New York

I'm not sure, rr, but I doubt it.
inicky46 61 Reviews 648 reads

First of all, the big agency that was busted closed down two years ago.  Most others are still around.  I'm not sure which agencies you were thinking of.

I haven't done a survey or anything, but it seems like more and more girls are advertising at $600 or $700 per hour.  Many more than before.  Personally, I don't play above the $300-$500 range so I won't be seeing them.

CltLuvr1084 reads

requirement which is really just a weak ploy at getting more money.

I won't play the 600 - 700 game either, but some will and then write phony 10 reviews. lol

VOO-doo776 reads

I have a multi-hour minimum, and it's not to increase my bottom line. I get plenty of emails asking for 1-hour dates, and I have to refuse all of them.

Which brings me to my main point: the type of men who contact us, without reading our sites first, are EXACTLY the type of clients we try to avoid when we set a high time minimum. The non-readers are ALWAYS 1-hour clients. So are the NCNS'ers, disrespectful assholes, chronic overstayers, and in general, those who cause many endemic problems of escorts. You will never catch a 4-hour guy NCNS, soft-scheduling, calling and asking to come over in 15 minutes, excessively overstaying, haggling, etc. etc. I could go on and on. I'm not saying that 1-hour clients are all bad. Some were very nice, and I happily continue to see them. But I personally found that 1% of my clients caused 99% of my problems, and the thing they had in common was that they NEVER booked anything more than 1 hour. When I cut out the 1-hours, I was much happier.

I doubt I make MORE than I would otherwise. But, I'll gladly a dip in income for the headaches and aggravation I've been (largely) free from ever since.

Also, some girls are not Manhattan residents, and might have to factor in the time/inconvenience of travel. Might not be worth it to them, to do only an hour

DeanVernonWormer846 reads

3rd thread on this subject in the last few weeks……not worth discussing.  

Interesting though that the Central bankers of the world and Paul Krugman and the NYT are worried about deflation worldwide. I'd have to say this is part of the inflationary trend though.

And didn't pay her a dime.  Then again, she was a lousy lay.

DeanVernonWormer768 reads

No doubt she wasn't nearly as good as that great American slampiece, Fawn Liebowitz, eh Otter?

Make no mistake young man, you're still on double secret probation.

The Foot


So damn you and your double secret probation!

bigguy30947 reads

It's no harm in asking, but I feel $200-$500 an hour is very fair.
If the provider wants $600-$1000 a hour, all I can say is good luck with that one.
I can afford to pay it, but when I can get a great date within the $200-$500 hour rate.
Why would I do it, unless it was a muti hour party and not one hour.

-- Modified on 10/27/2014 9:58:41 AM

If your neighbor is selling for $300K, you're immediately going to say, "Mine is nicer than theirs, I want $350K." It's not inflation, just human nature.

Soooo true. When below average looking girls post on Eros for $600 an hour for body rub, I'm like--My girls are soooo much hotter. We should do that too.  

At the same time--we keep our price point lower specifically to benefit the girls. If, as an agency, I try to charge $500 an hour, that means my girl will get slightly more money and we will too However, it also takes away a client's incentive to tip. Granted, not all clients do tip--but the best ones do.  

In some ways, when a girl charges less she can actually make more, not just because she is seeing a higher volume of clients, but because she gets tips.  

But--if a girl is an Independent escort--I can totally understand why her rates are higher. It is far more taxing on a woman's body than body rub. She needs to be selective to stay healthy both financially and health-wise. For that, I don't think $800 an hour is unreasonable.  Only my opinion of course.

Yes 6, 7 and even 8 have become routine in the Big City(in my case LA)  And it is a lot of money compared to many other of life's pleasures.  And I too have little patience with anyone who feels entitled to a certain amount of money just because.  

BUT, we oldsters can attest that in the scary old days of dialing from the yellow pages you never knew whether you'd end up with a hottie at your door or a ROB experience to lament.  And unlike some old timers I do not think everything was better back in the day. In my experience the women I had the pleasure of meeting in the last 10 years are, on average,  light years hotter than those I encountered in the first 15 or so. And back then CIM, anal and even doubles were as rare as an honest politician.  I can't really expect that a truly attractive woman who looks at this enterprise with a  clear eye to  NOT price her time to match those improvements.  

