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In Detroit proper...
Negoti8er 9 Reviews 410 reads

they got a lot of other shit to worry about so unless your a nuisance street walker or very careless, there's not much to be concerned with.  The LE saturation is low meaning there are very few cops per square mile.  Life and death calls take priority and even then you could often get a pizza to your location quicker than an officer.  That said, your main concerns inside Detroit are not LE, but that does not make it safe.  You need to know what you're doing to be operating inside Detroit.  It's a dangerous place, especially for this industry.

In the suburbs, it's a different story regarding LE, but even then there's plenty of activity with little worry so long as your being prudent.    

The one exception is the FBI's annual Operation Cross Country. Michigan (metro Detroit) usually lands up near the top in terms of arrests.  They seem to be focused on child exploitation, which I think is great, but many careless providers get picked up in this sweep.  I believe these are almost always lower cost providers who don't properly screen.  Outside of this effort I don't hear much about LE busts so overall, I think this a pretty good area to operate.  Of course that's my opinion and YMMV.

I've recently made some plans to work while visiting other cities....  so far, I've had very helpful and well-meaning gentlemen warn me about each city: be careful, LE is pretty bad here!.... make sure to screen, a lot of travelling ladies have gotten busted!.... and so on and so forth.  I appreciate the advice, I really do.... but it made me wonder:

Has anyone ever told a lady, "Go ahead and put a red light in your window, nobody cares in Anytown!" ??  LOL!

Or something along those lines?
Have any ladies ever been told something like this?

I know if someone told me not to worry or bother screening, that LE looks the other way... well, I'd probably skip that town! But then again, I'm often called paranoid.  :-)  

In my home area of Chicago, we often think that LE is pretty bad compared to other places, but now I'm wondering if that's kind of normal.  That is, thinking that LE in your area is worse than in other areas.    

Do any clients/hobbyists, in fact, think that their own area is not so stringent?


PS~ I am referring only to advice received from clients/hobbyists, not other providers.  The advice I've received from other providers has been very detailed and incredibly helpful!

--Modified for errors!

-- Modified on 10/1/2015 11:08:00 AM

No replies yet, so I'll take a stab.

"Did you set me up" with a Q like this?  'Cause that's exactly what she could say if anything bad happened on any piece of well intentioned information or advice

Every place is hot if you are indiscreet or careless.

Every place can be relatively safe if you follow the rules.

Some are worse than others, and the circumstances can vary with time, so pay attention to the local boards in the areas you are considering

but there are a couple of places where I've already been made to feel VERY welcome, by both hobbyists and providers!  :-)

As I wrote in my OP, I was just wondering if anyone had, or had heard of someone else who had, claimed that an area is safe and carefree......  

And also wanted to know if most people think LE is tougher than average in their own area.   From the PMs I've gotten thus far, it definitely seems that this is the case.    (Because although I thought my post was very clear that I was asking for opinions on that topic, people seem to have interpreted my post as asking for recommendations of safe areas to tour.  Which was absolutely NOT what I was doing lol.)

But then again, does any one of us really know what the "average" for LE vigilance really is?    

Just food for thought, I guess..... ;-)


-- Modified on 10/2/2015 4:19:42 AM

GaGambler441 reads

If there were a place where I knew you could provide with impunity, I certainly wouldn't post in on a public board. LE reads these boards too you know. Why would I paint a huge target on a particular town or part of town and then tell you to go there right after doing so? Prostitution is illegal virtually EVERYWHERE in this country, as fish said there is nowhere that they are going to roll out the red carpet for you, and by "they" I mean LE, not your fellow hookers and mongers
 Debbie, I know you mean well, and you even give a lot of good advice to the newbs at times, but I don't think you really thought this one out too well. That last thing we ever want is advice from posters telling women they should let their guard down for any reason, or the guys too for that matter.  

and yes, LE is most definitely tougher in some areas than others. In Dallas for example it's well known to avoid Addison due to LE concerns, In Atlanta, its both downtown hotels, and the Roswell rd area of Sandy Springs that for years have been the hotspot for LE activity. So yes, MANY of us not only know what the average is, but where LE is most vigilant, but if you want someone to come out and say "this area is safe from LE" I certainly hope that is never going to happen, at least not while the hobby is illegal

Seriously, I do not get it.

Not once did I ask where I should go that is more relaxed regarding LE.  I did not ask that, and that is not what I meant.  At all.

I was not and am not looking for a recommendation of where to tour.    

I absolutely thought out what I wrote and meant exactly what I asked and nothing more.  
Why is everyone reading more into it??

All I wanted to know is if anyone has ever SAID to anyone that a particular area is NOT  rife with LE, or if you've ever seen or heard of anyone else saying that.

And if you think YOUR area is hotter than others, as so many people so far DO seem to think their own area is hotter than average.  Not that I have any clue what an "average" LE presence is.    

That's it.  I wasn't asking for locations.  Nor recommendations.  

Goodness.... I was very specific that well-meaning gentlemen have been advising me repeatedly that their area is hot and to be careful and just wondered if anyone has ever stated the opposite.  

So sorry that everyone thought this a question that it wasn't.  


GaGambler423 reads

You took my answer wrong.

You asked a question about "if" I not only answered the "if" part of your question, but I told you "why" as well.

You seem particularly obtuse today. I am trying to answer your question/s as nicely as I can, but it doesn't seem to be sinking in.

they got a lot of other shit to worry about so unless your a nuisance street walker or very careless, there's not much to be concerned with.  The LE saturation is low meaning there are very few cops per square mile.  Life and death calls take priority and even then you could often get a pizza to your location quicker than an officer.  That said, your main concerns inside Detroit are not LE, but that does not make it safe.  You need to know what you're doing to be operating inside Detroit.  It's a dangerous place, especially for this industry.

In the suburbs, it's a different story regarding LE, but even then there's plenty of activity with little worry so long as your being prudent.    

The one exception is the FBI's annual Operation Cross Country. Michigan (metro Detroit) usually lands up near the top in terms of arrests.  They seem to be focused on child exploitation, which I think is great, but many careless providers get picked up in this sweep.  I believe these are almost always lower cost providers who don't properly screen.  Outside of this effort I don't hear much about LE busts so overall, I think this a pretty good area to operate.  Of course that's my opinion and YMMV.

I will say that the small city I used to live in is hard on street girls but I haven't heard too many issues with traveling or reputable girls being busted. I still visit there but it's not always a great money area, imo.  

I have also heard a lot of the same old same old warnings and appreciate and take heed but am pretty responsible and paranoid anymore as well!  Life is too short to not be careful as can be.

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