Newbie - FAQ

here's the bottom line...
Epsilon_Eridani 743 reads

get good pictures taken. don't do this taking pictures of your mirror reflection. that's poor taste.

if all you have is a cell phone, make sure that you get enough lighting in the room. one thing I hate the most is poorly lit pictures.

like a few people have said already... the pictures must be recent... no more than 6 months old.  

you can buy a decent digital camera like Canon PowerShot ELPH135 Digital Camera for $80. that is a cheap investment to promote yourself on your website or posting ads here in TER. have a trusted person take pictures for you.
Posted By: lailah69
Hey guys, are you less likely to see a girl if she has no professional photos on her ad?

Hey guys, are you less likely to see a girl if she has no professional photos on her ad?

HandleWithCare744 reads

I prefer good-quality candid photos to "professional" photos, which may have been touched up. But I don't dismiss a provider only because she uses professional photos. Some of my favs use professional photographers.

Not having professional photos is definitely not a deal breaker for me. I actually prefer candid amateur photos as I feel The lady I see is more likely to look like her pictures. Of course there are other guys who prefer pro photos. The best way to appeal to the highest number of potential clients is to have a mix of pro and amateur photos on your site

Photos don't need to be professionally done, but they do need to be photos of you not photos of someone who might look a little like you.

LOL...My photos are all me, I use a webcam. But I'm noticing that a least a couple of pro pics help you out.

from a variety of angles & poses...  dress & undress...  need not be totally explicit.  But before we meet, I need to feel I know what she looks like naked.  
With the high quality of digital cameras available today, I don't feel professional photographers are a requirement at all.  Pros take a lot of pictures & use the best.  Digital is cheap...  not like film...   There are a lot of skilled amateur photos these days though portraits are a different skill set but not unlearnable.  Use a good camera & not a cheapo cell phone.

...pros are often pros for a reason.  They understand lighting, angles, how to position a lady.
I agree with what harborview has said about what he likes to see.

But I'll add to that - if you are showing a headshot - SMILE! (even if partially blurred).  For some reason many ladies don't do this in their photos, perhaps thinking it's sexier not to smile.  A great smile is such a winning feature.  When I see a ladies site and am looking at her photos, it will eventually draw my attention if I notice that she isn't smiling in any of them (and if it's a lot of photos, I'll wonder why not?).

What sells me is the promise of a fun time - and nothing seals the deal better on that sale than a beautiful smile!

Smiling is something so simple that we do tend to forget to do... Thanks for the reminder!

kazz703 reads

t nice to she the ladies a little "glam'ed" up with the pro shots & then the candid's to see what they look like in everyday life. But as long there's no bait & switch and the photos are fairly recent representation of what you look like it shouldn't be a big deal.
  If your on a budget you can always start with the candid's and get some professional photos later

recent.  Photos should include the date taken and should be updated at least once every 6 months.  Nothing wrong with keeping several older photo folders on your website.

others could get away with anually or longer...  IF THEY REALLY LOOK LIKE THAT.  I know some who's photos are the same as 6 years ago when I first saw them...   Yes, the pictures really need to be YOU!    
Experienced hobbiests use photo searches like Tineye & Google & eliminate gals with stolen pictures.  
Guys are very visual...  your photos are the heart of your ad.  Choose wisely.  
I'd suggest 4 photos per ad...  & rotate maybe 8-10 between ads.  
If I find the same (always great) photos used over & over...  it's a red flag to me.  One gal I was set to see...  was using 10 year old pictures...  her own...  but she no longer looked like that!   I passed.  
The visual will have a lot to do with the sub-market you are in, but short of changing your appearance there's not a lot you can do.  But there are guys for every look & body type.  False ads really are not the way to go.

I completely agree. Misrepresentation will only hurt you in the long run. I try to take new pictures at least every 3 months.

Epsilon_Eridani744 reads

get good pictures taken. don't do this taking pictures of your mirror reflection. that's poor taste.

if all you have is a cell phone, make sure that you get enough lighting in the room. one thing I hate the most is poorly lit pictures.

like a few people have said already... the pictures must be recent... no more than 6 months old.  

you can buy a decent digital camera like Canon PowerShot ELPH135 Digital Camera for $80. that is a cheap investment to promote yourself on your website or posting ads here in TER. have a trusted person take pictures for you.

Posted By: lailah69
Hey guys, are you less likely to see a girl if she has no professional photos on her ad?