I heard on the radio a year ago that phone service is way cheaper now than 25 years ago on a per call basis, despite our complaints. I wonder,  when you factor in the talent available,  the variety and quality of services offered and the relative safety and security  compared to 25 years ago whether you would find we're still getting a bargain in P4P.

Ultimately,  the market is what the market is.  I think golf courses,  ski areas and nice hotels have priced themselves into being rich men's enjoyments.  To which the market would answer a resounding "So what?".

-- Modified on 10/27/2014 12:16:16 PM

remember about 10 years ago when over night gas prices doubled.  
and it was all people could talk about

even though a gallon of gas was about a buck for 20 years!
cigarettes were about a buck back when I smoked now they are like 15!
an ounce of ganja was 30 bucks back when I was in high school now its 400!
and again the quality if the weed is so much better, but the gas and the ciggerettes are the same.

if you look around you can still get some strange for under 100 dollars.
if you are lucky enought to spend 500 and not think twice about it
you can have whatever you want!

I gave a long winded reply a few weeks ago about this topic, which is searchable, about why we pay more in the big city (in my case LA).   If you don't feel comfortable paying the lady's rate then find another lady or just don't play.  Nothing wrong with that.  As Phundog did mention those old days were so unpredictable.   You were never sure who was going to show up, was she going to do everything you wanted to do or were you going to walk away ok.  Those were high risk, high pay off days for me and I do miss the thrill of playing that game but I'm not into those games anymore. I need someone that I can reply on and I don't mind paying for that.  

As Phunhog said, rates here in LA have gone way up to the point where you really having to step back and think about it.  
There are several new ladies adopting those high rates because they feel they are as hot or even hotter than an established lady charging the same rate. That is wrong outlook on this.  Your rate should be indicative what type of session you are going to provide and impression you want to make on the guy. The guy should be walking out of the room dazed, smiling ear to ear, weak in the knees, forgetting how much money he just dropped and thinking about how soon can he repeat. Now, that is a high dollar session to me.  But when another lady is asking for that same amount, getting you off in 10 minutes and then turning the tv on (true story).  That's pathetic but that is why guys are really having to do their research nowadays and leery about dropping that much money on ladies now.  

My personal opinion with ladies in that price range, they sometimes reply too much on their assistants and you lose that personal touch with the lady.   Personal touches makes all the difference for us guys in choosing a lady.  Sometimes the littlest thing you say or do sets you apart from the rest

VERY well put. For $800 or $1000 an hour, the girl should 100% provide an unforgettable experience. No baggage. You should be the only person in the world for the hours you pay for with her. Like staying at the Four Seasons in NYC vs Howard Johnson.

Howard Johnson costs less--but you get exactly what you need and no more. At the Four Seasons--they offer unparalleled service--they will do your shopping and send a doctor to your room. They will tailor your clothes. But, of course you pay a premium.  
This is the service business and girls (especially $1000 an hour girls) should never forget that

Just so you know girls aren't dumb they compare themselves with each other all the time.  They dress to impress each other and NOT you  

With that said, just scrolling through TER ad and the Photo board, there are some really below average, if not at all stomach churning looking women.    

When these type of girls get to charge over 500 if not, I even saw a 600/hr for a lady that look like trailer trash with tattoos covering all her body ( and they are not pretty tattoos either ), whats a cute hot normal girl to do.

There are men that continually rate 9-10s for these type of girls that in the regular REAL world would be scraping the bottom of the barrel if possible for even a 1.

You can blah and argue that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, when that b.s.  we all know what is a good-looking lady and what is not.  Just like we can tell a cute kid from some ugly looking kid.   We all know beauty when we see it.  

But apparently in this business even the uglies can get a 9-10 in looks even the obese ones get 9-10s.... what is a true beautiful woman to do.  She shouldn't set her rate the same as one who is basically a beached whale ...

