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Bwahahaha look's up. I too am on "hooker time out"confused_smile
London Rayne See my TER Reviews 964 reads

so I feel ya bro. Only difference is I know the reason lol.

I'm a guy in my mid 20s.

I read a bit online about escorts and have many questions.

I know there are some escorts that charge like $5000/hr and huge rates like that and they are usually pornstars. My question is, what positions do they allow you to do to them? I know all of them require a condom.

I read a post by someone who said you can find escorts for like $300 and you don't need to spend some crazy amount just for those pornstar and that spending $5000 for a pornstar would be crazy.

So are you saying that $300 would be able to get me something as simple as a handjob only for a few minutes? The thing is I keep imagining something like $300 would be like those ugly cheap hookers in the street who look hideous but a person online told me those are trash and won't even cost more than $100.

But are there women who are in their 20s and look decent with decent body who actually do sexual acts for that cheap? I feel like if its $300, the girl must not look very good etc because that is very cheap.

Also, would an escort deny you if you look hideous, short, or fat or anything like that? But on average, does anyone know what you can/can't do with the escort?

So if you pay a lot of money for a pornstar like Katie Jordin... who i find very hot, does that mean you could do those sexual positions with her like in the movies she done?  I dont know why but i would gladly pay like $2000 to have sex with a pornstar like her for like 15 minutes.

"I know all of them require a condom".

Speak for Yourself bruddah..(Note; bruddah is Hawaii lingo)...You're making many generalizations, and these topics (condoms, rates, etc.) have all been discussed in past if you do a search...I'll sit in my hotel room & watch the NHL (i hate hockey) & read the encylopedia before i book a condom appt...

I'll answer your questions but please do yourself a favor and go to the Newbie Board to learn how this game is run.  While there, go back for several pages and read all the posts, then read the self-help section.  Almost every question you'll have will be answered there.
As to your specific questions:
1) Yes, most porn stars will do with you in a session pretty much what they do on screen.  But if you go with a well-reviewed provider you can read in her reviews what she does, if you have VIP.  If you don't buy VIP you are making a serious mistake.
2) Yes, it is easily possible to find really good girls at $300/hr who will do the full GFE service with you.  Read the self-help section to find out what GFE means.
Good luck.  But don't try anything until you've done your homework.

When I posted the reply above, there were no comments on this thread.  Because I am moderated (for no reason I know of) it took hours to post.  In the meantime, lots of people posted good answers so I PM'd Admin to not post the post up.  Got a form letter back.  Now the stupid post is up anyway because Admin can't be troubled to respond in a timely way.  They need to get their act together.  WTF, I'll bet they don't even let this go up!

My complaint about their tardiness caused them to unmoderate me.  I didn't ask to be unmoderated, just for them to get their act together (also knew they'd unmod me if I simply asked but wouldn't stoop to begging).  They never told me why I was moderated to begin with.  I think it was some drip like MSHSEX complaining about a post weeks ago.  Seems like he took a powder after his recent embarassment.  *sob*

but in the meantime, I'll try to field your questions.

By far, most gals charge a lot less than $1,000/hour, and it is true not too many of them are porn stars in their own right, but they do offer what we call a porn-star experience (PSE), which usually involves any position you want, even anal sex, for around $500 for a whole hour, and for the girl-friend experience (GFE) it's about the same only without anal sex in most cases.  This often includes as many shots (MSOG, or USOG) as the guy can muster.  GFE gals average $250-350/hr.  Multiple hours are often discounted too.

I'd say the biggest differnce regarding price is the age and looks of the gal.  Often a gal with lower prices will outperform a more expensive gal with better looks, so you have to become a VIP member and read reviews, including those for Katie Jordin, assuming she is reviewed here, and answer that question for yourself.

Looks are a personal matter.  Most gals have fairly accurate photos on their site, and the reviews comment on that accuracy, so again do your research and see if you like them.

