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Re: Discounts vs Promotions
impposter 49 Reviews 279 reads

Would you like some help posting a photo with your ad?

Posted By: Charlize24
Re: Discounts vs Promotions
Ty for your tips!!!

Hello Everyone!
Im a kinda of newbie on this!  
My first time was in Oct.
P411 act, adds,personal assistant for screening.....
Money invested on adds......
Both times in Baltimoore and  Tyson's and I still dont know what Im doing wrong?  
I love what I do, and I do want to try it in this country.
Buy where? How can I get moore customers???  
Both times wasting money and time....
What I should do in order to make money as an escort here?  
Any tips??  
Where to go? When to go?  
Please I need some advise!

"Why is so hard to be successful????" I can't answer that except philosophically, but this is the Newbie board, not the Philosophy Board.
I notice that you have only posted once to the Virginia Ad board ... and there was no picture.  Many guys won't bother to click on an ad link without that visual to pull them in.  And there are so many other visuals elsewhere on the page to get their attention and clicks.  Learn the ad posting rules and post more ads WITH A PICTURE!  If you need help posting pics, ask here.
You can post to the Photo Only Board.  Once again, check the rules. The subject can only be Name and Location(s).  No text in the body of the message, just a photo. I think something like "Charlize - Baltimore, Washington DC, Tysons Corner" is OK.
You might consider posting specials on your TER ads for TER members only.  Or, you can post specials on your main web site but stipulate that it is only for TER Members.  Always include a time limit on promotions.  
"January Special: $X off for TER Members."
"February Special: $Y off for 2nd hour."  
Etc., until you have built up some regulars and have the sort of business you want to be successful.  
Good luck!

JakeFromStateFarm333 reads

Also, another idea is to offer a discount (of at least $50) for writing a TER review.  It's no guarantee they'll actually write one but you can raise the odds by saying the offer goes for established TER reviewers (those with 10 of more reviews).  Lots of guys won't see someone who has no reviews. Be careful, though: you can only ask for a fair review, not for a good one, or a particular score..

A discount to TER members is ok. A discount for writing a review is not ok. That is a violation of TER rules.

Thanks for responding to my post.
My questions are what Cities Are better for this, what websites for adds are better ?  
Im not good with discounts........

GaGambler291 reads

The reviews you have are good, you seem to be at the right price point for the market you are in, nothing BSC jumps out at me after reading your web site. I think you may just need a bit more time to develop a good reputation and some regulars.

I do agree with the Imp that you should make better use of your free weekly TER ad, and don't be afraid to post a pic with your ad, it will get noticed much faster that way. You have several pics on your web site that show off a very nice chest, use them.

As for what cities are the best for your demographic, other providers would most likely be able to offer you better advice than any guy. I might suggest that rather than limiting yourself to the Virginia board, you also post on the DC ad board for some additional exposure, those ads tend to get 2-3 times the reads of ad on the VA board.

Besides TER and P 411, on what other sites do you advertise?

Free weekly TER ad? You mean I can post an ad on this website somewhere??? I've been looking for more places to advertise lately, where can I do that on TER?

In your case, the Ohio ad board. Look at the top of the page. You'll see "General Boards" (where you found this one), "Regional Boards", and "Ad boards." Click on Ad boards and scroll down to Ohio ads. You can place your free ad there once every 7 days. If you travel, you can place ads on the boards you travel to (but you must have travel dates in the subject line when you do that.)

The ads are free but there are rules you have to follow. I have linked the Provider Ad Posting Guidelines below. Read them over before posting your ad. If you have more questions you can come back here and ask.  The Provider Ad Posting Guidelines can be found in the Self Help Center which is linked at the top of all discussion board home pages, and also is the pinned top thread on this board. (Aka TER Instruction Manual)

