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Many providers have benifitted from a short term "review special"
GaGambler 931 reads

I don't see anything wrong with it, especially until you gain the credibility that comes with having multiple reviews from well known reviewers.

Some people will claim that the discount will somehow "taint" the review. I disagree with that line of thinking, and support your decision to offer the discount. I would advise putting an ending date to the "special" however.

Good luck to you and those lucky guys in Tampa.

and when you get rich and famous, please remember it was the so called "women haters" on this board that gave you the best advice. I think you are off to a great start and you seem to have a great attitude. Once again, I wish you the best of luck.

I am a newbie and have no reviews at this time. I am posted and authenticated on other sites but I am having a very hard time getting any calls.  

Would you fellas be so kind to review my site and any suggestions I can make to help me.

Thank you so much
Melina Brooke

Sooo...YouWanna794 reads

If you need to post an ad, head on over to the ad board for your area.

-- Modified on 1/22/2015 10:07:03 AM

It's fine to put a link to your website here, as a response to your OP, but the link would not be allowed when you start a thread. Good luck, I don't think you will have to wait very long to get your first review.

I think TER makes exceptions on the newbie board when the thread is about advice for a website (which this one is). I have seen many threads like that on the newbie board and the website link was allowed to stay.

However, generally you are correct, and TER normally considers a website link in a threadstarter to be an ad.

On your site you state

** $50 discount to TER members that are willing to write me an honest review**
Introduction-1 hour 400 , INCALL 425

First, is it 1 hour 400 incall, 425 outcall, this is a bit confusing.

Second, I hope that discount does not stay long. It sets a bad president, well, to me anyway.

Third, most ads I see, the ladies ask for references or work info, usually not both, Granted I do not see alot of indy's so I may be wrong on that

Forth, I really wish I lived in Tampa, your pics look amazing!

JackDunphy826 reads

She should clear up that rate issue. Many/most ladies charge more for outcall due to extra driving, gas, hassle, etc but there are a few that charge more for incall, since they are footing the hotel expense.

That's really her call as how much to charge for what, but I think she should make it a bit clearer, which always helps.  

As for the discount, I would leave it until she got a few reviews then she can ditch it. It may give her guys an extra incentive to see her

I will be footing the bill for a hotel and I do not want to play in a yucky room.  

I do prefer outcall and will only offer incall just for TER members or verified other ways.  

I can not thank you guys enough.

Thank you for the sweet compliment. I will revamp the donation and info. part right now

And I was told by a provider I should offer a discount .... Should I not???  


GaGambler932 reads

I don't see anything wrong with it, especially until you gain the credibility that comes with having multiple reviews from well known reviewers.

Some people will claim that the discount will somehow "taint" the review. I disagree with that line of thinking, and support your decision to offer the discount. I would advise putting an ending date to the "special" however.

Good luck to you and those lucky guys in Tampa.

and when you get rich and famous, please remember it was the so called "women haters" on this board that gave you the best advice. I think you are off to a great start and you seem to have a great attitude. Once again, I wish you the best of luck.

I agree with Jack. It is fine for starting out, but get rid of it once you get some reviews. As to the rates, I think I understood what you meant but it would help to clear it up a litle so there is no confusion. It doesn't matter whether you charge more for incall or more for outcall. Every lady is different. Do what is more comfortable for you. Just be clear about it.
(One hour incall = x, one hour outcall = y)

-- Modified on 1/22/2015 9:48:25 AM

and am obviously fine with it, actually none of my business.

The only reason I bring it up is once you decide to stop offering it, some may expect it and get upset.
It's that expectation thing that you ladies have to deal with on a regular basis.

People set a standard and once you change that standard most people try to swindle the better deal or threaten a poor review. ETC

I hope I explained that well enough

[edit]BTW, I dont mean for you to remove it, I just hope you dont for long, That's all. ;)[/edit]

-- Modified on 1/22/2015 12:54:36 PM

Thank you for your clarification xxo

Posted By: MelinaValentina
Offering a discount to TER members is perfectly fine though.  

JackDunphy985 reads

Some gals get their panties in an uproar here when we make suggestions but you took it all in the manner it was intended.

I give you tons of credit for listening and making the changes and even being open to all the suggestions.

Your last hurdle will be the reviews. Your initial ones are really important as people get labeled very quickly in this biz as professional or not.

And you are quite welcome. Come back here any time for honest opinions and best of luck to you!

Somehow, I don't think you are going to need it though!


