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Not a big deal...
VOO-doo 300 reads

The provider you tried to schedule either 1) Was a total flake, or 2) Got turned off by something you said or did, and didn't want to tell you. Either way, she acted very unprofessionally. As others have said, you are better off finding a better provider.

It wasn't really a NCNS... you never had a confirmed appointment w/her. Personally, if I'm seeing a guy, I won't even leave my house until I know all details, and I get the OK that all is set to go. So while I've had same-day cancellations, I've never had a NCNS.

You ARE doing all you can by withholding business from her... also, post something on your regional board if you it makes you feel better. However, your experience won't be surprising to most hobbyists... BP is notorious for that kind of sh**... not that it doesn't happen elsewhere, but your chances of flakiness are lower with providers who are more established.

PLEASE don't carry that vehemence to your next provider. It would be like telling the waitress at Nobu that, since you had bad sushi at the food court in your local mall, you demand extra assurance of the quality of the product.

**Modified to say that I really don't feel like I can just do what I wish without harm to my reputation and income. Last time I cancelled on a client, I did so several days in advance, and offered to refer him to another provider. He ended up rescheduling w/me for another time, and I gave him $200 off a 2-hour session for the inconvenience.

I would've preferred NOT seeing him TBH, but it was the right thing to do...

-- Modified on 8/1/2016 5:08:31 AM

Kreativity1636 reads

I know this post is gonna get some people to think wtf, but I'm gonna ask anyway.  

So I wanna see this girl on BP because she is more appealing to my eye than others. I love thick and curvy women, but not sloppy. I contacted her a few months ago and she asked me some questions like how old I am, what's my race, what city do I live in. I answered with no problem and also mentioned in was rs2k verified. She sounded fine and I set a date for the next day with an expectation to confirm.  

I call her the next day to confirm and went straight to VM. Her post says she's text friendly so I text her and also get no response. Past few months I'm looking through BP and come across her post and try again with no success. From what I deduct from all this is she's blocked my number.  

So I'm seriously considering getting a new burner phone after I've assured that rooms are available at a local hotel. I'd call her from the new number and finally have my chance with her.

Any thoughts board?

Sounds pretty complicated. I'd just go with Plan B, choose another Provider, preferably well reviewed and reliable.

Posted By: Kreativity
I know this post is gonna get some people to think wtf, but I'm gonna ask anyway.  
 So I wanna see this girl on BP because she is more appealing to my eye than others. I love thick and curvy women, but not sloppy. I contacted her a few months ago and she asked me some questions like how old I am, what's my race, what city do I live in. I answered with no problem and also mentioned in was rs2k verified. She sounded fine and I set a date for the next day with an expectation to confirm.  
 I call her the next day to confirm and went straight to VM. Her post says she's text friendly so I text her and also get no response. Past few months I'm looking through BP and come across her post and try again with no success. From what I deduct from all this is she's blocked my number.  
 So I'm seriously considering getting a new burner phone after I've assured that rooms are available at a local hotel. I'd call her from the new number and finally have my chance with her.  
 Any thoughts board?

he is insulting you. First. never allow any woman to insult you.Second,
I would never want to see anyone who didn't want to be with me.  Nor would I ever allow a woman to
insult me.  No woman is that valuable. There is no golden vagina as many believe in..  There are so many wonderful women around. You control the deal because you have the money.
Buck up and be the man on TER. Her reviews should be good ones that verify she offers what you want and does it well. Check to see that several of her reviewers have a several reviews to their credit. BP can be sketchy and this case sounds sketchy to me. Find another provider as impposter said go to Plan B.  

Additionally getting another phone to "fool" her regarding who you are is manipulative and creepy. If she blocked your number she did it for a reason, her reason. Let it go.

otherwise, what's to prevent the same occurrence?

But even better is to find someone you might like from the selection of reviewed gals here on TER

She's a flake.  You did nothing wrong.  Move on.  I don't know that she's blocked your number but if she decided not to see you, respect it 7 consider yourself lucky notto havewasted your donation with someone who doesn't want to be with you..  A new phone will accomplish nothing.  As a newbie, don't get hung up on 'the perfect girl'.  You are not looking for a girl friend...  just company for an hour or 2.  
Check your rs2k listing to see if there's a problem.  Google your hobby phone & see if it has a black listing.

My gut feeling is that your Plan A non-reviewed BP choice is a flake, that's all.  

