New York

wow that is crazy
Sunshine3365 23 reads

i have worked 7 yrs and none of those things have happened to me. I have never been kidnapped or robbed i had a client short me money. I had a client request an out call and when I arrived i got a text sorry

since i have hired a booker i have no issues all clients screened , maybe you need to screen better

In my two years in the industry, I've faced numerous challenges, including assaults, receiving counterfeit money, chargebacks, and even being robbed or kidnapped. It's disheartening to encounter individuals who exploit the booking process for ulterior motives, posing as potential clients when their intentions are different.  

To ensure my safety and the integrity of my services, I've implemented certain measures. Requesting a form of identification with certain details obscured, and requiring a deposit, are essential precautions. This not only mitigates the risk of no-shows but also safeguards against potential threats when disclosing my location for screening purposes.

It's important to emphasize that these measures are not arbitrary; they're rooted in the necessity to protect both parties involved. Similar to any professional appointment, such as with a dentist or doctor, missed appointments incur costs. As such, requesting a deposit is a standard practice in many service industries.

While I understand concerns about privacy and inconvenience, prioritizing safety and professionalism is paramount. I've learned from experience to be cautious, especially considering the unreliable nature of references and online approvals. Ultimately, these precautions are intended to foster a secure and respectful environment for all parties involved.

RespectfulRobert33 reads

Let me start off by saying I am so saddened to hear about your assaults, getting ripped off and being taken against your will. Omg, the horrors you have been through are so disturbing and I am sure you are still dealing with the ramifications of all of that, so I wish you well. You deserved better and you were violated on numerous occasions so again, I am so sorry to hear this but I can tell you are a survivor so good for you!
I think your post is a must read for many people, as I dont think many men know what some women go through in this line of work. I have had the pleasure of having 4 women I have gotten exceptionally close to over the years that have taken me behind the curtain so to speak, and have shown me first hand what you women have to put up and endure at times. Some people here call me "too pro-provider" and that's fine, I can live with that. Maybe I have first hand information that others don't and that makes me more sympathetic to SWs.
SWs literally put their lives at risk every time they go on a date as they almost always meet up with someone bigger and stronger than they. But what would our lives be without you taking that risk for the good guys who always treat you with kindness and respect? We would be miserable, thats how we would be. So thank you for doing what you do as we all need human connection, intimacy and in person interaction. It is essential in a world where too many men spend all too much time on their cell phones and living only, or too much, in a digital or virtual world.  
I am just a big believer that any women can have any etiquette/protocol they wish, and the client can agree or not agree to provide them, but they shouldn't offer a provider an alternative method of any of her demands to see her. They should just seek out a woman they do feel comfortable/compatible with and engage that women's services.  
There is too much "us vs them" (i.e. client vs provider) in this lifestyle and it really bothers me. Shouldn't it be more about "we?" This realm can truly be so uplifting and incredible, as just this year I have met the most incredible women after having such a bad year last year. They have brought me out of a funk and I am so grateful to them!
Thank you for your well thought out and very personal post and I wish you nothing but the best moving forward!

Thank you very much for your response and understanding. I believe many people would benefit from reading our insights.

Reflecting on my own experiences, I realize that two years ago, I wouldn’t have known how to screen for potential risks, as I never imagined experiencing some of the things I have endured. It’s challenging to comprehend the existence of evil until you become a victim of it.

Men who question why we request deposits or identification should consider the broader context of our experiences and the importance of trust in both directions. Trust is essential, which is why finding a reputable provider with reviews is crucial. Providers with established reputations and positive feedback have too much at stake, including their careers and livelihoods, to engage in risky behavior for a small deposit or exploit anyone. Personally, I prioritize safety and security above all else. Thank you again for your understanding.

HornySkeptic28 reads

I completely understand, but the flip side of the coin, there are unscrupulous young ladies out there.  

I gave a girl a deposit a week ago and she changed the date twice and then ghosted.

There really should be a forum here where this information can be collected.

I believe there is a blacklist out there on the dark web about clients.  Clients are afraid to post about providers for fear of retaliatory blacklisting.

I have been catfished several times.  Some are still at it.   "Verified" means nothing.

It only takes one to spoil the fun for everyone.

i have worked 7 yrs and none of those things have happened to me. I have never been kidnapped or robbed i had a client short me money. I had a client request an out call and when I arrived i got a text sorry

since i have hired a booker i have no issues all clients screened , maybe you need to screen better

RespectfulRobert20 reads

Maybe you didn't mean it that way but it can be read like that. Even the best screener in the world does not guarantee the man that shows up that day will be a gentleman. It is well documented here and elsewhere that very thorough and well screened clients act like psychopaths from time to time. No method is ever fool proof.

I have required a deposit to book, since 2010. If someone has a problem securing my time with a deposit kindly find another provider that fits your needs. I am a bonafied entertainer. Safety is a priority when you’re the only active parent. I share my time with individuals who respect me as a women & a Super Mami!  

The Universe & TER attracts friends that care about me as a human being. I don’t want to cater to lots of people ,or tour. I love reserving my time for one lucky person who deserves notable treatment. Smile for me! Xoxo 💋

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