Escorts see all types of guys.  Believe me, if they'll see me, they'll see just about anyone. They just want you to be courteous and respectful of their rules, be clean and presentable.  There's not to much to it.

You need to do a lot more research and to that end, you should go to the FAQ of Newbies Board and find the Self Help Manual that is linked on there.  (Look for the red and white life preserver.)

Armed with this information, you'll be able to make good decisions and have a load of fun in this hobby.

Welcome to TER.

Some general things to keep in mind:

  1.  You are paying for the escort's time.  What you do during that time is by mutual agreement.  She might have sex with you, she might not. Each girl sets the fee she wishes to collect for her time.  Some charge by the hour, some by the date, some by the night, etc. (although by the hour is the most common).  

  2.  How much you pay has little bearing whatsoever on the kind of experience you will have.  That is, you can pay $100 and have a fantastic time with someone, or you can pay $5000 with someone and have a lousy time.  It doesn't matter whether the girl is a porn star or not.

 3.  How much you pay for her time has absolutely no bearing on how attractive she is, whether or not she's drunk, high on drugs or anything else.  There are porn stars who are alcoholics, meth heads, etc. just like streetwalkers.  There are some that are fit, there are some that are not so fit.  And none of this has any bearing whatsoever on the time you will have with her, unless she physically repulses you.  That is, you can have a fantastic time with a pudgy/fat drunk/high woman just as easily as a fit, sober woman... as long as you don't mind that she's not fit or not sober.  Some people are turned on by overweight girls or drunks or druggies or ...  

 4.  If sexual activity happens, the price you paid, the looks of the girl, the fact that she is or is not a porn star, is or is not a drug addict, has very little bearing on what sexual activities she will do with you.  Some girls allow anal, some do not.  Some will give blow jobs, some will not.  Some will try and get you off as quickly as possible so you're out the door as quickly as possible and some will do multiple activities, multiple positions, and even multiple orgasms.  Each girl decides what activities she will do with you.  

 5.  Some girls will insist on a condom.  Some don't won't.  Some will ask for tests, some won't.  Each girl has her own rules, requirements and restrictions.  It doesn't matter whether she is a porn star or not and porn stars are no more likely, nor any less likely to require condoms as non porn stars.

 6.  Yes, in some cases, extra dough will get extra activities.  And, yes, sometimes extra dough will get condom-free fun.  Frankly, these women should be avoided.

 7.  Reviews are VERY useful for helping you decide whether or not to spend the money to see a particular escort - porn star or not.  But, just because someone else had a good (or bad) time with a particular escort may have nothing to do with whether or not you will have a good (or bad) time with the same escort.  Sometimes it's a matter of chemistry, or maybe the escort wasn't feeling well, or there was some reason why she didn't like you.  In any event, you should not rely on a single review to tell you what kind of experience you will have - each individual's experience with each individual escort will vary.  Reviews serve as a guide to help you make your decision and are not to be read as a definite guarantee.  

Of course, all of this is just my opinion... formed after many years of hobbying.  Your experiences may vary.

"extra dough will get condom-free fun.  Frankly, these women should be avoided".

That is a rather self-righteous reply from you, Mr. French...Who are you to put on a judge's robe and pontificate such a holier than thou attitude...This lifestlye is not little league, it is an ADULT lifestyle, and people are able to make the choices they see fit....And while i didn't attend Harvard or Yale, I'm quite capable of making those decisions...I'm just not sure why people like yourself feel non-condom is an industry only privilege, where do you come up with this stuff, it's quite mind boggling...I spend the time and money to test, once missed a USC game as i needed to pick up a paper copy of test (this was before tests could be emailed)...Having access to Air Force I is a special privilege, joining Augusta Golf Club is a privilege, being a member of Yale's Skull & Bones is a privilege, BB sex is NOT some unique, members only privilege..

To each his own, but i simply cannot stand when people get on a high horse and preach the lifestyle gospel...

