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I bring a white envelope
zisk 86 Reviews 1248 reads

I blend in with everybody else visiting there

I have had providers ask me to bring a brief case or some paperwork or something to make me look like I blend in with the rest of the Hotel Patrons.. I think the best impression I made for incognito was when I brought a surf board to a beach hotel..

We've all been to hotels before.  Sometimes we enter with luggage; sometimes we return to our rooms with nothing.

Sometimes I'm wearing a suit; other times shorts and a t-shirt (back from jogging).

As long as you don't look like a bum, just walk confidently to the elevator and you'll be fine.

Don't hang out in the lobby or make your second call in the lobby (duh).

But otherwise, the need for such caution seems a little silly.  =)

...And shaking down male "guests" for information.

The cues?  Empty-handed men who arrive and depart in less than two hours.

"Arresting Activity"
January 13, 2008 Boston Globe

WOBURN - From an unmarked cruiser in a quiet corner of the parking lot, Woburn police Detective Lieutenant Bob Rufo trained his binoculars on a man who had just parked a luxury car near the entrance to one of this city's chain hotels. The man, clad in a blazer, carried a cellphone but no luggage and walked swiftly to the door.
more stories like this

A textbook john, Rufo thought. As the leader of the department's vice and narcotics squad, he has tried to crack down on prostitution, a crime that has flourished in the suburbs with the help of classified advertising sites on the Internet.

Rufo quickly radioed his partner, Detective Angelo Piazza, who was conducting surveillance on the other side of the hotel.

"Angie, there's a guy going in the door right now, well-dressed guy, business suit, bald," Ru fo said. "Just looked at his phone."

As I read the article, my 1st thought was- why do people tell the truth in that situation? Especially to a cop? Whatever happened to the response " Oh, just visiting a friend"  While the cop may have a different assumption, until one opens their mouth, there is no proof!

That reminds me of this teacher I had in High School.  He was an unwilling victim of male pattern baldness.  Then, one Monday morning, he walked in with a full head of hair.  He looked great!  Until some goon offered his opinion...


...actually disclosing what they had done.  Seems to me the correct thing to do is merely admit nothing, or always have a good excuse for being there.   Even if to use the bathroom in the hotel (bad case of the runs anybody??), or have a drink at the bar, or just to check out the hotel for a future visit would all be valid reasons for visiting.  Even saying that you rode the elevators for an hour, while pretty silly, is a valid reason.

I seriously wonder how the cops could possibly come up with any serious reason for arresting you based on the fact that you walked into a private building, and then walked out an hour later.  

In the case of the article, they were watching the outside of the building.  How could they even see what was going on in the building?

...but the attached article goes to show you the stupidity of some men out there.

After reading the article, a few things come to mind:

Despite what it inferred about luggage/props, that isn't what did everyone in. The guys just caved and admitted guilt instantly. Then they kicked the provider to the curb. Had they said nothing, the police would have had nothing, on them or her.

Neither provider that the cops called directly seemed to be doing diddly for screening. Bad move on their part.

Nothing in the article really shows how showing up without luggage really does anything to give the police a case. The summary of the story is that the police caught people stupid enough to confess with no evidence, no lawyer and no understanding of their rights. Moral of the story is really: Don't Be A Moron.

Because they have clean bathrooms!

Seriously, if I'm on the road and need to use the restroom for more than #1, midrange and higher chain hotels almost always have nice clean bathrooms, and if you're middle aged and dressed nice the staff says nothing.

Yeah, the cops stops me... you want evidence... go smell stall #2.

Many of my gentlemen friends have seemed to think it a brilliant idea.

It can go both ways - for the women or the men. We always need to be on out toes!

Good thread!

Tracy Tyme

Please, when you are in an upscale hotel especially, try to remember what the lobby looks like and which way a gent should head when he walks in. Some of the better ones seem to like to 'hide' them off to the side. So a gent has a 50/50 chance of going the wrong way and needing to backtrack across the front lobby desk.

I blend in with everybody else visiting there

johnhuntback1908 reads

I have one provider who asks me to bring a briefcase or a folder to give the appearance it's for bookkeeping/accounting. When I go to a hotel, I check in like any other guest, carry bags, coolers, etc. I make myself visible to the front desk folks and act like any other out-of-town rube. I'm courteous to the hotel staff and don't do anything to raise any red flags. Sometimes trying to act secretive can be a red flag itself.

a little black bag with toys inside, so I can play doctor when I get there.



johnhuntback1467 reads

Don't forget the specimen cups!!

and loosen your pants so that the top of your butt crack shows.

You'll be ready for business that much sooner and no one is going to bother you.

Have a blue workshirt on with a patch that reads "Al" for the full effect.

Regarding the 1-2 hr. in/out of the upscale hotel, how long does it take to have a drink or two in the bar or lunch in the hotel restaurant.

Besides giving me that "just a business guy" look, it's also big enough to hold the envelope and a couple of condums.

I have gotten some looks from the providers, along with a comment like "Are we doing business".  I don't answer that one.

Coffee if it's morning, flowers if it's later, and a nice bright smile any time of day.

While I have mainly done this late in the evening say 9 9:30, I just go in the front door of the hotel, just head directly for the elevator. I have never carried anything besides what fits in my pockets.. And when I leave I use a different exit.. Always more than one way out.. especially in a hotel

AWomanLikeNoOther1359 reads

but I think it's a great idea to use a different exit.

Walk in as if you own the place. If anyone questions you, ask for directions to the floor that you are going to. Forget about a prop. Always remember rule number one : Never confess to anything.

up at your hotel wearing stripper heels and a micro mini skirt and crop top.  It may be exciting to see her, but the chances are that hotel security will be knocking on your door.

The key, use common sense.  Yes, a briefcase would be alot less conspicuous when visiting a hotel as you appear to there for reasons that are professional in nature.

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