Blame the pathetic men who would see these uglies, pay their ridiculous rate and give them a 9-10 in looks.   If my prices were the same as some bum, I would definitely be asking for a lot more.

Not to mention some men see a know ugly and then see a real hottie and yet still give both a 9-10 in looks.  No wonder some girls are raising their rates...  I wouldn't charge the same as a known ugly

Sorry but its the truth.

-- Modified on 10/27/2014 3:23:20 PM

Look I have no illusions about scoring--there are providers who manipulate their scores and there are men who score as if they just got rescued from a desert island. But there's also the ineffable matter of taste. And however you score it the market still is the market.  BMWs are overpriced toys sold by the arrogant to the gullible. But still they fly out of dealer showrooms.  Now you could stand in front of the dealership screaming at customers that just down the road they could get a Subaru for a lot less money. But that likely wouldn't affect market behavior much would it.

I would think gets a higher score because of her demeanor. She uses her look and build right.

Same with guys. Dudes ask why I date certain guys. Some guys just have a confidence that makes them mesmerizing. My looks score would be much higher.  

Some make a woman feel matronly or ugly, or unskilled/uncomfortable, whatever. She then can feel like that, and her poise, her facial expressions, her mannerisms, body language, posture will change, which changes how she looks overall. A radiant, genuine smile and hopeful, deep eyes will distract from some flaws. But if a dude makes her feel ugly - well, that smile, that walk, and that swag will drop - and then you have plain.

Besides, not like the girl got her tattoos just with you in mind. You can't afford her anyway, so insulting her just proves how much of a dick you are.

Posted By: MidAgedCEO
Just so you know girls aren't dumb they compare themselves with each other all the time.  They dress to impress each other and NOT you  
 With that said, just scrolling through TER ad and the Photo board, there are some really below average, if not at all stomach churning looking women.    
 When these type of girls get to charge over 500 if not, I even saw a 600/hr for a lady that look like trailer trash with tattoos covering all her body ( and they are not pretty tattoos either ), whats a cute hot normal girl to do.  
 There are men that continually rate 9-10s for these type of girls that in the regular REAL world would be scraping the bottom of the barrel if possible for even a 1.  
 You can blah and argue that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, when that b.s.  we all know what is a good-looking lady and what is not.  Just like we can tell a cute kid from some ugly looking kid.   We all know beauty when we see it.    
 But apparently in this business even the uglies can get a 9-10 in looks even the obese ones get 9-10s.... what is a true beautiful woman to do.  She shouldn't set her rate the same as one who is basically a beached whale ...  
 Blame the pathetic men who would see these uglies, pay their ridiculous rate and give them a 9-10 in looks.   If my prices were the same as some bum, I would definitely be asking for a lot more.  
 Not to mention some men see a know ugly and then see a real hottie and yet still give both a 9-10 in looks.  No wonder some girls are raising their rates...  I wouldn't charge the same as a known ugly  
 Sorry but its the truth.

-- Modified on 10/27/2014 3:23:20 PM

Hey when you start paying me, you can then criticize my looks.  If not your holier then thou, I think I'm witty response is just pure pathetic.  

You ever wonder why Depends for Women is more expensive then it is for Men when its basically the same  

Don't worry about my looks, worry about yours as that is your only form of bread and butter.   I have something that can make money from now till forever.  It doesn't wrinkle, it won't sag, it won't gain weight and worst it will never be loose :)

You honey got more to lose ... then trying to making sad witty comeback to pump your own ego.

