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12pointbuck75 18 Reviews 314 reads


zyzy12149 reads

so I am in Dallas and I prebook a duo at 10 pm.  They are not highly rated top notch providers but ok ratings with a propensity    for being late.  I knowingly over pay to meet their price for video for 2hrs.  I am a basic + 1 so I can't go top shelf yet.  Anyway,  They push back 2 hrs.  I have to go pick them up for an outcall and wait outside 30 minutes then take one to buy weed and finally home.  I feed them and have their favorite alcohol there to imbibe and after that, The 40 plus one sits in the bathroom  with the younger one trying to coax her out and reassuring me until 9 am. Finally we go at it but after an hour the older one says they have to go back to change rooms and then we can continue.  I drive them back to the hotel and drop them off and then go to my work meeting exhausted.  I requested an ok from each, so I could get to a basic +3 and play on the top shelf, but no,  the older one refused and the younger one gave me an ok and then removed it.  Oh, the life of a newby.  I may just have to forget the hobby.  Maybe sugarbabies?

You went to pick them up for an outcall? At that point, they had you pegged...

When you are a newbie, you have to be patient and take small steps.  

Well, hopefully you learned several good lessons from this one.

seems like you are setting the bar too low and maybe coming across as either needy, asking to be walked on (should have kicked them our when they started asking you to make the drug run for them) or perhaps opportunistic (I'll spend some time with the riff raf if that gets me to the good stuff).

So I'd say be patient and keep looking for some newbie friendly girls in Dallas -- so will likely be well respected and well rated (and well experienced) and some time with them spend not just as some stepping stone to others but actually with them (still P4P) and honestly trying to enjoy the time with them. You might find you'll make a bit of a friend that can help you understand the ins and outs of this world.

Don't know about the Sugar Baby gigs so will let others make the comments there

Follow the advice of the others and keep it simple until you've got a year or two of experience.  
These two gals are playing you like a fiddle.

VOO-doo501 reads

Girls need to give a good reason to refuse an OK. You might want to take it up with Gina.  

However, since you're new (and these girls sound pretty insane) it might just be better to let things go...

Try contacting a girl you really want to see, and explain that you do have 1 referral. Maybe she'll work with you. P411 isn't the only way girls screen.

If you are going to try to jump up a level and talk about unfilled OKs with another P411 provider, I would not count on those two crazies for a reference. "They wouldn't OK me, but maybe they'll vouch for me by voice, text or email."  Doesn't sound like it. If anything, the best they might say to another provider is, "Newbie, safe ... but can play him like a fiddle."  

If Gina can't fix it for you, just chalk it up to experience.  

Good luck!

Posted By: zyzy1
so I am in Dallas and I prebook a duo at 10 pm.  They are not highly rated top notch providers but ok ratings with a propensity    for being late.  I knowingly over pay to meet their price for video for 2hrs.  I am a basic + 1 so I can't go top shelf yet.  Anyway,  They push back 2 hrs.  I have to go pick them up for an outcall and wait outside 30 minutes then take one to buy weed and finally home.  I feed them and have their favorite alcohol there to imbibe and after that, The 40 plus one sits in the bathroom  with the younger one trying to coax her out and reassuring me until 9 am. Finally we go at it but after an hour the older one says they have to go back to change rooms and then we can continue.  I drive them back to the hotel and drop them off and then go to my work meeting exhausted.  I requested an ok from each, so I could get to a basic +3 and play on the top shelf, but no,  the older one refused and the younger one gave me an ok and then removed it.  Oh, the life of a newby.  I may just have to forget the hobby.  Maybe sugarbabies?

I suppose a visit 4 hours north is in the works now. I have heard from several regulars from years ago that I saw the hobby isn't what it was when I was there in Dallas. Apparently, the ladies are too young, too much, and not near close to hobbyists' liking.

three years ago, the women (selina, jules, hot nurse, anja....) were mature, gorgeous and dedicated to the hobby and never had issues as the girls you mention. sorry to hear. don't loose hope, babe..... good luck!

I don't know what was up with the two lovely ladies you met with who had you waiting forever as you were trying to pick them up for an outcall of all things, then they had you take them to buy drugs, then you fed them, then they hung out in your bathroom, then they cut the session short, then they needed you to drive them back to their place.  After that, they won't even give you the ok's to add further insult to injury.  Based on how you described them, not getting an ok from them should be the least of your concerns.  Be glad a cop didn't pull you over with 2 low end hookers and drugs in your car.  Where were they from anyway, the ghetto?  Forget about those two skanks.  You should just be glad if you never hear from them again.