If you make full use of TER - boards AND reviews - you will soon find some good choices for Plan B. A well reviewed Provider will screen you and if there is a problem, she will either tell you that you are blacklisted or just stop communicating with you.  

If that happens, come back and ask for more advice. E.g., did your introductions and inquiries contain improper language or suggestive comments? Did you ignore specific requests for references or verification site info?  

Try again and report back

Kreativity397 reads

I did notice many women on BP state "no Black men" in their ad. She did ask me my race even though her address didn't say she had a problem with it. Not sure why there seems to be discrimination towards black men, but I was honest about that and she didn't seem to have a problem with it. Plus her ads aeven today don't say she has a problem with Black men.  

Posted By: impposter
My gut feeling is that your Plan A non-reviewed BP choice is a flake, that's all.  
 If you make full use of TER - boards AND reviews - you will soon find some good choices for Plan B. A well reviewed Provider will screen you and if there is a problem, she will either tell you that you are blacklisted or just stop communicating with you.    
 If that happens, come back and ask for more advice. E.g., did your introductions and inquiries contain improper language or suggestive comments? Did you ignore specific requests for references or verification site info?  
 Try again and report back.  

I did not make it to the end of this post but the reason she blocked you and won't see you is because you are black. Pimps often trick girls off of back page into dates and it leads to very bad situations, that is why most girls on BP will not see african american men. You will have to move to plan B. I know from experience

First, BP is generally a train wreck.  Some legit providers use it, but it is also a home to B&S, LE set-ups, and various scams.  If you live in a large enough metro area, I would recommend that you avoid BP like the plague.  Odds are you'll have better success with searching using TER, P411, etc.  No telling what is going on with this particular BP provider.  She could just be a flaky, unreliable train wreck.  But at the end of the day by missing her you may have dodged a bullet.

Second, there are plenty of fish in the sea.  If you get the cold shoulder from a provider, your best bet is to just move on to another provider.  Whatever fantasy you have built up in your mind about any particular provider may go poof when you actually meet them in person anyway.  The pics and reality don't always match well (especially on BP).  And you really can't judge client-provider chemistry - an essential element - based on what you see on her profile.  On your search for good providers that you really click with, just accept the fact that you're going to have to do a lot of try-outs.  It's just how the game is played.  That being the case, no sense in getting hung up on a single provider who doesn't want to tango with you.  

Third, sorry to have to confirm this, but a lot of providers avoid African American clients.  I think it's completely unfair on many levels.  But it is reality.  Also, some providers will come out and say it in their ads or through texts/emails, but many won't.  If a provider won't see you because you're AA, your best bet is just to move on to the next one.  As frustrating as the situation may be, you don't want to spend your time and money on a provider who isn't comfortable with you.  If they're not comfortable with you, they won't let loose and have a good time, which will make it hard for you to have a good time.  Again, consider it a bullet dodged in a way.

Good luck!!

This is one that u shouldn't over think. Just move on. Listen to what the other hobbyists are telling u.

souls_harbor266 reads

I have no problem getting in with well reviewed ladies.  I have terrible luck getting in with new providers.   Usually they don't even bother to respond. I suspect it is because I am too old for them.  They aren't ready for grandpa

like using fake pic and a new website and name to get customers that didn't find her all that great to try again?

Just because you like what you see is not a sufficient reason to refuse to take No as an answer.

If you really think she's blocking your number she has a reason for that. If you call with a new number then you're going to have to give her different information so she doesn't simply decline you again.  

If it's really the case that something just got confused and she didn't get back to  you try following up once a week, 3-4 days -- don't be a pain in the ass but show interest -- and she may respond. If not move on and don't be a stalker or needy.

Kreativity367 reads

I appreciate the advice. Guess I would have felt more comfortable if she at the very least would have told me why. I've read this board enough to know that if I had ncns it's a no no. Guess it's a double standard for providers. They can do whatever they want.

Posted By: Jensen36363
like using fake pic and a new website and name to get customers that didn't find her all that great to try again?  
 Just because you like what you see is not a sufficient reason to refuse to take No as an answer.  
 If you really think she's blocking your number she has a reason for that. If you call with a new number then you're going to have to give her different information so she doesn't simply decline you again.  
 If it's really the case that something just got confused and she didn't get back to  you try following up once a week, 3-4 days -- don't be a pain in the ass but show interest -- and she may respond. If not move on and don't be a stalker or needy.