Posted By: MillionDollarSugarBaby
Besides, not like the girl got her tattoos just with you in mind. You can't afford her anyway, so insulting her just proves how much of a dick you are.  
Posted By: MidAgedCEO
Just so you know girls aren't dumb they compare themselves with each other all the time.  They dress to impress each other and NOT you    
  With that said, just scrolling through TER ad and the Photo board, there are some really below average, if not at all stomach churning looking women.      
  When these type of girls get to charge over 500 if not, I even saw a 600/hr for a lady that look like trailer trash with tattoos covering all her body ( and they are not pretty tattoos either ), whats a cute hot normal girl to do.  
  There are men that continually rate 9-10s for these type of girls that in the regular REAL world would be scraping the bottom of the barrel if possible for even a 1.  
  You can blah and argue that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, when that b.s.  we all know what is a good-looking lady and what is not.  Just like we can tell a cute kid from some ugly looking kid.   We all know beauty when we see it.    
  But apparently in this business even the uglies can get a 9-10 in looks even the obese ones get 9-10s.... what is a true beautiful woman to do.  She shouldn't set her rate the same as one who is basically a beached whale ...  
  Blame the pathetic men who would see these uglies, pay their ridiculous rate and give them a 9-10 in looks.   If my prices were the same as some bum, I would definitely be asking for a lot more.  
  Not to mention some men see a know ugly and then see a real hottie and yet still give both a 9-10 in looks.  No wonder some girls are raising their rates...  I wouldn't charge the same as a known ugly  
  Sorry but its the truth.  
 -- Modified on 10/27/2014 3:23:20 PM

I see you don't know how female anatomy works. Let me help you with that. See the link below. ;)

By the way, most providers aren't providers for life. When I'm done with my degree, I'm pretty sure I can hire you as my butler. Besides, this is fun and I like sex. :p

You're the pathetic one and it's pretty sad how misogynistic you are! ;3

You're already wearing depends and only mid aged?

Posted By: MidAgedCEO
Hey when you start paying me, you can then criticize my looks.  If not your holier then thou, I think I'm witty response is just pure pathetic.    
 You ever wonder why Depends for Women is more expensive then it is for Men when its basically the same  
 Don't worry about my looks, worry about yours as that is your only form of bread and butter.   I have something that can make money from now till forever.  It doesn't wrinkle, it won't sag, it won't gain weight and worst it will never be loose :)  
 You honey got more to lose ... then trying to making sad witty comeback to pump your own ego.  
Posted By: MillionDollarSugarBaby
Besides, not like the girl got her tattoos just with you in mind. You can't afford her anyway, so insulting her just proves how much of a dick you are.  
Posted By: MidAgedCEO
Just so you know girls aren't dumb they compare themselves with each other all the time.  They dress to impress each other and NOT you    
   With that said, just scrolling through TER ad and the Photo board, there are some really below average, if not at all stomach churning looking women.      
   When these type of girls get to charge over 500 if not, I even saw a 600/hr for a lady that look like trailer trash with tattoos covering all her body ( and they are not pretty tattoos either ), whats a cute hot normal girl to do.    
   There are men that continually rate 9-10s for these type of girls that in the regular REAL world would be scraping the bottom of the barrel if possible for even a 1.    
   You can blah and argue that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, when that b.s.  we all know what is a good-looking lady and what is not.  Just like we can tell a cute kid from some ugly looking kid.   We all know beauty when we see it.      
   But apparently in this business even the uglies can get a 9-10 in looks even the obese ones get 9-10s.... what is a true beautiful woman to do.  She shouldn't set her rate the same as one who is basically a beached whale ...    
   Blame the pathetic men who would see these uglies, pay their ridiculous rate and give them a 9-10 in looks.   If my prices were the same as some bum, I would definitely be asking for a lot more.    
   Not to mention some men see a know ugly and then see a real hottie and yet still give both a 9-10 in looks.  No wonder some girls are raising their rates...  I wouldn't charge the same as a known ugly    
   Sorry but its the truth.  
  -- Modified on 10/27/2014 3:23:20 PM

No, I told you so a few weeks ago here. The rates are getting to damn high.

A lot of times people feel we are arrogant or feel entitled when we do minimum rates, (i.e. "I'm worth this much or that much.") I can only speak for myself.