This hobby is supposed to be fun, and it will be for you, all you need to do is set the bar a little bit higher next time around, and then all you need to do to accomplish your goal of +3 referrals is to meet two newbie friendly providers who can give you referrals.  The ones who do sensual massages only (no sex) tend to be newbie friendly.  Do that twice, and you are in with your +3 referrals.  Besides, who doesn't like a good sensual massage?  Then you can see whomever you want after that.  

If you are wondering about sugarbabies, go to the erotic highway board and read all about that over there.  I will tell you that in my own experience anyway, getting 3 providers to ok you is a way faster and easier endeavor than finding a sugarbaby who is worth knowing.  Good luck with everything!

I don't understand anything about your post. You should be able to find a couple of newbieeco-friendly girls to get to 3. Why go forbade threesome with two low-shelf (your terminology) to get there? Why involve video? Why pick them up? Why involve drugs? Why let them short you on time? Just why?

First drugs and the hobby do not mix well. Your upping your risk big time.

Second you booked ladies known to be unprofessional. You booked providers known to you to have bad behavior. Up your standards. You are the customer, you have the right to treated with respect and professionalism. By the way if you knew those ladies was flaky so do the ladies. They aren't great references to start with.

Third you let them run all over you. Hours late? Making you drive them to their dealer? I wouldn't have put up with it. Never be afraid to walk.

Your new so you will learn. You need to screen the ladies. You chose poorly. And when you seen this you continued. Learn from it.

-- Modified on 9/4/2016 2:25:50 AM

Posted By: zyzy1
so I am in Dallas and I prebook a duo at 10 pm.  They are not highly rated top notch providers but ok ratings with a propensity    for being late.  I knowingly over pay to meet their price for video for 2hrs.  I am a basic + 1 so I can't go top shelf yet.  Anyway,  They push back 2 hrs.  I have to go pick them up for an outcall and wait outside 30 minutes then take one to buy weed and finally home.  I feed them and have their favorite alcohol there to imbibe and after that, The 40 plus one sits in the bathroom  with the younger one trying to coax her out and reassuring me until 9 am. Finally we go at it but after an hour the older one says they have to go back to change rooms and then we can continue.  I drive them back to the hotel and drop them off and then go to my work meeting exhausted.  I requested an ok from each, so I could get to a basic +3 and play on the top shelf, but no,  the older one refused and the younger one gave me an ok and then removed it.  Oh, the life of a newby.  I may just have to forget the hobby.  Maybe sugarbabies?
-- Modified on 9/4/2016 5:16:15 AM

As you gain more,experience you will find that your decision making will get much better.Let you instincts guide you and not your dick. From what you wrote there were more red flags than a USSR flag parade.  
 We're here to share info and that means writing reviews. If you do this long enough you'll look back on this and laugh. G.

Posted By: golf1953
 As you gain more,experience you will find that your decision making will get much better.Let you instincts guide you and not your dick. From what you wrote there were more red flags than a USSR flag parade.    
  We're here to share info and that means writing reviews. If you do this long enough you'll look back on this and laugh. G.
Good point Thinking with wrong head

It looks like you might be setting the bar a bit low and not giving yourself enough credit. I'm not sure how it is in Dallas, but here in Atlanta there are many reputable ladies that will accept a client who has one recent reference. We just may ask for additional screening information to go with it.  
Perhaps do some more research into the providers in your area and see what you can find.

Posted By: Jess_CountryGirl
It looks like you might be setting the bar a bit low and not giving yourself enough credit. I'm not sure how it is in Dallas, but here in Atlanta there are many reputable ladies that will accept a client who has one recent reference. We just may ask for additional screening information to go with it.  
 Perhaps do some more research into the providers in your area and see what you can find.
How is a rookie in the business sittin bar low when he doesn't even know what the hell he's doing?  Escorts played him like fiddle.He ignore red flags and gut......Sound like promoting ad here for reputable escorts

It's true that the OP is still brand new. However, he put in the post that he doesn't think he can get "higher shelf" ladies without more references. I was just saying that might not be the case. My apologies if that could have been worded better.  