-- Modified on 1/14/2018 7:06:43 AM

Posted By: Charlize24
Re: Im not good with discounts .......
 My questions are what Cities Are better for this, what websites for adds are better ?  
 Im not good with discounts........
Websites / ads:  
#1 TER Ad Boards - Use them more! Include photo! Ask for help, if needed.
#2 TER Photo Board - free advertising  
#3 When you START a new thread, you can't include a link to your Profile or website in the post. However, when you REPLY to someone else's post, you can include such a link at the bottom of your reply posts. (Some guys go straight to the "See TER Reviews" dropdown under your handle; some go straight to the link at the bottom of the post.)
#4 P411  
#5 and up - depends on what's popular in your local city / area  
Which cities? I'll turn that around a little bit when it comes to touring.  
- Where is your home base (DC, I think)?  
- Is your goal (as a touring escort) to (a) make a profit (b) break even / subsidize your lust to travel (c) travel to new cities, see friends, partially subsidize the trip.  Clearly, you are (a) wanting to make a profit.  
- Which cities are you interested in visiting? You are an experienced international traveler, but sometimes it's best to start to tour close to home, e.g., northeast or east coast region (Boston NYC Phila Baltimore DC ... Atlanta).
- Pick one or two of those cities. Read and participate on the local discussion boards to see what's up. Ask the locals which ad sites work best in their area. In Boston, there was a huge snowstorm and that strangled traffic and business for a few days. The local board comments reflected that. Sometimes you pick up relevant local news ("Sports playoffs next week - all the guys will be watching TV, not escorts.  The guys who win big on their gambling will spend it a week later." or "Big conference next month! No hotel rooms available! Canceling my trip." And so on.  
- Maybe you do prefer long distance travel. Same thing: follow the local boards for a while (SF, LA, LV ...) and ask questions on those boards.  
Good luck!

Posted By: Charlize24
Re: Im not good with discounts .......
Im not good with discounts........
There are other ways to PROMOTE your business without an actual dollars-off discount.  E.g.,  
"January Special: Book two hours and get an extra 30 minutes for free."
Watch out for the guys who ask for "One hour today full price; one hour next week full price; one free hh in two weeks." You can do that, if you want. Or say it means a single 2.5 hour appointment.
"This week only: Two and one half hour meeting for the price of two."  
Note: "This week only" is not clear; it must include dates: "This week only (Jan 14 - 20) ..."
Does it mean if you make an appointment during that time or actually MEET during that time? You can negotiate with a caller who says, "I will book a date with you now, but I won't be in DC until Jan 21" and consider it. That will be up to you.  
Do you charge extra for outcalls? "This week in Baltimore only: No surcharge for outcalls within 30 minutes of downtown."  
Think of other ways to promote yourself WITHOUT making it feel like an explicit discount.  
EDIT: (1) I see you are now adding your link to your replies. Good!  
(2) I see that you do not charge extra for outcalls, so skip my suggestion.
(3) I see that you posted a new ad (DC), with a link to a photo, but it is not loading for me.  Your link  
( img-20151208-wa0049.jpg ) is not good. If you need help posting photos, ask here on newbie.
(4) Your DC ad mentions instagram but there is no link to instagram. I don't "do" instagram so maybe others can say whether that want more helpful info.

-- Modified on 1/11/2018 9:30:07 PM

Hey just want to thank everyone who took the time to read my post and give some tips!  
Im in Costa Rica (is where I live actually) I'll be back in May.
Dont know where yet ....
But I definitely will follow the counsel for advertising here and 3 moore places.!!!

And the photos of you out there look nice. You're apparently already on the east coast. Come to New Jersey and I'll spend some time with you!

You are beautiful, but your look may also be most appealing to more of a niche group. Perhaps, you can reflect on the guys you met up with in the past, and think about what they were looking for in selecting you as a provider (besides the obvious), and hopefully you can surface certain characteristic strengths that you can capitalize on to attract a bigger crowd.  

ROGM262 reads

Nothing wrong with how you're advertising. It's the other providers you're competing with. One provider I'm seeing has the same problem. She advertises on the major platforms. But still gets very little attention and new clients. It's a shame because she offers a great session for a very reasonable price.  

issasenn328 reads

I agree with you

Use this to make URL for images. I'm in same boat you are. I'm just learning about this advertising stuff.  Never had to do it before. My website won't even work right for Ter and P411 without there silly badges. So I feel u on the frustration. It also depends on your definition of success. Are u looking to make more money? Or see fewer high end clients? Or lots of low end people. Just set a goal for yourself that is realistic. And climb from there.

Yes, you need the badges which link back to TER.  
Your photos are very good.  A nice mix of dressed & undressed.  This is one of my check boxes, that taken in total I am confidant that I know what you look like naked.  Need not be explicit & your photos fit my ask perfectly.
You have good reviews that match your appearance.  No reason you''d not do well.  

