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Re: Do we have a provider who can step up and help Alexa?...
ponyman49 15 Reviews 311 reads

The veteran providers should help the newbie providers. Us newbie hobbiest need input from the veterans also. I've had some questions and I appreciate the input I received.

alexagrey1481 reads

This is mainly for other providers, but I'd love any input that can be given to me!

I've recently started to verify clients who inquire about spending time with me. Any suggestions on what I should be doing? I am a part of p411 and date-check, is there anything else? Is there a way I can find out if somebody is contacting me from a burner phone or one of those creepy phone apps? Right around Christmas time, there was somebody who had created false references for himself, and would contact providers using a phone app. He would assault and rob them. This has definitely made me want to get more serious about screening who I spend my time with.

Thanks in advance!!

Hugs & Kisses,

As far as finding out about the type of phone the caller is using, I doubt there is much you can do about that.  Many people use them for safety/discretion purposes.  It's sad that there are people out there who abuse things, but about all you can do is be more diligent in your screening.  I'd suggest you ask some successful providers in your area to tell you some of their screening secrets.  Do it privately, or you might not get much help.

Sorry I can't help more.

alexagrey418 reads

I know a few girls I used to work with who would say they knew how to tell if a potential client is using a phone app, but that was literally by them downloading every single one they could onto their iPad or phone, and then just starting to write a text message to the number the client provided. If that client was using the same app, it would show. But ugh, that seriously seems way too much work. I mean, there's soo many different apps out there...I could never imagine going through that for every single person who wants to spend time with me. Just wanted to see if there was any other way, if not, I'm not worried about it enough to do that.

I've tried to reach out to a few ladies, but no luck, except from one lady who told me "use a verification service"....gee, thanks a ton lady. Soo, since I can't post to the provider only forum, here I am :)  

Thanks a ton for your response though! :)

I use the Hushed phone app because I don't want to give out either my work cell phone or my private cell phone to a provider.  I used to carry a third hobby phone and it was a big pain.  So, whereas any creep out there can have a phone app, so can any creep out there have a hobby phone. Does having a iPhone hobby phone give you peace-of-mind he's not a creep? Don't paint us all with the same brush. Just like you like to protect your privacy, there are thousands of decent  hobbyists who need to do the same.

I'll continue to use a phone app and the top-tier ladies I patronize have no problem with this.  

I'll tell you what creepy is -  advertising on BackPage and expecting to attract reputable hobbyists.


-- Modified on 3/8/2015 8:07:53 AM

alexagrey482 reads

Thanks for your response, LSMJD. If using the Hushed app works for you and the ladies you see, that's awesome. I've only been a provider for about a year now, and I'm still trying to figure out what works for me. Which is why I'm in the Newbie section, asking for suggestions. Not asking for you to throw crap at ladies for advertising on BP & still expecting to attract decent clients. Like I said, I've only been around for about a year, not even a year actually, so I'm still finding things out.. I'm learning every day. I've met one girl who has given me some advice, but she doesn't verify, so I find myself here asking for some suggestions. Everyone has to start somewhere, right? You learn as you go, better yourself with time.  

I posted on here asking for suggestions, and maybe alternative ways of verifying potential clients. I also asked if anyone knew how (certain) girls were sorting through texting apps.. I figured they were just downloading the popular ones and then running the number through them, but that seems like a ton of unnecessary work

I shouldn't have been so harsh.  The point I was making was that phones apps provide the user with the needed privacy they seek. I shouldn't have taken a swipe at your advertising strategy. I met my first lady on back page. I just choose not to use it anymore.

Good luck to you and I hope you get a verification process that works for both parties.

I use BP often.  And as far as "top tier" providers, you'd be surprised how many got their start on BP.  

Posted By: LSMJD
I use the Hushed phone app because I don't want to give out either my work cell phone or my private cell phone to a provider.  I used to carry a third hobby phone and it was a big pain.  So, whereas any creep out there can have a phone app, so can any creep out there have a hobby phone. Does having a iPhone hobby phone give you peace-of-mind he's not a creep? Don't paint us all with the same brush. Just like you like to protect your privacy, there are thousands of decent  hobbyists who need to do the same.  
 I'll continue to use a phone app and the top-tier ladies I patronize have no problem with this.  
 I'll tell you what creepy is -  advertising on BackPage and expecting to attract reputable hobbyists.  

-- Modified on 3/8/2015 8:07:53 AM

Too hard to separate the wheat from the chaff for me on BP, but if you want to put the effort in, I guess you can find the rare diamond in the rough there. I just don't have the time to cross reference BP girls to find them on TER to see if they have quality reviews.

And many "reputable hobbyists" and "reputable providers" use backpage. It is nothing more than an advertising site. There are some TER top ladies on that site.  Have you looked at your reviews and where some of those ladies advertise?

alexagrey449 reads

I've received a PM from one woman who is willing to give me some advice, which is amazing!

The veteran providers should help the newbie providers. Us newbie hobbiest need input from the veterans also. I've had some questions and I appreciate the input I received.

First off I would deff delete some of your backpage ad links on your profile here. If you are p411 and date check verified, deff add those links there instead of the 4 you have.

Second, screen, screen, screen again. Some take this more seriously than others I'm afraid so no matter who or how you verify...verify again and again. I can't stress this enough.

Lastly, more times than not, if something just seems a lil fishy, don't ignore it. Our gut instincts are usually spot on from word one from someone. So listen to them. All the money in the world just isn't worth it if you know what I mean.

Especially be safe in Phoenix. Played there for a month. Not for me personally.

Good luck to you and always stay safe and play safe.  

xx T

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