New York

Re: I think ......
Chivalry 4 Reviews 2203 reads
1 / 26

I payed 500 prior to her retirement. She sent me an email that she is now exclusively servicing a select group of clients at 700. Should I cave ? I'm inclined to do so because I enjor her so immensely. Has anyone ever been in this situation ?

MakingMeGrow 1070 reads
2 / 26

You answered your own question. Personally I'd leave it alone. She wasn't worth it at $$$$$. There is better action out there. Yes, even in Long Island.

Chivalry 4 Reviews 815 reads
3 / 26

I can't find the action you speak of. Enlighten me please   Pm is fine.  Thanks

Toto27 784 reads
4 / 26

Just a couple years ago so many of the ladies were $400 and many were splitting with an agency, including your atf. Seems like an awful lot of inflation going on.

Waterclone 78 Reviews 680 reads
5 / 26

You said that you are inclined to pay the extra because you enjoy her so much.  So, that is your answer.  If you think she is worth the money, then pay it.

Personally, I have a specific budget.  I very rarely move beyond it.  If a woman I see regularly raises her rates, then generally, I won't see her any more.  I won't complain or ask for a discount.  I am happy for her that she can make more money.  I just find someone else.

I will ask if the new rate is only for new people (am I grandfathered) or does the new rate apply to old clients as well.  Some women have taken offense at "being asked for a discount" however, so many women do keep old clients at the older rate, it's a legitimate question.  

But, if the new rate applies to me, then that's that.  

It's not a principle thing.  I don't take offense at the rate being raised.  There was someone that I continued to see after she raised her rates.  In this case, she had been so underpriced in the first place that her new price was still within my budget.

Waterclone 78 Reviews 859 reads
6 / 26

Posted By: MakingMeGrow
You answered your own question. Personally I'd leave it alone. She wasn't worth it at $$$$$. There is better action out there. Yes, even in Long Island.
He didn't mention someone specific, so how can you possibly say "She wasn't worth it at $$$$$?"  You don't know who it is.  Or do you think no one is worth $500?  That's not for you to judge.  If someone else has a bigger budget than you, they get to decide what to spend it on.

If you want to answer the question, then do it so generically.  The numbers are irrelevant.  Answer the question within your own budget.

If your ATF at $200 raised her price to $300, would you still see her.  

Or is that also too much?

MakingMeGrow 752 reads
7 / 26

WC - if you follow these boards and you are familiar with the poster, you'll know exactly who he is referring to. It's not rocket science. Go back and search the last month. There are at least three posts referencing the same provider.

My last ATF was at $$$$$. So that is around my budget if you need to know. I saw his ATF at the same $$$$$ and once quite awhile ago when she was agency and a bit lower than that. IMO she is not worth $$$$$. She has too many issues. I choose not to answer generically because I pay attention and am aware of whom he is referring to. But thanks for the lecture. Next time do your homework

Lemurrush 125 Reviews 629 reads
9 / 26

WC - I'm in the same boat as you.

I have a budget. If an ATF raises their rates, I'll inquire if I'm grandfathered; if I'm not - I move on.

I, also, know the OP's ATF -- she was one that raised my rates (basically by 150 percent) Another raised me 100 percent -- like you said, I'm happy for them; less happy that my references and recommendations *helped* get them there. Ah well.

But, in fairness to the OP - LI is pretty awful at this point. :(

Waterclone 78 Reviews 704 reads
10 / 26

Posted By: MakingMeGrow
WC - if you follow these boards and you are familiar with the poster, you'll know exactly who he is referring to. It's not rocket science. Go back and search the last month. There are at least three posts referencing the same provider.  
 My last ATF was at $$$$$. So that is around my budget if you need to know. I saw his ATF at the same $$$$$ and once quite awhile ago when she was agency and a bit lower than that. IMO she is not worth $$$$$. She has too many issues. I choose not to answer generically because I pay attention and am aware of whom he is referring to. But thanks for the lecture. Next time do your homework.  
When someone asks the question "what would you do if this happened with your ATF?" I am going to think about what I would do in that situation with my ATF.  There is no homework to do for such a question.  I have no reason to go looking up past posts by that person.  I don't care who he posted about in the past.  It's not relevant to the hypothetical question that he posed.