There are always market forces to consider...  what other attactive women ask for their time & it changes wIth area.  It might be worth buying FULL VIP for a couple of months & using the ability to read others reviews in your target area to see THEIR rates.  Click on the REVIEWS in the Header & specify a target city.  (Without full VIP you can't see prices)    

I would suggest you evaluate the prices in the market areas you'd like to visit.   The costs in those markets also count as I gather you need financial success....  It IS your NET,  the difference between income VS expenses.   Maybe someplace with a condo rental for your living needs (local home base) would reduce your costs.    

Hey beautiful... I have been offering both mentoring and assistance for quite some time. If you'd like, I would be happy to look at your website, ads, and reviews and see if I can give you any tips on getting more sessions. Often times, you may be  doing a couple little things that are causing your business to slow down.

ALSO- January to say March or April is the slowest time of the year. Summer hasn't ever been the busiest from my experience... Seems like fall and the beginning of Winter (before Xmas) is the best time.  

Feel free to email me [email protected] if you want me to try and give you personalized tips.

Tippecanoe340 reads


1) You could work with an agency to build a client base, and then go independent. There are several women who have done this, Sasha Stolin comes to mind. There are good ones and bad ones, so do your home work on agencies, just as you would with clients.

2) Marketing. As I've said previously, I'm not in this business, but I am in business. Next time before you visit a city, test the waters first. Offer pre-booking five to six weeks out from your trip, and see what you get. Don't book your hotel or flight until you get a few per day. You can do this in a few cities and see if you get any bites, and test the waters. You don't have to spend any money to do this. If it works great, if not, tell the people that did RSVP, that you will not be coming.

3) So you've done the above and have a few pre-books. Remember to advertise two weeks out that you will be in town (and picture and location, location is VERY important in the DC area, because they might be close distance wise but they might as well be across the country logistically, ie. DuPont Circle and Tysons).

4) Advertise again a week out, and then while you're in the city. In the DC area, our schedules are hectic and fluid, so if we get a moment, we'll do last minute bookings.

You are really quite spectacular, have great reviews, on P411. You're doing everything correctly operationally. You could enhance your marketing. I didn't even know you were in the area, and I scan the TER boards fairly regularly.  

Remember, people need to be exposed to a product (don't mean to be crass), multiple times. Just think of how many ads you see for Coca-Cola, Target, etc. Its not, "Hey, here is Coca-Cola" one time. Its constant exposure multiple times. In my world, we say its 9 touch points on average. So you'll get four touch points with the pre-booking, two weeks out, one week out, and ad while you're here through TER ads. You'll get another touch point with P411, and if on Eros at least another one. If you post a thread or responses, you'll get a few more public exposure points. Your posting here is helpful, because it puts a personality/real person to a name.

Good luck, and it will work out. Will keep an eye out for your ad should you choose to come back to the DC area. Your P411 ad says you are in DC, but website says you were last here in October, and above post says Costa Rica until May.  

If you are back in DC, let us know!  

Thanks for posting

-- Modified on 2/15/2018 3:12:51 AM

Checking your TER profile I would advise you that you  need to work your marking with someone. Marketing as far as website, social media, pictures, ads, where to advertise etc...  

I'll be more than happy to help you with that (and I speak Spanish as well, I'm Colombian). Although I like to help all my fellow ladies / coworkers, based on the past experiences I learn that I don't do it for free.... you can contact me in private and we can definitely discussed other details.  

I have help other ladies with websites and marketing. Recently (YAY) I started school again (photography degree), so I can help you with that too, Just keep in mind I am not a professional photographer but Im learning. (and hey, I need models).  

I dont recommend you male photographers unless you KNOW THEM WELL because there's awful stories about it. The advantage being an escort (and doing photography) is that I UNDERSTAND the privacy concern, if we share or not our faces, etc...  

As far as screening, I do my own screening, bc Im super OCD but I do have a dear friend (well reviewed and known provider retired) that does screening and she's absolutely trustworthy, (she screen for me many years ago when I didnt know what I was doing).  

I am located in DC - MD - VA area so I know my ways around here..... you can contact me thru twitter for faster response.

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