The lighting is my biggest issue taking my own pics. Thanks for the camera recommendation :-)

Posted By: Epsilon_Eridani
get good pictures taken. don't do this taking pictures of your mirror reflection. that's poor taste.  if all you have is a cell phone, make sure that you get enough lighting in the room. one thing I hate the most is poorly lit pictures.  
like a few people have said already... the pictures must be recent... no more than 6 months old.  
Youu can buy a decent digital camera like Canon PowerShot ELPH135 Digital Camera for $80. that is a cheap investment to promote yourself on your website or posting ads here in TER. have a trusted person take pictures for you.  
A good camera is a business requirement as much as frilly things!  Yes, you need to think of what you are doing as a business.    
With photo nuts buying the latest & greatest, I've been able to pick up barely used but high quality cameras for $10-25.  Make sure they work, though.  The $10 one came from a yard sale in a wealthy neighborhood.  Then again, there are crazy buys this Christmas season & new comes with help & a warentee.  
I prefer cameras that take AA batteries...  I generally use rechargeables but I can stick in disposeables to get out of a jam.  I suppose they all take SD cards...  I'm only taking personal pictures but I can keep the originals separate from new pictures & my laptop takes the SD without an adaptor.  I can't imagine walking around with intimate photos on my phone...    

-- Modified on 12/15/2014 9:27:43 AM

I don't think professional photos are absolutely necessary, but most importantly, I think a good representation of who you are and what you are like is really what will catch someone's attention. I think a nice blend of beautiful photos, either pro or non-pro as well as some regular candid shots could take you a long way. Especially if your reviews back them up. I have to believe most gentlemen just want to know who is arriving at their door and don't want to be surprised. Good luck to you and stay safe, always.  

Happy Holidays to you and yours ;)

xx kisses

-- Modified on 12/15/2014 5:04:46 AM

Thank you for that info!  I'm having a hard time getting reviews on here though. I have other ones on other websites and some on my personal site. But most guys don't have TER. Do you have any suggestions?

You're welcome. I would say just keep advertising in becoming part of the community here and the gentlemen will find you, book and then the reviews will follow more or less. Keep in mind, there are alot of gentlemen who only use TER as a guide and a reference tool to find what they are looking for but still do not review. I don't know what the percentage is but I can say for me it's 50/50 so far. Some gentlemen are reviewers and some just simply aren't. But they did find me here or on P411. Good luck to you and Happy Holidays!

xx kisses

Posted By: lailah69
Thank you for that info!  I'm having a hard time getting reviews on here though. I have other ones on other websites and some on my personal site. But most guys don't have TER. Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks for all the tips guys and girls!

-- Modified on 12/15/2014 5:47:31 AM

Epsilon_Eridani603 reads

... the lack of reviews. it's not the only reason.  

most crucial in my opinion is to stay away from advertising on "low end" websites such as backpage.  

sure, you may get more "bites", but in my experience, you will get a lot of low ballers and guys who like to cause some drama.

what you can do is a mix of TER advertising and backpage until your number of reviews go up, then you can forsake backpage completely.  

I still recommend getting better pictures. I saw your website and the pictures you have on there aren't good quality. too fuzzy and out of focus. pasting your name and phone number on the pictures is a bit "cartoonish", not classy at all. out of all of the sections of your website, your pictures seem to be a bit of a "downer". everything else about your website seems to be well thought out.

from what I gather from you, if you want to be one of those "elite" providers, then getting better pictures is a start.

Posted By: lailah69
Re: So its my lack of reviews, not my photos... Thanks for all the tips guys and girls!

-- Modified on 12/15/2014 5:47:31 AM

Unfortunately you are right. I put my number on them because someone stole one of my last ones. I'm doing a new photoshoot and taking down my old ones... Thanks!!!

and you can't beat a good photog for that, generally speaking.

But the photos are just one factor in a complicated formula over whom I will see, so it isn't a deal breaker.

I recommend a good photographer in any case.  I think you will get a good dividend by doing so.

OK, the escort profile pictures are higher resolution than the others which look blurry on my screen.  :(   I'm not into big booty so it's hard for me to give a fair evaluation but I think better pictures would help.  Maybe some big booty fans will chime in.

Your only review (1) was a year & a half ago...  to get more TER members & more likely to get reviews, advertize on your TER local board (allowed once per 7 days).  You should request reviews of members.  Rewarding reviews is sketchy...   if you give good service, you should just ask for a fair review.  It's OK to offer Specials on ads here.  
I search most recent TER reviews for my area & older reviews are so far back in the que that a lot of us wonder if a gal is still in the business.    
I have seen gals...  gotten aquainted here...  that didn't have many reviews.  So the participation does count in my confidence factor.  Gals have to be careful in starting threads they don't look like ads (which will take the place of your ad for the week)...  but even if they post slowly (until you get a posting history as following the rules, your posts are moderated (checked) before they go live.  But with out a history you can't request to be unmoderated!  But getting a sense of a Gal's personality goes a long way toward overcoming the unknown provider resistance.    
If you look at other advice, 6-10 reviews is condidered "well reviewed" so newbies & risk adverse consider it safer to book.

For the last year I have only been using bp. That's why I have no reviews. I was surprised to learn about all the other sites  I could advertise on. It's like I'm starting all over again lol. But I really appreciate the response.

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