My tours are based around long dates or 'fly me to you' dates. I have a trip scheduled for Washington DC, because one day I have a 6 hour date, and the next, an overnight with a regular. My trip is paid for, and I profit. So what the hell, I'll make a tour out of it and tack on a couple of days beforehand. I know some music venues in DC, and also places to meet other musicians and bounce information off of from a different perspective than here in Chicago, so I enjoy going to a few places (hookah bars, karaoke joints, go see bands, etc.) out there, and am also hoping to do the same in NYC. If the trip is paid for with a little spending cash by a few appointments, I'm golden.

Over all, my minimum is the same 90 minute rate I charge in Chicago, (P411 has a discounted rate already factored into the price, as stated on my profile, which equates to $50 every half hour for 90+ minutes.)

When I travel, I try to make it happen so I don't need a bunch of appointments. I'm in my 30's, and have noticed that over the past couple of years, I really like to put a lot of energy into the sex. This does not mean bouncing up and down on a joy stick, screaming, adn doing cartwheels while throwing each other against the wall. I use more of a sensual, emotional, passionate, seductive approach while also staying attentive to my partner's movements and body language as well as breathing. - It's not a technique, but it is emotional exercise that I need to recharge from. I can't see three guys in a day. I CAN - but if I want to have the emotional energy I need for the next one, - I can't.

I had a 4 hour in Chicago when I was emotionally drained - which doesn't happen a lot because I'm careful about it - I had just gotten back from a tour where I had a TON of one hour appointments, I was traveling, and I was drained. I really jacked up that appointment in my own eyes, but he was super sweet about it. Problem is, I'm not sweet to myself when I don't perform the way I feel I should perform. I like things to be real, ,genuine, and I do actually want to enjoy myself. When I'm on tour, sorry, I just can't switch from one person to another to another emotionally like that. My brand is sensual, funny, and someone intelligent and genuine to have as your company - it is not America's Next Top Model puts on a circus. If I don't deliver because I've over stretched my energy, guess who's fault it is? Not the guy who complained about my time minimum - it's not the girl who told me to book a bunch of one hours so my tour is paid. It's mine. And I carry the weight and disappointment in myself, no one else.

So anyway, if I go on a tour, and I hold a minimum, it has nothing to do with a snobby 'I'm awesome and you're not' attitude. It simply is me knowing what I am capable of - and knowing that I've already made a profit before I even came - minus the double ear infection which is why I didn't go to NYC last time lol.

Now the hourly rate has it's reasons too. It attracts specific clientele. $350 does as well, but too many wasted emails with guys I wouldn't want to see. Bumping it up to $400 in Chicago has eliminated those emails, while ending up being the same amount of successful dates.

IF I book a tour, or see a regular, I always honor the initial agreement. I'm not organized enough with my files (for good reasons) to individually email everyone I've ever talked to about any changes. I am happy to honor previous agreements if they remind me, because I'm just ditzy that way.


-- Modified on 10/28/2014 9:29:47 AM

VOO-doo634 reads

A higher time minimum definitely helps us operate at full capacity when seeing clients. And it's much easier to prepare, personalize, and relax during the date itself...

And that's the difficult part to explain. This industry is a little different than selling a cup of Starbucks Coffee - but in a sense it is the same.

An overworked Starbucks employee who has to work well over 40 hours per week, (with a second job,) may be a dick to someone who asks a simple question. "What do you mean by steamed vs cold?" That person, to me, hates what he does, while also pissing me off in the morning before I had my coffee. At $2 per coffee, whatever. I'll deal with it. But at $400 per hour and a fuck, with a flooded market of great looking gals, move on.

I just had a client here in Chicago mention that he would be coming back because he could tell I actually enjoyed my time with him, and didn't seem to be doing it because I'm in dire straights.

As CEO of Courtney Ova Enterprises (just giving trolls a reason to troll, lol) I have noticed a trend in the demands of the clientele in this industry. I have tried to fulfill ALL of them, soon realizing I have natural limits. One of the main demands is to be mentally present with the client. I think this is most important for both sides, so I try to find the balance I need to keep this up, while still feeling P4P is worth doing.