Newto10001213 reads

You would have thought Mr. French used a vicious slur against you.  All he was recommending is to avoid condomless sex.  I think (and I believe the great majority believes) this to be reasonable behavior.  You are condom phobic.  I think that is unreasonable but if you are willing to accept the risks that is fine.  This isn't a cultural or political issue.  It's a risk issue - how much risk are you willing to assume with engaging in sex with relative strangers.  We know your position since you obviously publicize it whenever possible.   Your link of unprotected sex to Ivy-League clubs, elite golf clubs or presidential planes is beyond bizarre.    

Posted By: The Moose
"extra dough will get condom-free fun.  Frankly, these women should be avoided".

That is a rather self-righteous reply from you, Mr. French...Who are you to put on a judge's robe and pontificate such a holier than thou attitude...This lifestlye is not little league, it is an ADULT lifestyle, and people are able to make the choices they see fit....And while i didn't attend Harvard or Yale, I'm quite capable of making those decisions...I'm just not sure why people like yourself feel non-condom is an industry only privilege, where do you come up with this stuff, it's quite mind boggling...I spend the time and money to test, once missed a USC game as i needed to pick up a paper copy of test (this was before tests could be emailed)...Having access to Air Force I is a special privilege, joining Augusta Golf Club is a privilege, being a member of Yale's Skull & Bones is a privilege, BB sex is NOT some unique, members only privilege..

To each his own, but i simply cannot stand when people get on a high horse and preach the lifestyle gospel...

You've attacked me in prior posts, and in the past, you often picked fights with Fast Eddie...You seem to like picking fights for no other reason than to pick fights...

Did you notice, i haven't done a review in 4+ years, I'm not publicizing anything...I don't write reviews anymore and I don't reply to PM's (unless its political/sports talk)....

I'm everyones favorite scapegoat & punching bag, so be it...You cannot truly think I'm the only one who engages in BB...I hope you at least have the intelluctual honesty to see that....My lifestyle is far, far less risky than that of the typical male star..I've spoken enough on my testing routine, avoiding drugs, avoiding greek...

While I agree with mrfrench's statement re condomless sex it's important to note that The Moose, based on his reviews, sees virtually only porn stars.  As we know, these girls are regularly tested, as, according to him, is The Moose.  So he's got a particular way he rolls and I don't condemn him for it.  All condomless sex is not equal.  It's not like he's bare-backing BP girls.
In fact, it's amazing and ludicrous how judgemental people can get on a fuckboard about this and almost anything else -- like sexual preferences, for example.  This is a risky game we play here.  Everyone takes them.  We all run the risk of contracting something.  Sure, I know the risks vary depending on the specific behavior.  But why judge?  And, yes, The Moose was probably over-sensitive about the "offending" comment.  But at least he has the balls to post about a very sensitive topic under his own handle.

Much of the militant anti-bb blasts is sour grapes, and/or hyperbolic non-sense...Some make  wild associations ie; BB must mean anal, it must mean one is a drug user, blah, blah, blah...And its also fun (for some) to just pass judgment, that's the American way, and you see it all the time in everyday life...And some, well, they just want to tell others what to do, some people get off being authortative...And some just want a fight, like the Eagles fan whose looking for someone at Lincoln Financial Field in a NY Giants jersey and can't wait to taunt him (or vice versa, I'm not picking on Eagles fans)...

Thanks Inicky for being an adult and making your points without tearing people down and passing judgment...

You articulated my feelings, as doesn't hurt to take a deep breath every now and then before typing.

You are giving people advice who are new to all this. They are at more risk than those who know what they are doing, understand the various risks and have developed an approach to those risks that works for them.

Would you advise a newbie to TOFTT? No. Would you advise a newbie to look for BBFS? No.

If Moose wants to provide a detailed guide for newbies to pursue safe BBFS, that would be useful. To have an argument as to whether or not it is judgmental to suggest a newbie avoid BBFS, that is beside the point.

