Newbie - FAQ

One habit you may find very hard to break is opening each and every post made
GaGambler 529 reads

I haven't been a mod for many years, but I got in the habit of opening every single post, including the posts with "eom" just to make sure there wasn't something there that shouldn't be. All these years later I still open virtually every post so don't count your chickens just yet. lol

I have to admit, I could NEVER had made five years at this job, answering the exact same questions every single day and being "nice" about it every time. Even with a co mod I don't think I made it two years before calling it a day here. That could be why I was the first to notice that you seemed to be getting "tired" of late. AAR now it's Storm's turn in the barrel and I let him have it on his very first day. Welcome to the jungle

I have been informed by admin that perfectstorm will be the new host of the Newbie board.   I was not told when the actual transition will be, so my handle is still red.  I assume that will stop in the near future.  They asked me to make the announcement.  Since they didn't specify when I should spill the beans, I decided to do it at this time.  It's still the only TER discussion board that has a host.

It has been my pleasure to serve as your moderator and then host. I will still be around and putting my $.02 every so often.  I wish perfectstorm the best of success as host.  I'm sure he will do just fine.  I would be very happy to be one of his highly unpaid assistants as he has been to me for so long.

Good luck ps, and LLAP,

-- Modified on 6/21/2016 5:11:45 PM

JakeFromStateFarm498 reads

I hope we can continue to rely on our unofficial archivist to fill that role even as he performs his new duties.

NoYellowEnvelope465 reads

... will you have a retrospective thread, i.e. "The Best of the Newbie Board"?  That's traditional for a change in hosts, isn't it?  ;)

begins his new responsibility.  

I will continue to be one of the unpaid assistants

I too wish PS good luck, this job was not always an easy task, but for the most part, I did enjoy doing it.  I have now joined the ranks of the 'highly unpaid assistants'.


Thanks for making the announcement and thanks for all your years of service here. You were a moderator from 2009 to 2012, and a host from 2012 to the present. Seven years is a long time. I was one who said it's time for a change and I guess TER decided to make me put up or shut up! Lol. I'll do my best but I doubt I could do this for 7 years. It seems TER's idea now is to rotate hosts about once a year. I think that's a good idea, and I think one year I can handle. Hopefully xyz is still around in a year and hopefully he takes the next "shift."
Aloha, I wish you well, and I do hope you stick around and be one of the highly unpaid assistants. I also hope you don't mind if I use that phrase once in a while.  

To all the respondents on the thread wishing me luck, thank you. I will be posting my own thread with more info later this evening. Thanks again.

GaGambler531 reads

I don't think I made it 2 years answering the exact same questions day in and day out, even with a co mod. Yes, seven years is a long time, not being even half as "nice" as Swim, I can say I was relieved when I handed the reins over to him. I bet deep down he feels the same.

that helped me be a better host, I think.  Pointing out things I didn't know made me dig deeper for the right info.  I think my experience as a teacher for 35 years helped me to answer the same questions over and over w/o getting upset about it, I did it a lot in the classroom.

In the days to come, I will probably feel some relief of not feeling obligated to read every question posted.  In all honesty, I had no idea how long I had been doing the mod/host job.


GaGambler530 reads

I haven't been a mod for many years, but I got in the habit of opening every single post, including the posts with "eom" just to make sure there wasn't something there that shouldn't be. All these years later I still open virtually every post so don't count your chickens just yet. lol

I have to admit, I could NEVER had made five years at this job, answering the exact same questions every single day and being "nice" about it every time. Even with a co mod I don't think I made it two years before calling it a day here. That could be why I was the first to notice that you seemed to be getting "tired" of late. AAR now it's Storm's turn in the barrel and I let him have it on his very first day. Welcome to the jungle

GaGambler412 reads

Sorry, I couldn't resist, but I couldn't believe your first post as host was also one of the VERY few times you have fucked up as TER's head archivist. Swim actually took over here as mod in June of 2011, almost exactly five years ago, NOT 2009.  

Please don't think we are going to go "easy" on you just because you're new at the job. lol

PS, you're probably right about limiting the tenure of the host.  I didn't realize it had been so long.  One year is probably enough time before bringing some new blood and and a different look at things.

You are more than welcome to use the 'highly unpaid assistant' phrase, and I will be more than happy to be one of yours as you were mine.  I'll be around.


You are one of my steadfast friends here in this lil world of ours. Please continue to keep me updated on what's going on in your life.  You are a true class act in everyway.

Steph xoxo

Yes, we do go back a  I will stay around the newbie board, I just won't feel obligated to post answers all the time.  I guess that's a good thing, as sometimes it was a bit difficult to give a good answer.


...and you will be sorely missed here. Wish you would stay!

I'm just no longer the official host of the board.  I will post on questions when I feel I can help out.  ps asked me to be one of his 'highly unpaid assistants' like he was one of mine, and I am honored to accept.


Swim, thanks  for all the years. Fancy how did you miss this thread?

Posted By: swimtrekr
I have been informed by admin that perfectstorm will be the new host of the Newbie board.   I was not told when the actual transition will be, so my handle is still red.  I assume that will stop in the near future.  They asked me to make the announcement.  Since they didn't specify when I should spill the beans, I decided to do it at this time.  It's still the only TER discussion board that has a host.  
 It has been my pleasure to serve as your moderator and then host. I will still be around and putting my $.02 every so often.  I wish perfectstorm the best of success as host.  I'm sure he will do just fine.  I would be very happy to be one of his highly unpaid assistants as he has been to me for so long.  
 Good luck ps, and LLAP,  

-- Modified on 6/21/2016 5:11:45 PM

-- Modified on 6/22/2016 2:56:39 AM

And you're probably right about it being time for a new host to take over.  Have to admit, some of my replies lately have not been up to par for a board host, and for that, I apologize.


...but I always thought you were/are a nice guy. You get credit for doing it as long as you did.

Congrats to "Storm" as the "perfect" successor. No one  knows TER history and it's rules like he does while also possessing the necessary experience in this hobby to give newbs the best possible advice.

Kudos to TER for making a great choice.

You're right, we didn't always agree, but that's real life.  I always appreciated your input along with that of others who helped out.  PS will do just fine, he does know a lot about this forum and it's rules, undoubtedly more than I.


not that I know of.  Admin did tell me they might be calling on me to do other thing(s), but no clues as to what that might be, or when.


...The TER Love Boat cruise!!  (Julie is an old hag today)

for something, they didn't give me a hint on what service I might be asked to do.  Admin has been good to me for being a mod and host, so I would be happy to do whatever they asked me to do, if possible.


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