I read these boards, but don't "follow" them.  Certainly not to the point of keeping track of who someone else is fucking.  Congrats.  You "pay attention" and know all about the sex lives of other guys.  Whatever floats your boat.  That's not why I am here.

MakingMeGrow 853 reads
12 / 26

Dude get a grip. Go back and read your first paragraph. You said " he didn't mention someone specific so how can you possibly say she wasn't worth it at $$$$$. You don't know who it is". Well contrary because in his post on 3/9 ( one of several posts noting this provider by name and status) he says her name and states she is his ATF.  Not my fault you don't read.  

You can advise him any way you choose as can I. You don't have to do "homework" but if you paid attention to the LI market and read this board. this was a no brainer. I don't pay attention to "the sex lives of other guys". I'll leave that to you. If someone repeatedly laments that their ATF is gone, has anyone seen her, know if she's ok, Then comes out with a what to do now that my ATF raised her rate, you will know who he is talking about. I don't comment from ignorance. I'll leave that to you. If you don't know why you're here maybe you shouldn't respond

Waterclone 78 Reviews 669 reads
13 / 26

This can't be serious.  No one is as dense as you must be pretending to be.

When I said he didn't mention someone specific, I was referring to this thread.  The one you replied to.  The one I am replying to.  His post was this...

"What would you guys do ?? My ATF has resurfaced after a few months of retirement but now wants 700 p
I payed 500 prior to her retirement. She sent me an email that she is now exclusively servicing a select group of clients at 700. Should I cave ? I'm inclined to do so because I enjor her so immensely. Has anyone ever been in this situation ?"

That was the entire post.  Point out to me where he mentioned who this was, or that it was in LI?  I don't care that you have some crazy history with him, or that you found some post from a month ago where he talked about something else.  None of that has anything to do with the fact that this thread. This thread was simple a question about "what would you do if your ATF raised her price."  That's it.  

No.  I don't pay attention to the LI market.  Why the hell would I?  I don't live in LI, and this post said nothing about LI.  

Go back to trolling on long island.  I'm done.   buh bye

JAYSAN1131 221 Reviews 646 reads
14 / 26

I Personally stand to think that this Profession is highly overrated, no other Profession will have a rate of 500/- per hour (exception being Medical,legal,Movies), so I would settle to be within my Budget and explore new ones and try to get more ATFs within my means, Let the greedy bithces find new loosers.
Also I would appeal to fellow guys not to inflate this market though sex is a primal need,exercise due diligence

CityQuidam 20 Reviews 651 reads
15 / 26

I had an all time favorite girl that I adored and saw regularly,  I took a break from the hobby bc I got involved with someone, and when I looked her up recently she went from a cool 350 to 500.  She's worth every penny.  I miss her!  she is amazing!  But...  I don't see her bc if I did see her again, I'd easily get addicted and spend a lot more money on this hobby than I'm willing to justify...

garymoore 17 Reviews 630 reads
16 / 26

The best relationships are give n take. If she would not see you at her old rate, then how good you got along with her
was obviously one-sided.....she likes you as long as you're paying her....guarantee that if she says she's cumming when youre screwing her that its all an act....otherwise she should be honored that you still want to see her regularly....not cool

Ive had several providers over the years that Ive gotten along with very well and they always suggest either a freebie here n there, a reduced rate or in 1 case where she normally got 300/hour we started doing some overnights for 500. There was real passion and real friendships there though

KL69069 43 Reviews 688 reads
17 / 26

It's not always easy, but you can find a new ATF.

What happens when she starts a 90-minute minimum at $1,000?  

If she had grandfathered you, you may owe her some loyalty.  Without it, she's saying that the ATF status wasn't mutual.