I do agree that there is a lot of hypocrisy TER as far as people who are pursuing alternative sexual lifestyles, while at the same time judging other people's different choices very harshly, but for me that is beside the point on this board as far as BBFS is concerned. It ain't about right or wrong, it is about keeping the noobs safe. Walk before you run. And if you want to go BBFS, ask Moose for tips before you unleash your tip.

My two cents,

what you do when all you are doing is causing the women you see to be avoided by guys who ARE afraid of bbfs? Just saying. The holier than thou crap has been played out btw. Just because we are hookers and johns here does not mean we all have to jump out of a plane without the damn chute..obviously, you feel that's smart lol.

if you want to see a porn star..SEE a porn star..i have no idea why hobbyists on here are intimidated by a porn star..the price? actually being with her in person? 99% of the ladies here do not make porn films for everyone to see..that really is the only difference..the thrill of seeing and being with someone you want to be with is what is all want it..go for might not get a second chance..

HookerCops853 reads

... I would definitely go with cost. I've seen 2 porn stars although the one based out of Miami has a very reasonable rate. While I would rate both experiences a 10/10, I can't say either one is in my top 3 provider sexual encounters. Sex isn't any better because the gal is famous or it costs more ... unless you build it up in your OWN head that way. You're just paying alot of extra money for the same things lots of other women do for much less.

wacking off to for years on TV lol. Other than that, no guarantee the sex or the looks are any better than a BP girl for 2 bills.

Posted By: GeorgeWalsh03

So if you pay a lot of money for a pornstar like Katie Jordin... who i find very hot, does that mean you could do those sexual positions with her like in the movies she done?  I dont know why but i would gladly pay like $2000 to have sex with a pornstar like her for like 15 minutes.
My friend, contact Adonia and she can set you up with Katie if you don't mind spending $$$$ to see her. You only live once after all. But if I were you I'd try a well reviewed newbie friendly independent first.

Research, Research and more research.

You don't have to spend $5k just to have a good time.  And some of my best rendezvous have been at the $300 range.   You need to find someone in your area that fits your description of a beautiful woman and them communicate with her with a few and I mean only a few emails.  If you get a good vibe from her, go see her.  If it works out great, if not, you get to try again. That is the fun of this hobby.

As to porn stars, if there is someone you want to meet and you got the money, go for it.  I had seen several porn stars in my day when I was your age and it was fun.  Some really good times.  Lately, I have been seeing some non porn star providers and they have rocked my world.  There is one pornstar that has come back to escorting and I really would like to see her.  But I am not as quick to lay down the bucks  for right now.  

So just be open minded about all women in this and just try to have fun.  Paying more is no guarantee of a good time and paying so little doesn't mean its going to be a bad time as well.  

Have fun,

I have been engaged in this "hobby" for pushing ten years now and there are few things I've learned:

1) Porn chicks are just like chicks, only more so!  They run the gamut from really cool to bat shit crazy, smoking' hot to three-bagger ville (where you put a bag over the dog's head so the dog respects you in the morning and worth-every-penny to what-the-fuck-was-I-thinking!  That's where the phase "your milage may vary" comes from!

2)  While the adage "you get what you pay for" has a certain applicability here, your assumption that girls at the lower end of the rate range are to be avoided is flat out wrong!  I have had some amazing sessions for less than $300 out of pocket, with very lovely young ladies who were more than accommodating!  Of course, part of that is that there are other places to locate them here.

3)  The one thing I know for sure: the only real regrets I have are those opportunities foregone for some usually fear-driven, nonsensical reason!   I have had SOO much fun here and have gotten to be pretty close to some of the most attractive, chill, open-mined women on the planet thru this activity!  (And most of what I'm referring to there DOES trace directly back to TER & my meeting Venus thru this site!  It's been awhile, darling, but if you're out there, I will be forever grateful to you!)  

