New York

Yea, it's totally OK for him to write an inaccurate glowing review...
VOO-doo 366 reads

So long as she gives him a kickback :/

This is what is SO wrong about the review culture.

This really isn't a NY post, but need the insight of my fellow NY'ers  

Recently saw a provider in Orlando while on abusiness trip. She had many top reviews (9/10's), listed on several VIP lists including P411 and had a really professional website, but performance ended up not Up to par with what the reviews said. I know it YMMV, but the following day I received A bizarre call from her. She politely told me if I was to review her, I must giver a 9 or 10 for looks and performance, but at least one of them had to have a 10. Nothing less than a 9. She noted that I had too because I didn't have any 10's in performance to anyone I reviewed prior and it may make her look bad. Also told me to say she was bi and that Greek was on the table even though both were not in reality.

After sending a PM to a previous reviewer of hers (also.a Fellow NY hobbiest), he got the same call and didn't think it mattered much but was apologetic. Since he was now aware that this VIP lady may not be as VIP as she really is, he felt that his review, while good intentioned, may have mislead me on to believe I was seeing someone else in thought. Additionally he originally wasn't going to giver a 9 on looks, but decided she might be a 10 in some else's eyes, so why not.  

Not sure if I should review her as she requested, review her honestly, or not reviewing at all. The call bothered me since I have never had anyone ask me to fictionalize what happened for their benefits. She also said she was keeping my verification information as a safety net for her. Kind of blackmailish to me.  

Putting it out to my home state board for some feed back.

Forward the email to TER and maybe ask the other reviewer to back you up. And then ... something might happen, ... or not.

You could give a 9 or 10 but then write, "I can't confirm Really Bi or Anal because my session didn't go there, but she claims to be both, but my vanilla session was tops. So she's either 7 out of 7 or 8 out of 8 or 9 out of 9." and so on. The stupid "extra points added to the base score" thing is a major problem with the scoring system.  

Appearance 9/10? "She isn't my type and I didn't find her all that attractive but I have her a 9 as guidance since most guys would probably give her a 9 of 10" (especially if she threatened them).

Or you could just write an honest review with the numbers you think reflect your experience and a prose review that explains it all

I don't post many reviews, and no lady that I ever seen ever asked me that if I review her, to be dishonest.  Still working after all of these years...

A seasoned vet with over 140 reviews is going to earn more respect than someone with two reviews giving tens tens. Write how it really went. You have enough white lists and enough merit to see anyone you want a good provider will see right thru that bull if she were to black list you.

-- Modified on 8/26/2016 8:53:12 AM

Your clearly uncomfortable so just don't do it. You don't need a board to tell you that.

FuzzyPictures326 reads

How about just providing your experience in the review?  Providing your perspective without any other influence?

TER provides the avenue for you to provide an honest review - without feeling uncomfortable, without the threats of retribution, or blacklisting, and without apology.  Post an honest review using an alias. You and everyone else will feel better about knowing the facts as you experienced them, no more, no less - and without considering the provider's recommendations or the previous scoring by any other hobbyist

Marietta235 reads

People are blackmailed for perfect 10s
People write fake reviews on here
People write malicious reviews on here.
How is this an honest avenue

If you had a great session and planned to see her again, you might be hesitant to write a poor review because then she might not see you again.  

But, she's not local to you.  You saw her on a trip.  Her performance was not up to par, and you probably don't plan to see her again, so she has no hold over you.  

If you want to write a review then write an honest one.

hklifestyle258 reads

You went to her based off her great reviews, paid her and performance was ass...write the truth in the review.  

If she had offered you a discount, something extra on the menu, extra time or maybe a complementary session for that excellent review then maybe you could write it. But you paid for a bad time and you have to help her out?? Hustler and strictly business provider

VOO-doo367 reads

So long as she gives him a kickback :/

This is what is SO wrong about the review culture.

TER sets providers us to feel insecure over competitive things, but providers need to be assured they will still be busy with lower ratings too.  Lots of  real girls on TER with lower numbers still do fine on TER and make killer bank money.

My reviews are not the best reviews out there but I know they are REAL. I'd rather a client give me the feed back on the good and also the bad of the session, so next time I try to better my self on the next client.  

So I don't think you should write her the review she demanded, tell her you will only post a real true review, or don't even bother reviewing her at all, you don't want to write that she provides extra services when she doesn't. That just confuses everybody envolved.

To me a "10" was my experience with Carolina Sweet of Miami. No BBFS. But at the end of our time, I felt like a teenager when he realized he may have found that special girl that he wants to have that first sexual experience. The one that that everyone actually wished they had. She made me feel more than just satisfied. Great conversation, great chemistry, and one of the best mutual feeling sessions I have ever experienced. But TER limited my review to a 9 since speaking Greek and CIM wasn't offered. Based on my beliefs, I've had Just about every level of service and BB everything isn't enough by itself to give a "10". A 10 is so much more and I won't give one unless I think it's warranted. If I could, I'd have my review of Carolina corrected so that I could give her 10/10 and only because she was that much better than the rest for me.  

Also a big thank you GED for the PM. It summed up just about everything in this chain that let me know my gut feeling was the best choice. Sometimes it best to air things out and know that there are others out there that actually think before speaking. Thank you all

Shootfighter661 reads

I am not going to name anyone, but it has happened to me

TER's rating system is not sensible to me. Sometimes I am eligible for 10's sometimes I am not according to my reviewers. Everyone knows their system is far from perfect and personal opinions vary greatly. I don't think any man is going to put so much weight on scores that they are worth manipulating.

I hear way too often about providers encouraging or forcing men to give them high scores or fluffed reviews. I hate that some of you are in situations where you have to and I hate that girls are willing to destroy peoples lives over something so petty. I have seen many reviews that stated she suggested I should say this...or she offered this for this. I personally think if someone tries to manipulate one person they are doing it to everyone and it needs to be put out there. The only way any of this is worth anything is if people are putting accurate information out there. If enough of it gets out there it should put the lies to a stop

I am agree with you,one of man give me 9/9,but the system not allowed,he complain to me,told me that is what he fell,I am not say I am absolute 9,but I knew he really like he  have to changed ,make lower

If requesting certain scores is tacky and unfair, mentioning the hoarding of verification info right after said request sounds just plain menacing. :-/

I agree with the honest review responses. I don't take much stock in the numerical system here, but review manipulation is bad for all, as is leveraging screening info.

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