So many folks come to this board and ask a question or ask for advice, then don't even respond to let you know if they even read the replies let alone used any of it. It's nice to see someone not only come back and acknowledge the replies but to put them to use so quickly. I see a bright future for Melina. Reminds me of someone who started the same way a little over two years ago, and has come far as a TER provider and poster. :)

Posted By: perfectstorm
So many folks come to this board and ask a question or ask for advice, then don't even respond to let you know if they even read the replies let alone used any of it. It's nice to see someone not only come back and acknowledge the replies but to put them to use so quickly. I see a bright future for Melina. Reminds me of someone who started the same way a little over two years ago, and has come far as a TER provider and poster. :)
I'm blushing, PS! :)

One quality about me is I can take any advice, good or bad. And not attack! especially when I am the one asking for advice

As GaG said even the guys who some consider rude or assholes on the General Board, are nice on the newbie board, with helpful advice.

Rarely there are some trainwrecks on this board, but Admin eventually catches it, or swim or someone else reports it, and they usually get deleted or moved to GD.

Probably because it mentioned the E word. Hopefully this whole thread doesn't disappear. I had a long reply under that post. Melina did read it because she replied before the branch got cut off. Anyway, I guess this is a reason to seriously consider changing you web hosting site Melina. There are a lot of free template type web sites specifically for escorts, then there are also sites like wix, weebly, moonfruit, and others which are free or cheap and relatively easy to create your own site. Though they are not specific to escorts I see a lot of escorts using them. Good luck.

Not sure if you were sending me a PM but I am a basic member on here and can not see PM : (

through email is not recommended by P411, so might want to reconsider.  I was also unable to find you there (provider accounts are free) and since only members can see the okays linked to an ID it's not clear why you want the P411 ID of a client.  Unless you're just under a different name or city than I searched - wouldn't be the first time I've missed that way.

I think it's a bit unusual to request all the background info in addition to P411, but certainly your right to do so.  May limit those who are willing to see you but then again that might be the purpose - your pics & stats should have guys lined up!

At the end of the contact page it appears the Date & Time request is an option to be combined with provider references.  Yeah, yeah, I know what you meant, but try to make it easy on guys who might have "clouded vision" at the best of times

I don't think she will have any problem finding clients who will give her the screening information she asks for.  

Due to blacklisted guys having P411 accounts, guys sharing P411 accounts and LE infiltration, many ladies require more than P411 alone as screening. The owner of P411 tells ladies not to rely on P411 alone and to ask for whatever additional information a lady needs to feel comfortable.

Ladies can make their profiles viewable only to P411 members with a certain minimum number of okays. Maybe that's why you didn't find her there? She could also be in the process of adding herself to P411... or she uses an assistant/booker who is a P411 member.

I made my site before creatiing a P411. I thought I would have no problem getting approved but I was turned down because once again no reviews.. I sware I am getting very disheartened with this whole process. But I understand it. I have heard too many horror stories .


I think you will do well here. As to P411, it is an excellent service and to maintain that they fo have to verify everyone. For providers that means you need reviews or you need to be referred by a hobbyist or provider member in good standing. Look at it from their point of view and I'm sure you understand. You are obviously a bright person. I believe you'll be getting reviews and you'll be on P411 in no time.

LOL ok I will make it easier for the cloudy headed fellas.. And I applied for a P411 account but was turned down because I have no reviews or invites

Once again, I want to thank each and everyone that has helped me today. It means a lot to me  


comments.  First, your photos look inviting.  You are to be commended for using a website that is not a "cookie cutter".  Creativity is good.  The discount for writing a review on TER is a good marketing tool.

I hobby a lot in the Tampa area and your rates are above the going rate for many of the ladies there.  Guys who might be willing to TOFTT are not going to spend 4 benjamins on a lady they can not find information about her level of service.  Most guys want a GFE experience (BBBJ, DFK, MSOG, lots of foreplay, etc.) and without reviews, we don't know what we are going to get.

If you offer good service for a fair price you will get your share of business.  Good luck to you.

Thank you and I appreciate you taking the time to help. I should have a review posted soon. And I do offer all the above

Website looks good (huge props for getting a domain name), rates appear fair, and your screening requirements are solid.  

The biggest piece of advice I can give you is to be patient, and expect to make many tweaks to your business model until you find what works for you. This typically means a lot of trial and error.  

Also, if you need any help, feel free to email me at [email protected]. When I first started, an amazing (now retired) lady took me under her wing. I'd be happy to pay that forward. :)

GaGambler730 reads

Someone teaches you and you pass it on down the line at some point.

Isn't it great when the system works?

Posted By: GaGambler
Someone teaches you and you pass it on down the line at some point.

Isn't it great when the system works?

Tedc11618 reads

A verification site helps the provider screen her customers and gives me an additional layer of confidence as well as some additional information on the provider. I know when I am looking, I first go to P411 and then check TER. After looking at your website I wish you were in Chicago!

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