I had scheduled a well reviewed provider I really wanted to see.  The morning of, instead of mesaging me her hotel information...  she went dark.  I thought we were good so like a dummy, I waited until it would have been too late to make the appointment...  hoping for a message...  then I 'cancelled' to make it official.  By then, I had wasted a rare opportunity when I could have scheduled with someone else.  If would have been preferable had she messaged me a cancelation...  just a "plans changed no can do."  
I don't know why...  I don't care.  It is her right to cancel.  It is disrespectful to leave me hanging.  I would not see her now, not even if it was free...  because I will not risk another opportunity with her.

Kreativity339 reads

Seems that there's definitely a double standard. I've seen enough post to definitely know it's frowned upon to ncns. Some providers actually expect the donation or a portion of the donation if you cancel within a certain amount of time of the date.


I'm sure that not all providers are that way. Maybe it's even that they figure they've been cancelled on before too so there's no remorse for something that seems to be an accepted factor of this industry. Even TER will not allow a review to be posted if there was no date, yet providers can add a number to a "blacklist" if we don't show up. Seems there's not enough assurance for the client and more than enough for the providers. I think a change is in order.  

Posted By: harborview
I had scheduled a well reviewed provider I really wanted to see.  The morning of, instead of mesaging me her hotel information...  she went dark.  I thought we were good so like a dummy, I waited until it would have been too late to make the appointment...  hoping for a message...  then I 'cancelled' to make it official.  By then, I had wasted a rare opportunity when I could have scheduled with someone else.  If would have been preferable had she messaged me a cancelation...  just a "plans changed no can do."    
 I don't know why...  I don't care.  It is her right to cancel.  It is disrespectful to leave me hanging.  I would not see her now, not even if it was free...  because I will not risk another opportunity with her.    

VOO-doo301 reads

The provider you tried to schedule either 1) Was a total flake, or 2) Got turned off by something you said or did, and didn't want to tell you. Either way, she acted very unprofessionally. As others have said, you are better off finding a better provider.

It wasn't really a NCNS... you never had a confirmed appointment w/her. Personally, if I'm seeing a guy, I won't even leave my house until I know all details, and I get the OK that all is set to go. So while I've had same-day cancellations, I've never had a NCNS.

You ARE doing all you can by withholding business from her... also, post something on your regional board if you it makes you feel better. However, your experience won't be surprising to most hobbyists... BP is notorious for that kind of sh**... not that it doesn't happen elsewhere, but your chances of flakiness are lower with providers who are more established.

PLEASE don't carry that vehemence to your next provider. It would be like telling the waitress at Nobu that, since you had bad sushi at the food court in your local mall, you demand extra assurance of the quality of the product.

**Modified to say that I really don't feel like I can just do what I wish without harm to my reputation and income. Last time I cancelled on a client, I did so several days in advance, and offered to refer him to another provider. He ended up rescheduling w/me for another time, and I gave him $200 off a 2-hour session for the inconvenience.

I would've preferred NOT seeing him TBH, but it was the right thing to do...

-- Modified on 8/1/2016 5:08:31 AM

Kreativity277 reads

That's a whole lot of integrity you've got there. You sound like one of the good ones. I agree with you, I would not wanna carry any type of malice over to another lady. Wasn't anyone else's fault.  

Posted By: VOO-doo
The provider you tried to schedule either 1) Was a total flake, or 2) Got turned off by something you said or did, and didn't want to tell you. Either way, she acted very unprofessionally. As others have said, you are better off finding a better provider.  
 It wasn't really a NCNS... you never had a confirmed appointment w/her. Personally, if I'm seeing a guy, I won't even leave my house until I know all details, and I get the OK that all is set to go. So while I've had same-day cancellations, I've never had a NCNS.  
 You ARE doing all you can by withholding business from her... also, post something on your regional board if you it makes you feel better. However, your experience won't be surprising to most hobbyists... BP is notorious for that kind of sh**... not that it doesn't happen elsewhere, but your chances of flakiness are lower with providers who are more established.  
 PLEASE don't carry that vehemence to your next provider. It would be like telling the waitress at Nobu that, since you had bad sushi at the food court in your local mall, you demand extra assurance of the quality of the product.  
 **Modified to say that I really don't feel like I can just do what I wish without harm to my reputation and income. Last time I cancelled on a client, I did so several days in advance, and offered to refer him to another provider. He ended up rescheduling w/me for another time, and I gave him $200 off a 2-hour session for the inconvenience.  
 I would've preferred NOT seeing him TBH, but it was the right thing to do...  

-- Modified on 8/1/2016 5:08:31 AM

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