Many also don't want a lady who is rotating guys in and out of her door. And if she is doing so, to act like he is the first client of the day. While I enjoy pleasing, I'm not a nympho, so acting super horny and turned on with five guys @$300 vs 2 @$600 (minimum) while traveling just ain't gonna happen.

I have to find a way to make that happen with a price point that will attract the amount of clientele, the actual kind of clientele, and how satisfied with how I performed for that clientele, while making a good living. Not just to pay the bills, but to live comfortably.

It's good to do interactive marketing and to find what the clients are looking for, while keeping a balance that also takes care of my needs. My needs are financial independence and growth, and to enjoy my job without getting jaded.  

The problem here is not me becoming richer, it's the fact that the product can only stretch so far, and doesn't multiply. I only have one pussy, one mind, one body, and one soul. (I do have two breasts, however! :D)

I can't put myself on a factory line and clone myself, and if I could, I can't do it in the time I need to make me #2 profitable. I also do not want to run an agency.

You can always hire more people, and build more buildings to make more vehicles - improving the body, the functionality, and the design. You can't build another human being, and you can't hire others to build more you's. We're working with what we have the best we can, (hopefully,) while not abusing and ruining the product, because again - there's only one. And that one gets tired and needs R&R. Many of us want to enjoy this life, and move on not regretting a thing. That right there benefits the client IMO.

Posted By: VOO-doo
A higher time minimum definitely helps us operate at full capacity when seeing clients. And it's much easier to prepare, personalize, and relax during the date itself...

-- Modified on 10/28/2014 12:31:26 PM

I know many women prefer longer dates and that's fine.  Some don't even have an hourly rate.  But I was focused more on those who do and that more of them seem to have gone to the $600 to $800 range where I generally choose not to play.

Some replied about the 90 minute minimum, whereas others the general rates. The minimum is the base rate for the gal I'm assuming.

I posted it under yours to make sure everyone saw it. :)

I was, however, hoping the OP wasn't posted as a response to my current 90 minute touring minimum.  An explanation of where I am coming from can help settle any ideas that it's pretentious, which would represent me as pretentious. It's just a matter of what I have learned I can handle while traveling. :)

Do you think the diminished influence of the big agencies has had an affect by removing a “market discipline” that helped to keep prices stable?

CltLuvr577 reads

Another big agency/representative whose name starts with a "G" has come into play so I don't think anything has diminished in that respect. In fact the rates have seriously increased along with time minimums, especially with one of my NYC favs.  :(

C'est la vie!

First of all, the big agency that was busted closed down two years ago.  Most others are still around.  I'm not sure which agencies you were thinking of.

Guess I lost track of time as to when they folded.  I just remember between A/C, BDJ, and a few of the Florida-based agencies there were always a number of well-reviewed gals under 500 in any given week.

But they continue to have site hosting problems.  ILE out of Fla. still tours girls up here at around $350-$400.

Sooooooo true. When your rates are higher you charge for the "experience". The experience sucks for both of you when you are emotionally tapped out.  

While we can truly enjoy time with clients--it is emotionally draining. We need time off to stay mentally healthy and offer you the best experience.  


Having a minimum time limit is much different from having an exorbitant hourly rate.  In fact.  I would rather spend more to get more.  It makes for a better time and less stress about time constraints.  Its when high hourly rates of 500-600 or more are offered for just 60 minutes as opposed to 90 or 2 hrs that it makes it less worth it.  To me.  I would rather spend 400/hr or 700 for 2 hours than 600 for one.  Even 700 is tough for me to scrape up, but if I had it I wouldn't waste it on a 1 hour date, I'd opt for a multi hour.  There are a lot of gals out there whose multi hour rate is crazy too, but I think Nicky's post specified 1 hour rates.

Nick clarified he wasn't talking about time minimums. :) then I went back and read it, and he said hourly.

But then I read the post just below it the 'ploy to get more money' and decided I would take time and write an essay lol

Also read the guy talking about ugly fat ladies, so I decided to, as a whole, do the thing that most men dread. Talk about my feelings. Lol

-- Modified on 10/29/2014 6:38:45 AM

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