4)  And now that I think of it, there's a perfect example of what I'm saying.  I saw Venus over 4 years ago, if I remember correctly, it was $700 for a 1/2 hour session that turned into an amazing 45-minutes (the dear girl was never a clock watcher!) and in retrospect, may very well have been the best-spent money of my life.  We hit it off, saw each other an a number of occasions, had full-blown romps on at least 2 occasions when all I had done was buy dinner, got to be real friends (1/2 the time we got together it was JUST for dinner or lunch) and she introduced me to a ton o' people in the adult film industry!  Obviously, I've been a lucky bastard (especially considering what I'm leaving out, that are, in my mind, even more amazing encounters) and this may not be your experience but it not taking any action assures you that you will not have any similar experiences!  Go for it!

there are escorts of all ages, races, and sizes who will let you do pretty much whatever for the time you pay within reason, and don't kid yourself...plenty of providers who won't even make you use a condom for fs. You can spend 200 or 2k and that is no guarantee the girl will be what you're looking for. Look at ads, websites, and reviews first and go from there. Many providers have a 30 something and up rule, but some don't. I think you will do just fine as long as you know what you are looking for.

In no particular order....

Escorts offer sex for money.  It's a business for them.  Your appearance is not important.  Being clean, polite, punctual and honest are the most important qualities you can display.

Only you can decide if a porn star is worth the extra money involved.  I've been having some pretty amazing sex with very beautiful women for many years for $300 an hour or so.  Depending on where you live the going rate may be a bit higher.  You should invest in VIP and start reading the reviews of gals in your area.  After a while you will get a better understanding of what it's going to cost you to get the kind of service you are looking for.

Take your time and do lots of reading here.  Be patient, stay safe. that before I discovered TER, and the agency I used (found them both within a day or two of each other) I only knew about very high priced Call Girls and street walkers. I had no idea there was anything else.
Let me assure you that there are indeed more ladies than you could every get around to seeing that are gorgeous women that would rock your world with the services they provide. The proof is here on this site. Simply go to any regional ad board and look at the photos of the providers there. Check their profile and see their rates. Anywhere from $200 to $400 or more an hour. I have seen a provider that has done some porn. Her rate is $300 an hour.

The advice the others have given you is right on. Read, read, read. Read back on this board, read the Self-Help Center. All of it. Even the part for providers. Knowledge is power, the more you know the better off you will be. The better you apply what you know the better your experience will be.

I'd just like to remind people that testing does not protect anyone from an STD. Only condoms do.

Many infections lie dormant even for months, so unless you test, get negatives, and then you're celibate for several months and then have another test with negative results, you'll never *really* know you don't have something. So use your best judgment, take risks you're willing to take the consequences of, and good luck to everyone. :)

they want to do. All this will do is lead to yet another rant about bbbjs being just as risky. which as the cdc states are NOT...never were, never will be. That's just a Red Herring tactic used rather often to divert your attention from the facts at hand. Besides..self alerts are awesomeness!

Sex without a condom is basically Russian roulette.  Yes, most of the chambers are empty, but it only takes one bullet.  Yes, folk, there are ladies and gentleman out there with bullets!

which is around 30 escorts, and thus is not statistically accurate (you need 1000 or more), I have found:

1. A correlation between location and price.  Escorts charge more per hour in Las Vegas and New York City.  The are far less expensive in the hinterland.

2. A correlation between looks and price.  If she is drop dead gorgeous, she can charge more.  If she and Quasimodo are brother and sister, the price tends to be lower.

3. A correlation between age and price.  As escorts get older, they tend to charge less.  Not always true, but on the average.

4.  Absolutely no correlation between performance and price.  Now I haven't had a $5,000 an hour lady, but I have had several under $300 that rocked my world.  

Each lady sets her own pricing.  A review of the reviews, and a bit of homework will help.

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