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No question is silly, especially this one...
mrfisher 108 Reviews 770 reads

In fact, it's one of the most intelligent questions to come along in a while.

I think most people wing it, but there's no need to.  You can discuss with a provider beforehand how you'd like the session to go, and if she is worth her salt, she'll do her utmost to make it go that way.  Discuss any kind of problem with ejaculation you might have be it coming to soon or difficulty getting there, and I'll be she will have had experience with it and can make things work.  She is, after all, a pro at this

My first two experiences lacked happy endings, which you can ascribe to anxiety. I can finish now when I concentrate, but it usually takes the whole session. Eventually I'd like to try getting home more than once, but that will probably require tinkering with session length, plus concerted effort from both sides.

Question is, do more experienced clients strategize with providers beforehand, or do you wing it? Is it expected of me to be clear upfront, even if her TER profile says she allows multiple goes? Is the onus generally on the client, or do ladies take a proactive role?

Sorry if these are silly questions. Of course I realize it's my responsibility to manage my time, within the confines of providers' rules. But there seem to be an awful lot of unspoken and unwritten rules in this field, for obvious reasons. I'm still not sure what I'm expected or allowed to say. I've been very circumspect about mentioning menu options outloud, even when I'm in the room.

In fact, it's one of the most intelligent questions to come along in a while.

I think most people wing it, but there's no need to.  You can discuss with a provider beforehand how you'd like the session to go, and if she is worth her salt, she'll do her utmost to make it go that way.  Discuss any kind of problem with ejaculation you might have be it coming to soon or difficulty getting there, and I'll be she will have had experience with it and can make things work.  She is, after all, a pro at this

Thanks, I think I'll bring it up sometime at the beginning of my next session and see what the lady has to say.

Most of mine do wing it, but make clear in the body language that they do not want to waste time in getting a first orgasm. Since a lot of one-and-done guys don't want to rush to get off, providers often work out that the slight urgency implies two rounds. The only time I've gotten a uneasy is when it's a 60 min session and his first O took 55 minutes and he hints at wanting to try for a second at the 58 minute mark.:-0 lol

I have had plenty of new clients hint in the beginning of the session that they are hoping to have a "double feature". Directness can be nice as long as it's during session and not in an email.:-)

-- Modified on 8/5/2016 10:34:44 AM

I wouldn't really know what deliberate body language to use, so coming out with it at the beginning would be preferable. So long as I talk about it in-session, which I had assumed. I don't talk about anything but time, date, and length beforehand, not even price.

Smallfish455 reads

Just be sure she is naked before any discussion of this sort occurs. She will probably expect you to be naked at this point as well.

I've thought about it, and maybe I do give off the wrong signals. During the opening rounds I get close, close enough that I think I could pop in a few minutes or so. But the ladies always want to move onto the covered portion. I never want to interupt the flow, despite the fact that it pretty much ruins my chances of getting home twice. Because at this point in my hobbying career I'm not ready to finish in the cover.  

More than once I've sensed the lady expected me to finish during the main event. Once a provider explicitly asked me to pop in her. I said I'd love to but I don't think I can. I should probably come out and tell the whole story. It occurs to me that there's a pattern, and the buildup has been a little out of sync between me and my providers.

This is nitpicking, of course, because I have enjoyed all my experiences. Including the ones where I didn't find my way home

As you hobby, you will likely learn how to express your needs in the way that feels comfortable for you. Try new things and keep what works.

Some of my clients that like DATY find it more erotic to save that for after their first O because it's a nice recovery activity. If I am giving them oral in the beginning, they may express their pleasure with a "Don't stop" to let me know they'd like to come that way. (For first encounters, I'd also mention when you're about to come in the event that she doesn't CIM.) A lot of providers break from BBBJ and reach for the cover because it's assumed that the client would like the full course and they don't want to seem like they are "shorting" him, so letting her know preferences is beneficial to both of you

If I see  a provider for the first time for an hour I want 2. I have a regular that got me off the first time with her 3 times in an hour + I have not been able to repeat that, but with her i sometimes have 2 sometimes one. We play it by ear. I like her to have at least 2 though.

Posted By: keystonekid
enjoy the journey more than the destination most of the time.
Good advice for paid sessions.

...and it amounts to two things:
1. you being physically, emotionally, and mentally capable of 2 pops
2. me being able to help you get there if that's what you truly want.  

Some providers will discuss things with you after screening, but lots won't. so you'll need to know their rules of engagement before discussing things prior to meeting.

If it's stated beforehand that you're looking for multiple orgasms (which I am open to, but do need to know about because i do so much tease/denial that MSOG is rare), there are some things you can do to make this easier on your side:

-book sessions longer than an hour, preferably 2 hours, to start. That way there's no pressure on you get off twice in a short period of time, and there's no pressure on the provider's side to do so either. Additional time allows for multiples to happen more organically.

-make sure your health actually allows you to have multiple orgasms.  Lots of things like medications, mental, and physical health dont actually allow for multiple orgasms. If you can indeed pop twice, I'd refrain from getting yourself off for a few days prior to your date.  

Look at it this way.  the more concentrated you are on "performing", the less likely you'll be to have multiple orgasms. Also, the more stressed out you are going into the session will also impact your ability to achieve multiples as well.  

If multiple orgasms are super important to you, you need to take the planning of them very seriously.  Providers don't know your health status or what's going on that might make you stress out, but all of that effects your ability to achieve multiple orgasms no matter how enthusiastically a provider performs. Also, giving 20-30 minute hand/blow jobs to a dick that just won't get up again is disheartening and frustrating for us.  I give killer head and an amazing lingam massage, but none of that matters if your brain or body is preventing your dick from getting hard a second (or even first!) time.  

In my opinion (and the opinions of those who see me for tease/denial), one super amazing, earth-shattering orgasm is normally much, much better than 2 overworked, stressed-out, and hurried orgasms. But, to each their own.

For the record, I have the opposite of the getting hard problem. All of my sessions have been hard from start to finish. It's getting home that's the problem, or was in the beginning. Which I ascribe to nerves. When I say I have to concentrate to get off it's not that I'm putting pressure on myself and focusing on the goal instead of the experience. There are certain things that get me off quicker, mental stimulation if you will. Stuff I know works, and stuff that I don't think takes me too far out of the moment.

If hearing a certain phrase makes you go bananas, tell her! If having a toy or finger in your butt helps, see if she's open to it! if you need the dirtiest nastiest thing said, ask if she'll say it. hell, helping yourself out never hurt anyone either, and i know that from personal and professional experience that helping yourself out can really,well, help.

Bottom line, communicate. it'll make it better.

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