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P411 (eom)
WCedie See my TER Reviews 345 reads


I'd really like to get the low down on verification (or screening). Since I have not been with any provider and took early retirement from my last position, I am wondering how I would be able to see someone and how other guys, in the same boat as I am, accomplish this? I'm willing to provide my legal name, home phone number, copies of my driver's license and passport, my VA card, and a copy of my previous business card. Are there any other things that will help to get me verified with most independent providers and agencies? I'm considering DateCheck as they allow a month to month subscription, although do I really need something like DateCheck? And, will DateCheck alone be enough or do providers need other forms of verification besides DateCheck? I live in Florida and have easy access to Tampa, Orlando, and the Miami areas. But, am even considering Washington DC, New York, and Toronto/Montreal for a couple of weeks at a time. Is the verification process similar in all of these places?

I spent years in the military under top secret clearances only to become a civilian and have to go through similar clearances just to spend time with a female.

alternatives for you. A lot of ladies, like me,  belong to both.  

Date-Check's interface is a bit dated, but I have had good luck with the gents there.  

P411 has been infiltrated by LE several times, so while many ladies will take it as a part of screening, many will also require more info from you before they will make a date.

Hope that helps!


P411 lets their providers indicate if they are newbie friendly.  That will make it easier to get your foot in the hobby door.  Gina and her staff will work with you to get you verified. They have a toll-free number on the site, you can call and talk to someone.

While many providers may ask for additional info for verification, these sites are a good place to start.


What if I decided, in my circumstances, not to go with DateCheck or P411. Would most of the ladies accept the items of identification that I mentioned or would they request other things? And, if so, what other things would they request? Or, would they just not accept me period? In the last analysis, if truly necessary, I will apply to DateCheck. I think that P411 only has a one year subscription for about $130 or so. Not really interested in more than a couple of months.

This can be discussed until the cows come home and it will mean nothing. The only person who's verification requirements matter is the person you want to meet. Requirements vary from provider to provider and from day to day depending on her level of comfort with you.

Offers a
Six Month free member ship and with what you are willing to offer should be able to get verification from them. Once there you can find newby friendly providers and request OKs from the and or ask for TER white lists.
After that it should not be too hard and you do not then have to give personal information to individual providers. Some will want it and then you have to decide if you want to or move on.
Both side need to be comfortable and if she is not you will not enjoy your experience.

Unfortunately, I don't see any free membership for 6 months on the P-411 website. Only a fee of $129 for a yearly membership. With DateCheck you can sign up with a monthly membership fee if you want. I'm not cheap. It's just that I do not need a yearly membership. If P-411 is the best verification sight and is accepted by most providers then I will use them, regardless. However, if I can get away with DateCheck, so be it. Are there any other verification sites that are better than P-411 or DateCheck that you know about?  

Posted By: OldRanger
 Offers a  
 Six Month free member ship and with what you are willing to offer should be able to get verification from them. Once there you can find newby friendly providers and request OKs from the and or ask for TER white lists.  
 After that it should not be too hard and you do not then have to give personal information to individual providers. Some will want it and then you have to decide if you want to or move on.  
 Both side need to be comfortable and if she is not you will not enjoy your experience.  

Very interesting. Apparently LE is all over some of these verification services and is in fact using these services to bust people. The problem with all of this so-called verification is that, as a client, you only have to be busted once. Your reputation, if you have one, is ruined. You also have an arrest record which will keep you from many jobs that require background checks. The provider can be busted many times as that is the risk that is apparently acceptable to them as a business expense. I have seen many other websites that seem to have the same type of information on them. So it's not bogus information. LE is also targeting BP, CR, and some of the other escort advertising sites. As if our LE, in this country, don't have anything better to do with their time

LE can be and is on any site you can get on. The fact that they can be everywhere you can be doesn't change your odds of getting caught if you use the mountains of good advice you have already been given. But bear in mind that you are contemplating taking part in an illegal activity and with that comes a certain level of risk. Those risks can be minimized by simply being aware of what's going on around you and following the advice you have already received.

And, that is probably why I might be going back to what I used to do some time ago. That is, taking this activity to foreign countries where prostitution is legal. Just a short flight to Costa Rica, Panama, or the Dominican Republic, or a little longer flight to Columbia, where you have freedom to carry on a natural function of life with no interference from the Gestapo. The US is one of the few countries in the world where they still have medieval sex laws. Shows how really out of touch and brain dead our politicians are.  

Posted By: DJ1985
LE can be and is on any site you can get on. The fact that they can be everywhere you can be doesn't change your odds of getting caught if you use the mountains of good advice you have already been given. But bear in mind that you are contemplating taking part in an illegal activity and with that comes a certain level of risk. Those risks can be minimized by simply being aware of what's going on around you and following the advice you have already received.

GaGambler366 reads

I just got back from CR, I spend maybe a third of my time in countries where prostitution is legal.

I still see a LOT of women right here in the US, but I don't drive myself nuts thinking about how my life would be ruined if I ever got arrested. Quite frankly an arrest, or even a conviction would only be an inconvenience for me, certainly not life altering.

For the record though, I have been doing this for the better part of forty years in this country as well as many others, except for a five year period where I was married, and I have never been arrested even once. A little common sense will go a long ways here.

it's COLOMBIA with O.... Columbia is in South Carolina and Maryland.  

and to answer your question, every site has LE, TER,DC,P411.... and they use them to bust ladies and gentlemen.  
Do you research, find a good provider, with good reviews in your area and start from there. In my case, I do sometimes (depending of the client) request more information and not use only OK's.  

