Newbie - FAQ

IMO, they don't have "control", but they can "influence" them somewhat...
Senator.Blutarsky 314 reads

You'll find some that encourage them, some that discourage them, some that don't care, and some that have a "no review policy"... it runs the gambit.  Your are correct that some have tried to re-invent themselves, but I think they are usually found out and TER combines the profiles.  

As far as the other side, you have guys that review every woman they see, others that never review and everything in between. I started out writing reviews of every new lady I met, but now, I only do so when either I'm asked to, or I believe my experience can add something to the community.

PerkyDs924 reads

I was wondering if providers have any control over their reviews?  Can they control the amount of reviews?  I've noticed some older providers have only a few pages of reviews but a 26 year-old has 29 pages!  I suppose providers can change their handle and start a new profile?

This asks another question for the hobbyists reading this post.  How often do you write a review when meeting a new provider?  This is merely curiosity and know answers will vary.

For example, if the review is fake, and they can prove it by showing that they weren't even working when supposedly the review was done, then TER might take it down.

They can also challenge things in their profile like their rates, appearance, menu, etc. by posting a problem report to TER.

And finally, they can cajole their clients into writing reviews in the first place.

I usually write a review of every gal I see unless she requests otherwise, which a few have done.

NoYellowEnvelope324 reads

... that reviews NOT be written at that time.  For example they may want to lay low for awhile (eg focusing on final exams if in school) or just want to keep a low profile in general.  That's why I always ask the provider if she minds if I write a review. The only situation where I wouldn't ask first is if I felt I needed to warn fellow hobbyists of a dangerous or dishonest situation.  I've only had to do that once, several years ago.

I used to write reviews for most providers I saw, but lately I only write them if I think I can add something to what's already been written about the provider, or if my experience was outside the norm (positive or negative) for that provider based on her reviews.

Being a newbie I have written only one review. I have seen that girl multiple times and don`t think I could top my first review so why bother. (see previous review)
 I`m seeing a different girl on Tues. for a second time. The first time with her was ripping good but alas as I was leaving she asked me to not write one about her as she`s wanting to fly more UTR? Huh? Ok, I replied, guess you know what you`re doing. I`ll ask her again on Tues. and will prob get the same answer. I was so looking forward to writing one on her as she was terrific and we had awesome chemistry. Of course now I`m still lookin' Ultra Newbie

Senator.Blutarsky315 reads

You'll find some that encourage them, some that discourage them, some that don't care, and some that have a "no review policy"... it runs the gambit.  Your are correct that some have tried to re-invent themselves, but I think they are usually found out and TER combines the profiles.  

As far as the other side, you have guys that review every woman they see, others that never review and everything in between. I started out writing reviews of every new lady I met, but now, I only do so when either I'm asked to, or I believe my experience can add something to the community.

...because I brings a different perspective to a session, and it's fun to share that.  
I will always ask a provider as I'm prepping to leave whether or not she'd like a review from me. So far all have responded with a resounding "YES!"

would enjoy seeing a pair of perky D's. :-)

Now to your questions. I have written a review about sessions with most of the providers I have seen over the past 15 years. Several have said they didn't want a review so I honored their request.  

A provider I saw a few months ago said if I wrote a favorable review of our time together. she would give me a white list referral (yes, I have the text message saved). While the window (within 90 days) is still open, I am leaning towards not writing this review because it will bring down her average scores, which was her fear. While I had a very good time, my take is that she had a bit of an off day based on the other reviews I have read.

I think your last bit is something all newbies (and some that aren't) should give some thought about before writing their review. Sure, the provider is paid to deliver a service but it's one of this cases where they are trying but it's just not a star performance have a little consideration.

Of course if it seems like they simply are not making the effort that's a different story.

If you cannot tell the difference between the two maybe don't write reviews until you have that bit figured out.

Posted By: keystonekid
would enjoy seeing a pair of perky D's. :-)  
 Now to your questions. I have written a review about sessions with most of the providers I have seen over the past 15 years. Several have said they didn't want a review so I honored their request.  
 A provider I saw a few months ago said if I wrote a favorable review of our time together. she would give me a white list referral (yes, I have the text message saved). While the window (within 90 days) is still open, I am leaning towards not writing this review because it will bring down her average scores, which was her fear. While I had a very good time, my take is that she had a bit of an off day based on the other reviews I have read.

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