Posted By: Fancy8888
Posted By: Jess_CountryGirl
It looks like you might be setting the bar a bit low and not giving yourself enough credit. I'm not sure how it is in Dallas, but here in Atlanta there are many reputable ladies that will accept a client who has one recent reference. We just may ask for additional screening information to go with it.    
  Perhaps do some more research into the providers in your area and see what you can find.
How is a rookie in the business sittin bar low when he doesn't even know what the hell he's doing?  Escorts played him like fiddle.He ignore red flags and gut......Sound like promoting ad here for reputable escorts

zyzy1502 reads

Contacted former porn star and proved who I was.( I had contacted her at the same time as the crazy girls.)  She saw me and we had a great time.  My thinking on crazy girls was to get to 3 quickly and a threeway sounded fun.  I saw all the red flags but I knew as a basic +1 I wasn't going to get anyone else that night, and my time is limited, hence the successful sucker play.  Anyway, I did take some nice glamour pics of the younger, least crazy one and she really wants copies.  She owes me a greek and pop, but I told her I would email pics after I got the oks.  But can she just pull them down after she puts them back up ?  How do I contact Gina, maybe she can advise me?  The younger said P411 told her not to give ok until the date is finished but on top of not ever wanting to see them again, she wants more money.  Oh well, I have good pics of a lousy time and should be a basic+2 soon.  I am actually well known enough to be googled and facebooked as the porn star noted,  does this count for much?  I know each girl is different, but I have been in business for 25 years and have footprints all over the place on public records and publicity,  I only can't prove I will treat the provider kindly.  Anyway I thought you guys might be entertained by the crazy girl story and it gives me a presence on the boards.

That's P411 rules. You also can't tell them that they have to give you an Okay for you to send the pics, just as they can't ask you for more money in exchange for an Okay. That kind of stuff can get you kicked off of P411. If I were you, I'd just cut my losses.

I think he should just take it as a learning experience and cut his losses.

-- Modified on 9/4/2016 8:01:26 PM

VOO-doo424 reads

They can't say that the session 'isn't finished.' They just failed to provide certain services and/or time. A 'session' (meaning, loosely, pay for play) did take place.  

P411 can't refuse the OK because the session 'isn't finished.' Either you met and had a session (whether or not all planned activities took place) or you didn't. These girls are refusing to give an OK, because they want you to give them more money.

As for the porn star verifying you through your personal identity... it's a time-honored way to screen. However, be careful when sharing that info (for instance: it would be a REALLY BAD idea to screen that way with the two crazy girls you met). Once you accumulate enough references, you'll always be able to find someone who'll accept a date with you (although some women might require additional info in addition to references, as is their prerogative).  

As Tobi said, I'd just cut your losses, and move on. Learn a lesson from dealing with these two thuggettes. I'd just tell them you'll contact them to schedule at some point... then just don't. Don't try to argue with them, don't try to get your OK. Just be happy you escaped without any greater harm than a lost night of sleep and a few benjamins.  

See some nicer girls (like the porn star), get some more references, and you'll be good to go

It was my understanding that no actual physical activity took place in the OP's situation. Can someone clarify?

VOO-doo362 reads

He said: "The 40 plus one sits in the bathroom  with the younger one trying to coax her out and reassuring me until 9 am. Finally we go at it but after an hour the older one says they have to go back to change rooms and then we can continue.  I drive them back to the hotel and drop them off and then go to my work meeting exhausted."

The he said "She owes me a greek and pop"

So it sounds like the session did take place, but that not all agreed-upon activities were completed.  

It sounds like these girls are trying to get him to book more time, to "finish" the session... and on top of that, they're withholding the OK until he does :/  

How are girls like that even still in business??

"Finally we go at it" does sound like some activities took place.  

Posted By: VOO-doo
He said: "The 40 plus one sits in the bathroom  with the younger one trying to coax her out and reassuring me until 9 am. Finally we go at it but after an hour the older one says they have to go back to change rooms and then we can continue.  I drive them back to the hotel and drop them off and then go to my work meeting exhausted."  
 The he said "She owes me a greek and pop"  
 So it sounds like the session did take place, but that not all agreed-upon activities were completed.  
 It sounds like these girls are trying to get him to book more time, to "finish" the session... and on top of that, they're withholding the OK until he does :/  
 How are girls like that even still in business??

He said they went at it for an hour. Which I assumed meant sex. Maybe they played Hungry-Hungry Hippos. Wouldn't surprise me,with all the other B.S.

Posted By: darmody
Maybe they played Hungry-Hungry Hippos. Wouldn't surprise me,with all the other B.S.

Was half hour of hippos, half hour of crossfire.  

That was funny, bud.

Posted By: darmody
He said they went at it for an hour. Which I assumed meant sex. Maybe they played Hungry-Hungry Hippos. Wouldn't surprise me,with all the other B.S.
Sounds like more fun than what actually transpired.

zyzy1285 reads

yes bjs took place and I am moving on.  "Are you not entertained?"

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