Newbie - FAQ

It is my understanding that you can add a link to your site any time you respond to a . . .
keystonekid 114 Reviews 287 reads

thread.  The only time you can't add a link to your site is when you start a thread like you did here.

Good luck to you.

jjlucas1036 reads

Hello there! I've been lurking around here for a couple of weeks, and decided to come out of the proverbial closet.  I'm new to this World, and thought I'd introduce myself:  I'm Jaime Lucas, aka the Geisha of Geeks, the Mistress of Misfits, the Naughty Nerd!  I'm hoping to learn lots by being here, as we find it a little difficult to participate in open discussion amongst ourselves here in Idaho.  I love to learn, so please don't hesitate to point out when I f$ck up in some way or another (and I say when because it WILL happen!).  I look forward to hearing from everyone who cares to chime in, and hope to live up to the glamorous and exclusive standards this organization has become renowned for.  Later!

-- Modified on 3/14/2015 8:42:09 AM

I da ho!


Thanks for coming and greeting us.

You sound like a hot ticket.  Too bad I'm 2,000 miles away.

The best way to learn about TER by the way is to read the Self Help/Newbie Manual that is linked on this page.  (Look for the red and white life preserver.)

After that come back and ask away, and let us know more about your kinky little life.

Have you a website you can share with us?

(Be sure to get a TER logo on it before you do post it here.  That's all covered in the Newbie Manual.)

jjlucas304 reads

Thanks for all the advice: I did read lots before starting to post, and I seem to be following the rules.

Am I allowed to link my website now?  I wasn't able to before.

on the first or second page.  This is explained in the self help center.  Normally, I would tell you to introduce yourself on your local regional board, but you don't have one.  Looking at the list, it seems like either Portland or Seattle are about the closest ones.  In that case, go to the Other Cities board.


jjlucas269 reads

Yes, I've done that. Ok, here goes...

jjlucas275 reads

Yummy, yumyummy Pi day!!!

Posted By: BeautywithBrains

thread.  The only time you can't add a link to your site is when you start a thread like you did here.

Good luck to you.

jjlucas285 reads

Oh, ok! That makes sense now!

Posted By: keystonekid
thread.  The only time you can't add a link to your site is when you start a thread like you did here.  
 Good luck to you.

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