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It's a fine line between paranoid & good common sense...
h8traffic 84 Reviews 2196 reads

Rule #1 - Use the big head over the little one.

If something doesn't feel right, use the escape hatch, and always try to have one.

I prefer ladies who want to meet in a public place for a drink or something first.  Gives us both a chance to meet, chat a bit and decide whether or not to proceed.  personally I've about a 80% success rate, the other 20% of the time I bail.  Could be a number of reasons, and I won't get into them.  I discretely slip a small gift and we have no further contact.

I've not yet had a lady bail on me, but I do expect it will happen one day.

Nobody bats 1,000...

HarveytheRabbit3164 reads

I've had some weird things happen to me this week in the hobby that has got me a little paranoid about LE.

I really only want to talk about 1 of those many weird things, the past two weeks I have tried to set up a session with someone. The first time she had to cancel our appointment 2 hrs before and I totally understood.

Last week, I tried her again and got a message on her phone saying it was no longer in service. I emailed her and she got back to me like 3 days later. She gave me a new number and said to call her on that later in the week. I did and we set up another appointment for the next day. She gave me the address and told me to call when I got there. Not the typical 2 call system I'm used to.

I did a reverse check on the new phone # online and its a land line, not a cell phone. What throws me off about that is the area code on the new # doesn't match the area code of her incall. So how was she able to answer a phone that is ringing on the other side of town. But it didn't matter b/c she cancelled on me again today and asked that I called her tomorrow.

So that's my story. Thanks for reading. If you could offer any insight (hobbyists & providers alike) that might help put my fears to rest, I would appreciate it. I'm probably not going to visit with her now just as a precaution (at least not until I see some new legitimate reviews for her), but I'm afraid that if there is LE involved, that I'm being targeted. I have a sort of high profile job... not an important job or even one that pays that well, but it would make a good story in the paper, if someone wanted to make an example of me.

I for one,would move on!To many other good,dependable provider's out there.Do your homework...believe me,you'll be glad you did.
                                Good Luck!

HarveytheRabbit1879 reads

thanks, man. I appreciate it. I should also add that I did do my homework w/ this provider. Spoke w/ one of her reviewers a few times in detail. she has really high reviews that go on for several pages. been reviewed since '06 or '05 something like that. this is one of the most reputable providers in my area far as I can tell. also, that other weird stuff I was referring to is that my regular provider has completely disappeared from the face of the earth and her # got disconnected the exact same day this all started.

Rule #1 - Use the big head over the little one.

If something doesn't feel right, use the escape hatch, and always try to have one.

I prefer ladies who want to meet in a public place for a drink or something first.  Gives us both a chance to meet, chat a bit and decide whether or not to proceed.  personally I've about a 80% success rate, the other 20% of the time I bail.  Could be a number of reasons, and I won't get into them.  I discretely slip a small gift and we have no further contact.

I've not yet had a lady bail on me, but I do expect it will happen one day.

Nobody bats 1,000...

It would seem unlikely you are being targeted. If so, why the cancellations?

Regardless, when I'm the umpire, two strikes and you are out. I'd move on to another that would hopefully be more reliable. Be sure to find some well reviewed, by several hobbyists, who each have multiple reviews under their belt (so to speak).

Perhaps she is going through some personal issues which are affecting her work.  Some ladies have to take down websites, or change numbers, if family members find them out or if they attract a stalker.

If LE was really trying to set you up, do you think they would keep cancelling on you?  That does not make sense.  Also, have you done your homework?  Is she a well-reviewed provider or are you taking your chances on someone without reviews, etc.

Also, landlines can be forwarded to cell phones, in any part of town.. or to another time.

I don't know what kind of reverse check you did on the number, but the info that comes up is not always accurate.  I've seen non-land line showing as a land line.

Sounds like just a case of a flaky provider.

there's still someone out to get you either way.

But I think you are right to forget this one just because there's too much static associated with her and why go off into the wild blue yonder if it's not going to be fun for you?

Try another provider with good reviews after you give yourself a few days to get over this one.

A couple of years ago, I bought a SkypeIn number in Phoenix so my friends and family call me on a local number while I live in England.  This number only rings on my internet phone, wherever I happen to be connected.

So, after reading your post, I googled my number, and found a number of reverse check entries.  Guess what!!!  My Skype number is listed as a landlind - LOL


HarveytheRabbit1205 reads

Thanks everyone. You've helped calm me down a lot. It's just been a very weird week in the hobby as I mentioned. Like I said my regular provider has disappeared off the face of the earth... which isn't uncommon, I know. Sometimes people forget to pay their cell phone bill. But we're like best friends almost in that we've talked or text several times a week for the past 3 years. And then I got screened by a 3rd provider this week in which nothing I said was good enough and she got very confrontational in assuming I was LE. I couldn't have been more forthcoming and pleasant, but the provider did a lot of what I'm doing now and assumed the worst by something that struck her as odd.

Oh well. Just a bunch of coincidences is all it is, I'm sure. And I'm superstitious to some extent, so maybe this is all a sign that I need to watch my funds and slow down a little. But again, the provider in question that started this topic IS a well established provider in my area. I've done my homework and she couldn't look more perfect from that standpoint. So, as crazy as this might sound, I don't think I'm gonna entirely give up on her. Just gonna watch for more legitimate reviews and if she gets them, maybe this was just an odd 2 week span for her personally or whatever.

shudaknownbetter1034 reads

In my experience, 2 calls means you call when you arrive at the location she designates & make the second call.  I've had ladies say "I can't see you.  Where are you?" when I called from the parking lot entrance, rather than the door her window over looked.
I've had ladies give me directions that drove me nearly around the block, to park on the other side...  but she'd been able to observe from her location.
I've had ladies direct me to park in an adjacent commercial lot, not her driveway.
Sooo, that seems normal to me.  

All the cancelations sounds like she's got some drama in her life.  I'd pass on her for now & try again later.

My ATF recently has some drama in her personal life which has twice interrupted our sessions...  it was difficult...  for me... to get back into things after that.  If I'd have known, I'd have passed & tried at a later date.

shudaknownbetter1680 reads

-- Modified on 8/19/2008 3:17:34 PM

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