New York

I'm gonna ask this one more time. What is your problem?
fortitude 8298 reads

First of all, you should learn to read everything, not just what you want to hear.  Tozer's post was not bad, he just felt that Charis didn't stimulate him enough intellectually.  But for you, that's a victory?  You must have some rotten life going on.

He goes on to say that she was up for anything, and that she's very "sweet and sexy".   And that intellectually YMMV.  So what's so bad?  I regret that Tozer didn't enjoy himself more, the same way I would be regretful for any hobbyist with any provider.  But that's the nature of the hobby and I'd bet that he isn't sitting at home and writing some scathing tome about Charis or me.

I spent some time with Charis yesterday.  Although, due to my surgery earlier in the week, I wasn't up for much, she did everything possible to make me feel good, and not only did she succeed, but she succeeded beyond my expectations.  She's really a nice, sweet provider.  Not a rocket scientist, but a nice sweet gal.  A gal that will do whatever she has to to insure that her client enjoyed himself.  But if read her reviews, you'd have known that.

And you are correct.  You are a cheap pig.  I for one would be suspect of the providers you do see.  And certainly your cowardice in hiding behind an alias doesn't endear you to anyone.

So why don't you get off that horse you think you're on, and mind your own f**king business.

This is the final post I will make in response to anything you post on this thread.  I have no patience for morons and a**holes. And in your case, if the shoe fits....

fortitude11717 reads

Charis is in Mid-town through Saturday evening and has some availablity.  She will also be on Long Island Sunday night through Tuesday morning, also with some availability.  To check her reviews, fololow the picture link to her TER Profile.  The link below is to her site.  If interested, Charis can be reached at 559-909-1796.

-- Modified on 9/25/2003 6:27:14 PM

-- Modified on 9/25/2003 11:44:25 PM

Officer Krupke11503 reads

4) You must post your own ads. Ads posted by other parties will
be deleted. An exception would be when a lady employs someone
to do her booking and advertising.

If Charis employs Fortitude, leave it in.  Otherwise, deep six it.

fortitude9751 reads

Have I ever dissed you?  What is so offensive?  Are you really a cop?  Or have you created some sort of "Provider Police"?  

Or are you a provider, hiding behind an alias, afraid that some quality talent on Long Island may show you up for the poor service that you provide?

If you know me at all, you will know that I travel often and hobby in many cities around the country.  You would also know that generally speaking I am highly regarded by most of the providers I meet.  This is because I'm a gentleman, and I treat them the way they deserve to be treated.  And every now and again, a gal who I know and am friendly with asks me to do her a favor.  And I'm happy to oblige.

All of my posts like this are completely within TER guidelines.  I long ago discussed these posts with Blur, and he was fine with them so long as they were within those TER guidelines.  I ask before doing anything controversial, usually to avoid stupidity like this.

So if this post so incenses you, why not let us know why, and who in fact you really are.  Being a coward and hiding behind an alias only shows us all what you are.  Be a man, or a lady, and us who you are.

And BTW, you chose to attack this post, but ignored 2 other posts of EXACTLY the same ilk, one right below this one and one just a couple of threads up.  Why?  My guess is that you feel more threatened by this lady for some inexplicble reason.

As far as I am concerned, your complaint is trash without a real name attached to it.  Take that any way you care to.  But don't hide behind the crutch of an alias and take off on stuff that doesn't do anything but benignly inform other members of something nice that is available to them.  Provider ads, within guidelines, should always be welcome by everyone.

One last thing:  To answer your original question, I receive the pleasure of helping out a nice lady, and not a thing more.  

-- Modified on 9/26/2003 4:53:13 PM

just ignore it.
Many of us read and enjoy your comments and suggestions.

A Spectator9763 reads

different when you chose to use phrase that personally attacks his integrity.

If all you care is about fair play and have disagreement with fortitude, please do so in a deliberate and respectable manner, after all reasonable people can disagree.  However, all you did in your posts with those personal attacks only show that you have a different agenda which, in my humble opinion, is totally unacceptable.

Blur11145 reads

Actually, with 74 reviews fortitude seems to be more the employer. If he ever quit the hobby, he'd probably be subject to the tough NY State "lay-off" and plant closing laws.

