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Re: Etiquette & Reviews
IvyO See my TER Reviews 266 reads

Thanks for responding SCbodyRub although Im new I dont think reveiws and the private moments I share with my new friends mean the same thing. Perhaps Im wrong but I dont think they mean the same thing.


Ivy O.

Happy Friday:

Im a month old to TER and I have enjoyed being part of the community. My question today is for providers or anyone that may have an answer. I know that it takes some time to get an appointment but how long did it take other people like me to actually get their first moment scheduled? Just curious! I understand that  when you are new to the community some people are reserved when it comes to sharing special moments. Just not sure how long "reserved" or "hesitate" is. lol!!  


Ivy O.

This was back in the pre-internet days of ads in the phone book and local papers.   Yes, I'm that old.  LOL.  :-)

I called a few agencies with ads in the Chicago Reader; after a couple I found a woman-owned-and-run agency I liked and had my first date a few hours later.  Easy-peasy.    

But..... at the end of 2014 & beginning of 2015 I was trying to make a comeback after a long hiatus.   Weeks went by with no real interest.  Even my former regulars were waiting for someone else to take a chance & write a new review for me.  

In a last-ditch effort, I ran a low-low special on my local Ad Board (note that it CANNOT be worded as a "review special" or in exchange for reviews or anything like that!) which finally snared me a few dates.   Almost all of them wrote reviews for me and I was back in business.  ;-)

I'm not saying you should do this, or that it's necessary or anything like that.... .this is simply what worked for ME in my situation.  You do you.  Write a big, splashy ad with lots of photos and show off how excited and enthusiastic you are to be joining the provider ranks!  Showcase your personality and energy.    
And of course, posting as many photos as you have in replies to your own ad may also help.  ;-)

Just think about your image, branding, and how you want to be perceived.   Then go with that!

Good Luck!!!!

Hi Debra_Hollander:

Thanks for responding to my post and my PM. With respect of your time I will respond with a short version here and PM the extended response this evening. *wink* *hug*

I have heard people say that things have changed which makes me think that I should have started sooner...lmbo!  You look damn good for your age. Ive considered calling an agency but  have strong mixed feelings. It may be worth a try "short-term" if possible.  

I have been thinking of ways to be more creative in my weekly post. I noticed in the self help center a list for certain words that I could use and tried to create sentences on my webpage that goes with what I like. Not sure if I did it the right way. I just wish I could say how I really feel and get it over!

Thanks again for responding.  

Ivy O

Hi Ivy,  

I know this doesn't answer your question directly, but I hope it helps you get dates and reviews faster! I don't think that your screen name here matches up to your persona.  

When I first read your name on here, I expected something very different than what you portray on your website (which is lovely btw). You are very professional and sensual to be calling yourself "cummy girl"! Might be throwing some guys off...

Just my 2 cents :) I hope it helps!  


dipstick50396 reads

Hi there,
Guys are usually scared to death to see a lady with no reviews or only 1 or 2.  I don't care how hot she is.  As a hobbyist, I usually feel much safer seeing a lady that has seen a hobbyist that have many reviews.  I have done reviews for ladies that were perfectly fine and a year later they still only have my one review.Lol  Just continue to provide good services and the reviews will come.


Thanks for responding. I like cummy girl and Ivy O that both fit my personality but I do understand what you are saying and will figure out how to change my screen name.


Ivy O

Interesting that you say on here you want reviews, but your etiquette page says to keep detail of the visits "private"...

Thanks for responding SCbodyRub although Im new I dont think reveiws and the private moments I share with my new friends mean the same thing. Perhaps Im wrong but I dont think they mean the same thing.


Ivy O.

that means a TER moderator reviews then before they display.  We alL had this & after a time with a number of posts & following the rules, you can request to be unmoderated.  Why am I mentioning this?

Because you can participate in topics.  IF you start a thread, you can not have a picture OR it will count as your "ad" for the week.  (every 7 days)   You can have pictcture link in a reply on another person's thread.  Being active, participating & presenting as someone members would like to spend time with can help overcome newness.  It did for me.  
While the General boards are OK, your local boards should have the best exposure to your prospects.

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