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if you found this off-putting, then I'd recommend moving on
Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 265 reads

If for whatever reason you feel that a lady didn't meet you expectations, then move on to the next.
She's not likely to change, nor should you expect her to, or waste your time and money hoping that she will.
But again, just understand that kissing is one of those things that is going to really vary from lady to lady.
I've learned to accept this, so that I almost look at it as a wonderful bonus when I find a lady who is a completely free and giving kisser

Isaw a provider today who says she enjoys kissing and a couple reviews says she DFKs. when Iwas with her, there was a few closed mouth kisses and that was it. It was a bit dissapointing, but she did ask me to come back and saved my number on her phone.  

Should I ask her about it on email, if so, how do I approach the subject? I brushed, rinsed, had gum, so I do not think I was an issue, but who knows?

JackDunphy524 reads

Some guys will admit bc that a girl really didn't do DFK that it was more LfK style. They read a review, like you did, and just repeated the exaggeration.

And look, this isn't an exact science either. I have been with the same girl on many occasions and sometimes she is really kissing the snot out of me and other times she has an "off" night in that department. But the same can be said of BJ, fs, etc etc etc.

The is possible a million reasons as to why. Some girl told me afterward she had a BF and felt guilty about kissing. I thought she was bs'ing me until she kissed me like crazy during a separate session after she broke up with the guy.  

Also can be a case of her opening up in that area after you see her more than once and get to know her. You can never underestimate the benefits of a girl trusting you in this biz. The better her comfort level with you, the better her performance in general. Just human nature.

So in the future, make sure your hygiene is pristine and do your research more throughly. If you don't have VIP here, get it. If you do have it, make sure you pm her reviewers as you will get more and better info than you will get from the reviews alone.

sounds like you got jaxxed mister..

There is absolutely no forcing of the issue.  Don't question a lady AT ALL on this.  This is not a menu item like greek.  This is very personal, so just be clean, with fresh breath, gentle, and go slow and let her lead this. If she uses tongue, then you may too.  You will encounter many different levels of reservation or lack thereof, as well as many different techniques too - just learn to accept whatever the lady is willing to give and roll with it.  You want her to be completely comfortable with you too, so accepting what she is willing to give kissing-wise (i.e. not letting yourself get frustrated by a tongue playing hide-and-go-seek for example!) will help keep the date on the best footing possible as you move forward into other fun intimate activities.

So then the question is, should I find another provider, or keep tossing money at this one in hopes that we progress to more kissing?
It is somewhat important, that if not DFK or LFK, or at least for her to open her lips a little bit.

Everything was great except for the kissing. It was so little that it was on the level of off putting.

If for whatever reason you feel that a lady didn't meet you expectations, then move on to the next.
She's not likely to change, nor should you expect her to, or waste your time and money hoping that she will.
But again, just understand that kissing is one of those things that is going to really vary from lady to lady.
I've learned to accept this, so that I almost look at it as a wonderful bonus when I find a lady who is a completely free and giving kisser

GaGambler276 reads

Who knows, maybe it is a hygiene issue that no one else has told you about? Maybe it's a chemistry thing, or maybe you remind her of her late Uncle Bob and kissing you just seems weird?

You'll never know unless you ask, you don't have anything to lose by asking, unless you are scared to learn that it might be something on your end. The alternative is to move on to another woman that meets your needs. This is P4P, you deserve to get everything that you desire unlike falling in love with a woman despite her shortcomings in certain areas that you just live with.

anniemouse231 reads

I recently saw a provider who only listed LFK on her menu, but when I went to see her she was definitely DFK.  I briefly puzzled over this early in the session but forgot about it until the end of our time when she asked me to not mention DFK if I write a review.  She said that to her, and I'm sure for many girls, kissing is more intimate than intercourse and some guys she just doesn't feel comfortable sticking her tongue in their mouth.  She also said you can write YMMV all day long but many guys will just dismiss that.

And not saying you have (not your dentist) it can shine through even the most powerful mouthwash or gum. If you have tartar caked on your teeth that is visible, it is a COMPLETE it can be a complete turn off.  

Many times a person can't tell if their mouth needs attention.  

Do you get regular dental cleaning? If not, I respectfully suggest you start.

Did you eat garlic the night before? That is a COMPLETE mood killer and I will not see a guy reeking of garlic. Says so on my website so there is no confusion.

-- Modified on 10/11/2014 5:53:21 PM

Thanks for the replies. I did have a good time with her and will probably go see her again to check out the chemistry. I messaged a regular of hers and he said it does take a few times for her to be comfortable enough for kissing. Since that was the only thing off, why not see her again? I am unsure how much this would even be an issue if her ad didn't specifically say, "I love kissing!!"  

Since I am not a child or an idiot, I am sure if it is an issue next time, I will either move on or ask afterwards in a non confrontational way. At least that way, she can protect her revenue stream and I can find out if there is something wrong that I need to take care of on my end. Since she asked if it was good, that seems like a time to mention something. It seems only fair to the provider, especially if it is me that has the ass-breath.

Non-confrontational like:
Do you not kiss?
Do I have a breath issue?
{rend clothing} WHY DON'T YOU KISS ME ANYMORE?!?!?!?

GaGambler285 reads

"I really enjoyed our time together, but there was one thing lacking that I hope was not my fault. I really enjoy deep passionate kissing, and I bet you would become my immediate favorite lady if you were to enjoy this with me. Is there something like bad breath on my end that keeps you from enjoying this with me? If so, please let me know what I can do, so our next time together will be perfect"

yes, If you really enjoy everything else about your time with her, I think you owe yourself the chance to find out if this is fixable before moving on.

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