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Re: Are you VIP?
Papawas1 418 reads

o, I do not currently have VIP.  Number scores?  Yes, I like her pictures.  Yes I read the reviews.   I am curious if the reviews/reviewers seem legit and/or if it is common for a provider to only have three relatively old reviews when she is currently posting ads.  

Posted By: impposter
One ad is 10 months old. The other ad is almost 7 months old. Latest review is almost 5 months old.  
 Do you have VIP? Did you see the number scores? Did you read the reviews? Am I correct in thinking that you are mostly attracted by her pictures? Did you read the reviews? Do you think she still looks the same after 6 months and reading the reviews?  
Posted By: Papawas1
Hello.  I am new here.  This provider only has three reviews but she has captured my attention.  Can anyone give me any advice regarding this provider?  Are the members that have given her a review active?  Is there anything you can suggest regarding discretion and security in contacting this person?

Papawas11397 reads

Hello.  I am new here.  This provider only has three reviews but she has captured my attention.  Can anyone give me any advice regarding this provider?  Are the members that have given her a review active?  Is there anything you can suggest regarding discretion and security in contacting this person?

One ad is 10 months old. The other ad is almost 7 months old. Latest review is almost 5 months old.  

Do you have VIP? Did you see the number scores? Did you read the reviews? Am I correct in thinking that you are mostly attracted by her pictures? Did you read the reviews? Do you think she still looks the same after 6 months and reading the reviews?

Posted By: Papawas1
Hello.  I am new here.  This provider only has three reviews but she has captured my attention.  Can anyone give me any advice regarding this provider?  Are the members that have given her a review active?  Is there anything you can suggest regarding discretion and security in contacting this person?

Papawas1419 reads

o, I do not currently have VIP.  Number scores?  Yes, I like her pictures.  Yes I read the reviews.   I am curious if the reviews/reviewers seem legit and/or if it is common for a provider to only have three relatively old reviews when she is currently posting ads.  

Posted By: impposter
One ad is 10 months old. The other ad is almost 7 months old. Latest review is almost 5 months old.  
 Do you have VIP? Did you see the number scores? Did you read the reviews? Am I correct in thinking that you are mostly attracted by her pictures? Did you read the reviews? Do you think she still looks the same after 6 months and reading the reviews?  
Posted By: Papawas1
Hello.  I am new here.  This provider only has three reviews but she has captured my attention.  Can anyone give me any advice regarding this provider?  Are the members that have given her a review active?  Is there anything you can suggest regarding discretion and security in contacting this person?

Papawas1474 reads

mean to say I read the portion of the reviews available to non-VIPs.  I intend to do the VIP thing as soon as it is practical to do so.

GaGambler304 reads

Obamacare aside, do you buy insurance before or after actually needing. Hopefully if you use this site properly, you will never need to "file a claim"

Just remember, even one lousy date will cost you more than what you'll spend for a year's worth of VIP

"[Is it] common for a provider to only have three relatively old reviews when she is currently posting ads." OLD ADS!

"I intend to do the VIP thing as soon as it is practical to do so." IT'S TIME TO GET PRACTICAL!    

Bye one month of VIP using an anonymous gift card.

Go to the bottom and click on the "Trade unused gift card ..." link.

Get $25 or $30 worth of VIP and read the scores and the Juicy Details.  

Then come back and thank us. :-)  

Posted By: Papawas1
Hello.  I am new here.  This provider only has three reviews but she has captured my attention.  Can anyone give me any advice regarding this provider?  Are the members that have given her a review active?  Is there anything you can suggest regarding discretion and security in contacting this person?
-- Modified on 10/19/2016 12:06:45 AM

Yes, you MUST learn to research properly.
You need to read the full reviews...  in a month, you should be able to create a bucket list.  
You need a separate hobby email address.
You need a hobby phone or an app, if you use a smart phone, to keep hobby stuff off your real life phone.  
Learn to do image searches on provider ads...  if the images show up all over the country / world odds are they are not her.  
Do not use an employer's equipment or connection for adult purposes...  unless you own the company & do not have to answer to a BoD.

You've learned one thinks she "A LOT bigger" and one wouldn't repeat in the general details. One said okay stuff. So that's 2 that said negative things in the general details out of 3 reviews. If you want to see her I HIGHLY recommend to get VIP before proceeding.  

Steph xoxo

There are other reviews as well, but per TER rules, I am not allowed to name the site.

Good luck and play safe always!!

-- Modified on 10/19/2016 8:46:14 PM

Comparing the profiles, I doubt that is the same lady.  
However, if you feel she is the same lady and you have proof that it is, you should file a problem report to merge the 2 profiles.

The height and facial piercing are the same. Also, she is located in the same town as I am and as far as I know, there's only one provider that fits her discription and name in my area. I am aware that I can connect both profiles into one. Maybe someone can kindly do that, that has full internet access and can link both profiles. My outdated phone does not have that type of capability

I was too busy earlier to do any deeper research. All I did was briefly look at the two profiles, and the first thing that stuck out to me was that one says breasts are 34-35b, and the other profile said 38-39D. That did not sound like the same gal to me!
I hadn't checked the ads or anything. Now with more time on my hands, I went and looked back at the profiles, and clicked the ads, and you are correct. Pics match, and that should be enough for TER to merge the profiles. I will submit a problem report, but I'm guessing someone here reading this thread already has. :)
Thanks for the info.

Papawas1289 reads

Okay thanks.   As suggested, I did the gift card thing and got the VIP.  Still learning to navigate. Thanks for the suggestions.

Posted By: Papawas1
Hello.  I am new here.  This provider only has three reviews but she has captured my attention.  Can anyone give me any advice regarding this provider?  Are the members that have given her a review active?  Is there anything you can suggest regarding discretion and security in contacting this person?

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