Chivalry 4 Reviews 592 reads
18 / 26

I agree with all of you  
So can someone help me find another ATF ?  
I have some potential ones that have contacted me already. I hope something works out. I don't like seeing that many new people. I like to stick with women that I connect with. Makes the whole experience more palatable and enjoyable imo

in_vino_veritas 645 reads
19 / 26

pardon my French, but that's the biggest pile of BS I've ever heard. She retires for a few months and now sees a select group of clients at a significantly higher rate. Likely story. I can guarantee that each client who's begging her to come back is paying the highest individual rate that they are willing to bear. Maybe she really doesn't want to escort any more but is willing to do it selectively if you'll pay what she considers acceptable freight. And maybe she even considers it a favor to you to do it at that rate. But, where will you draw the line? What if tomorrow she decides that she needs $1000/hr. Go with someone who's decided to do this openly and fairly and advertises a rate for everyone to see. That way, you know you're being treated fairly. That's just my 2c.
Sorry, I can't help with the search for the new ATF, but I just wanted to send you an "attaboy!!!" for standing up for what's right.

Waterclone 78 Reviews 630 reads
20 / 26

"If someone can help me find another ATF?"

That's not really how ATF's work.  Your ATF is, by definition, your favorite of all the girls you have seen.  Even if you gave us a list of all the girls you've spent time with, we couldn't tell you which should be your ATF.

It's sort of like asking others to help you find your favorite movie.  We can recommend movies that we like, but you need to watch movies and then decide if one is your favorite

Hardnight 8 Reviews 563 reads
21 / 26

700 is a lot when there are so many good choices at 400 and 500, and it will be fun looking for your new atf.
I would venture into the city and spend the other 300 on a good meal and a night out!

I know its cliche but I look at girls like toys like I look at my cars
as much as I like a car I dont want it when its 10 years old!

Lemurrush 125 Reviews 602 reads
22 / 26

Ah yes,

If you don't willingly accept a sizable rate increase ... there's clearly something wrong with you.

To the OP -- by all means, you should be *flattered* that she's offering you only a 40% increase, apparently.

This thinking has led to rates increasing - oh -- 200 percent, *since* the recession. As someone else said, if people continue paying the higher prices, they'll stay higher.

Assuming this is a provider (and, I believe there are about 2-3 it could be), if you're getting the higher rates, congrats! Enjoy! Anyone I've liked would never say I'm frugal --so, I have to assume you're not someone I liked (again, going back to that 2-3 providers it might be). That's okay. Diff'rent strokes and all that. I'm pretty sure it's no big loss for me .....

Lemurrush 125 Reviews 590 reads
23 / 26

Posted By: MuddytheMudskipper
It's annoying. 2-3 girls? Try you haggle everyone that comes or mentions coming to LI. You and  guys  like you killed it out there.  

-- Modified on 4/11/2015 12:35:12 PM
Completely untrue -- but, that's okay. I have enough whitelist referrals, etc. to stand in opposition of your 'alias'.

Yes, we killed the business for the girls that wanted to come out and deliver $300 service and wanted to charge $700 ... I think I'll live.

Lemurrush 125 Reviews 429 reads
24 / 26

Well - like I said - clearly you didn't like me; it happens. Fortunately, you're in the minority.

I, almost certainly, didn't like you (which reduces the number of people you could be to only about 2-3).

On the other hand, the fact that you're able to stalk me all around this site, everywhere I go ... always using an alias ... well, you certainly don't seem awfully busy. I guess my assessment was spot-on.

Unless, of course, you'd care to step out from behind the cowardly alias -- then, you might actually have the slightest amount of credibility. For anyone else still masochistic enough to still be reading this -- you can check my reviews (or, hell, PM me ...) I'll be happy to share who I think this person is.

Lemurrush 125 Reviews 526 reads
25 / 26

Posted By: MuddytheMudskipper
Ar you saying that anyone that posts here doesn't make $? Please.  
 Are you actually saying you are not a haggler? Let me guess, next you'll actually say you wash your ass before a date too?  

-- Modified on 4/13/2015 7:06:59 PM
Well, considering how infrequently I post, Yeah, I'd say if it walks like a duck ...

Like I said before though - you have zero credibility, hiding behind an alias.

Pearls before swine

Lemurrush 125 Reviews 420 reads
26 / 26

Thanks ...

I'm sure I'll see you the next time I post again; with yet another alias this time .....

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