Have a good day.  


Posted By: Thundercloud
And, that is probably why I might be going back to what I used to do some time ago. That is, taking this activity to foreign countries where prostitution is legal. Just a short flight to Costa Rica, Panama, or the Dominican Republic, or a little longer flight to Columbia, where you have freedom to carry on a natural function of life with no interference from the Gestapo. The US is one of the few countries in the world where they still have medieval sex laws. Shows how really out of touch and brain dead our politicians are.  
Posted By: DJ1985
LE can be and is on any site you can get on. The fact that they can be everywhere you can be doesn't change your odds of getting caught if you use the mountains of good advice you have already been given. But bear in mind that you are contemplating taking part in an illegal activity and with that comes a certain level of risk. Those risks can be minimized by simply being aware of what's going on around you and following the advice you have already received.

Maybe you did not fully read the link to the article. It stated that LE was targeting all of the social media sites including TER. LE actually looks at the ads, discussions. and reviews. This makes it easier for them to pinpoint people for sting operations. Strangely enough the same sites that are trying to protect providers and customers are actually making it easier, it seems, for LE to do a more efficient job in slowing down or stopping P4P. It was not just this link that explained the process. But, a bunch of other articles, I have read, suggesting the same thing is going on in a lot of places. So, to think that the providers and customers are more protected, just because they have a few reviews, is whistling in the dark. My feeling is, as a customer, to not become a member of any of these verification services and not to post any type of review on these sites. LE then will never know who I am. When I wish to engage a provider I simply call and have her come to my apartment or hotel. Unless LE is following her 24/7 or has employed her as an undercover, which is probably totally unlikely, there is little chance I am put at risk.  

Posted By: Catalina_Rizal
it's COLOMBIA with O.... Columbia is in South Carolina and Maryland.  
 and to answer your question, every site has LE, TER,DC,P411.... and they use them to bust ladies and gentlemen.  
 Do you research, find a good provider, with good reviews in your area and start from there. In my case, I do sometimes (depending of the client) request more information and not use only OK's.  
 Have a good day.  
Posted By: Thundercloud
And, that is probably why I might be going back to what I used to do some time ago. That is, taking this activity to foreign countries where prostitution is legal. Just a short flight to Costa Rica, Panama, or the Dominican Republic, or a little longer flight to Columbia, where you have freedom to carry on a natural function of life with no interference from the Gestapo. The US is one of the few countries in the world where they still have medieval sex laws. Shows how really out of touch and brain dead our politicians are.    
Posted By: DJ1985
LE can be and is on any site you can get on. The fact that they can be everywhere you can be doesn't change your odds of getting caught if you use the mountains of good advice you have already been given. But bear in mind that you are contemplating taking part in an illegal activity and with that comes a certain level of risk. Those risks can be minimized by simply being aware of what's going on around you and following the advice you have already received.

GaGambler479 reads

She largely agreed with both you and the linked article, which BTW was one of the better articles I have read on the subject.

I think what the problem is here is that you are looking for a 100% guarantee that you won't get busted, and the only way to be 100% sure of not getting busted in this country is to simply not hobby in this country. You can get to most places in Latin America where it's legal in just a few hours from most major US airports.

I think you are most interested in arguing with the people trying to give you advice than you are in actually getting good advice. You have argued with virtually every one here who has tried to help you. And for the record she is right. Colombia the country is spelled with an "O", Columbia is either a city in SC or a third rate college in NY.

Personally I am done trying to help you. You don't really seem to want the help, but for anyone else reading this who might actually want or need some good advice, I will stick with the consensus here. The best way to stay safe in this country is to stick with well reviewed women and services like P 411 can make things much safer and convenient for all parties involved, although your safety is of course NOT guaranteed 100%. It is however the best option available. I have seen literally thousands of hookers over a very long period of time without incident by simply using a bit of common sense.

...could be every time I look at a providers profile. I click on her P411 link (from her TER profile) and it's on the upper right. Just pick any provider ad on your TER regional ad board. Click to see her profile. If she has a P411 link click it.

As an indépendant provider I use my own system of verification. P411 is a bonus and Im happy when guys have that reference as well. But it is not necessary. I have not used Date check much, though I believe I am a member. If your information is verifiable with basic searches and I can determine who you are, which matches all that you have told me then Im good. If I have questions then a casual phone call may also be included. I have been in the adult- related business a number of years. So I feel that I have a fairly good judge of character over the phone as well. Please understand that it is only my safety and comfort Im concerned about. As an established provider my online reputation is a lot more important than some clients need to remain anonymous. We (providers) are not in the business of collecting info or creating problems in your private life. In most cases we live a double life as well, causing drama of any sort simply is not good for business.

I have been with P-411 for less than a year , probably never would have been if I had to come up wth the $ 129 for a year to start. I did get the six months to start for free and have extended as it make it easy to contact the quality providers. Did not really need it as I had  established some pretty good local references.
I just looked back and and can not find it anymore so they must have changed their policy. Sorry for misleading you.
in the city as live in most know each other or at least know of each other and in a lot of ways in not necessary, but did find that when you request and have multiple OK is for the most part makes passing with mostly ideas completely painless

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