But thanks for your concerns officer, we'll keep a close eye on him in the future :-)


Officer Krupke9404 reads


All kidding aside, I am a real pig.  I like to pork, but I don't like to pay.  One of my techniques is to request a "pussy discount" from a provider in exchange for posting her name, neighborhood, phone number, email address, and link, on TER's Discussion Board.  In this way, I get more pussy, for less money.  And TER never deleted a single one of my "pussy discount" postings.  I'm sure fortitude never does this, but I sure do! :-)


1way10385 reads the NYC area you're given that "discount" privilege? Please. But since you have "outed" yourself, we will be watching future posts of new ladies. Trust me, we'll be looking at who posted the arrival.

If I were the moderator, I'd track your alias and boot you out of TER. I would do this because in your own words, "my techniques is to request a "pussy discount" from a provider in exchange for posting her name, neighborhood, phone number, email address, and link...blah blah blah [boring]".  

The girls need to make a living and you are stealing from them. I guess that's the difference between a gentleman and a scumbag.

butt-one10071 reads

Your name is SHIT on this board so why don't u just go AWAY......FAR AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Spectator10154 reads

It is like claiming that you have demand bribes to play a certain artists' songs while working as a DJ.

TER simply cannot tolerate that kind of statement without action.  I suggest you to clean up your act quickly and clarify the issue.  Somethings are not supposed to joke about, especially those that are related to the integrities of TER members.

1way9775 reads

..thank you.

F. has been Hobbying all over the USA. His contacts are helpful to us all. Fortitude has a lot of "friends" from other states and wants to share that information with us. Why should anyone knock him down for trying to help?

Plus he is a very good friend of mine.  

-- Modified on 9/27/2003 4:20:08 AM

-- Modified on 9/27/2003 1:44:49 PM

It is always someone with NO reviews that posts, the most unbelievably stupid remarks. If you knew Fort you would understand he has the girls best interests at heart. He unlike the author I am responding to understands how tough it is to come to a strange city.
He also is a gentleman something you would know nothing about.
God, it just amazes me what ass----s there are on this board.


A Spectator9118 reads

read his messages and met him in person know that fortitude is a stand up guy.  He just had a surgery so there is nothing for him to gain sexually.  He has seen many, many ladies all over US for multiple hours so obviously he has plenty of money to spend.

Some members just want to extend their welcome to a well reviewed visiting lady like Charis.

Stop being so cynical all the time.

Fortitude is well respected even on the West Coast, and Charis is a well reviewed provider.

Sounds like someone needs a nap!


... over the weekend. She is a very sweet and sexy woman, seemingly up for anything. The only drawback -- and for me it's significant, although YMMV -- is that she is charming but not very sophisticated or worldly, which is part of the heat of the hobby for me, and thus not worth the $$$$$$$$ otherwise. Tant pis...

fortitude8299 reads

First of all, you should learn to read everything, not just what you want to hear.  Tozer's post was not bad, he just felt that Charis didn't stimulate him enough intellectually.  But for you, that's a victory?  You must have some rotten life going on.

He goes on to say that she was up for anything, and that she's very "sweet and sexy".   And that intellectually YMMV.  So what's so bad?  I regret that Tozer didn't enjoy himself more, the same way I would be regretful for any hobbyist with any provider.  But that's the nature of the hobby and I'd bet that he isn't sitting at home and writing some scathing tome about Charis or me.

I spent some time with Charis yesterday.  Although, due to my surgery earlier in the week, I wasn't up for much, she did everything possible to make me feel good, and not only did she succeed, but she succeeded beyond my expectations.  She's really a nice, sweet provider.  Not a rocket scientist, but a nice sweet gal.  A gal that will do whatever she has to to insure that her client enjoyed himself.  But if read her reviews, you'd have known that.

And you are correct.  You are a cheap pig.  I for one would be suspect of the providers you do see.  And certainly your cowardice in hiding behind an alias doesn't endear you to anyone.

So why don't you get off that horse you think you're on, and mind your own f**king business.

This is the final post I will make in response to anything you post on this thread.  I have no patience for morons and a**holes. And in your case, if the shoe fits....

Officer Krupke9385 reads

There, you read my post!


1way9504 reads

I'm with her now so if you want second opinion, stay tuned!!

1way11458 reads

..I didn't have any problem with Charis. She's everything that we've all been looking for in a GFE provider. And at times even better. Yes, the price was higher than I usually pay but my experience with her was priceless. I don't mind paying the extra bucks with the right gal.

I'm looking forward to her next visit. She's here until Tuesday so don't miss out.

There was a post about her not being worldly enough. That may be true but I think if you got to know her you would understand why she's not "worldly".

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