

Although I have given out this info when requested, only once did a provider use this.  When she did so, she requested to be connected to someone else (a ficticious name), while getting my and the company name.  It wasn't until several minutes afterward that I put the pieces together.  You have to understand that smart providers will do this to assure their safety from LE and bad guys...especially if you have no references.  They will certainly not out you...if you have picked a reputable provider with multiple pages of reviews, with some from experienced reviewers.  Which is the only way to go for your first time, IMO.  Good luck to you!

ma vie2767 reads

I have given my work reference in two different companies.  The receptionists never smirked later or spread rumors.  That is because the provider sounded professional on the phone.

I've had conversations with providers even when I worked in a cube.  A TER reviewed lady with good reviews can be trusted to have good sense and be discrete.

A favorite of mine says she is confirming a meeting.

For customer service, press 1

For billing information press 2

If you are an escort attempting to verify a client's employment with us press 3.


\ (backslash) then ### (pound, pound, pound)

Very creative, Sinful. Exactly what I would expect from that delightfully creative mind of yours. Another reason you are a joy to visit.

graydon1712 reads

I occasionally suggest that a provider call after regular business hours, so she can ascertain that my name is on the voice mail list.  I also give her a suggested cover, in case someone is working late and picks up the phone.  For instance, "this is Joyce at Bank of America . . . he had a question about his account."

-- Modified on 11/22/2007 10:41:53 AM

Since the majority of the requests I get come from executives who have an assistant/gatekeeper, I usually go with a mutually agreed upon "cover story" and time for me to contact them at their office.

This always works well.


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