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it's only fair...
Vermonster 8392 reads

it's only fair to pay her for all that time you stated above.  You can get all-niters for cheap in  Tijuana, and the girls are getting better and cleaner there.  I definitely recommend going there for budget hobbying.

I think it's a good idea to put away $50 a week for the hobby.  I am 31, earn six-figures, and indeed I put away $50 a week for a number of reasons:
1) hard for wife to trace
2) helps me keep hobbying in control
3) makes me feel like a kid saving for a GI Joe action figure (I used to get $1 a week from dad).
So basically I hobby every 6 weeks and it's fantastic.

I think there is a hobbying niche for every man.... That's why prices differ so much.  I recently discovered my ATF and I am so happy she is only $300/hr and not more. Muahahhahahah!

Iamsoeasy8371 reads

I'm just an hourly worker but love the company of a good looking woman. I'm all about the woman getting hers, I get off watching a woman get off as much as I do myself. I was wondering how do you get a provider to stay allnight? Because a blue collar worker can't afford $1000 to $2000 a night. Come on girls give one for the poor man.

Well I would say ask for her last appointment time of the night and if you are as good as you say you are she just may be to tired and weak kneed to leave you and just spend the night.  

But common man, does not matter how or how much we get paid, they got to be paid for their time, it's a lot more valuable than ours.

NotAverageJoe6932 reads

90% of the internet ads are for rich guys not your average joe. Many of these women will starve or quit instead of lowering prices. Even the ghetto trash providers over charge.

The income levels of these guys are $200,000 or more. You also have the age factor. 50% of the guys are 50 or older. They have assets built up and not afraid to spend $300/hour.

Spend your time in the gym. Use your charm and get your sex for free.

I think you need to go to the TER polls and see that you are incorrect.

There are men here that use bonus checks from their companies.

There are men here that put a 20-50 bucks away a week, so they can eventually see someone.

there are men here that are traveling businessmen and simply using their company travel money..

All these men are  50 and below.

Apparently something interests you about the hobby or you simply wouldnt be here..nor take the time to even register.

-- Modified on 9/29/2005 6:06:55 PM

NotAverageJoe6084 reads

Yes that might be true of the TER poll. 90% of the guys who hobby never write reviews are use sites like this. They are too busy making money.

I think it is silly that a guy has to save money like that to hobby. He should change his career to make more money or find another hobby.

... I wouldn't presume to tell someone who does it that he should change his life because of it.  I would assume he's living his life the way he wants to live it given his circumstances.

NotAverageJoe's advice may apply in your case.  If you want an overnight, you should be willing to pay for it.  Maybe you don't make enough money to hobby the way you want to.  As a wage earner, I bet YOU don't put in a lot of unpaid overtime, even if you enjoy your work.

If you want a provider to give you free sex, you're not going to entice her by offering to get her off.  There are plenty of guys who will pay her for the priviledge.

It isnt that easy ( pun on your name )

you can do the same thing in an hour or three as you can do over night.Not many providers will stay up all night and amuse you for less than a grand.

While I've never indulged in an over-night visit, and would love nothing more to find a lovely lady in my my bed next to me when I wake, you have to to remember that the primary driver in the hobby is economics.

When you ask a woman for an over-night visit, you are asking to monpolize her time to make money!  You should be willing to compensate her for all that she may potntially make during that time.

Also, many providers (at least in my experiece) are mothers.  An over-night visit is a major disruption to her life and family.  I mean somebody has to pay for the baby-sitter, or get the kids off to school in the morning, and in the provider's view,  that person is you.

My best advice to you, until you are able to afford to see a lady overnight at her given rate, learn to enjoy each, and every minute that you are with a provider, even if it it is by the hour.

Vermonster8393 reads

it's only fair to pay her for all that time you stated above.  You can get all-niters for cheap in  Tijuana, and the girls are getting better and cleaner there.  I definitely recommend going there for budget hobbying.

I think it's a good idea to put away $50 a week for the hobby.  I am 31, earn six-figures, and indeed I put away $50 a week for a number of reasons:
1) hard for wife to trace
2) helps me keep hobbying in control
3) makes me feel like a kid saving for a GI Joe action figure (I used to get $1 a week from dad).
So basically I hobby every 6 weeks and it's fantastic.

I think there is a hobbying niche for every man.... That's why prices differ so much.  I recently discovered my ATF and I am so happy she is only $300/hr and not more. Muahahhahahah!

foxworthy6141 reads

Just think what kind of clients would be at our providers door at fifty bucks an hour

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