New York

I typically do doubles with the same ladies and they all love women!
palomamontecarlo See my TER Reviews 461 reads

Obviously I offer different preferences, body types and nationalities to clients so I can accommodate their fantasies..Doubles can be tricky specially of the girls are not into each other and are not willing to be adventurous with each other and logically aim please men and women, nothing worst than faking something that has to be pretty natural for those who are truly bisexual.

This is a multi-part question (feel free to answer as much or as little of it as you want) for both providers and hobbyists who do/have done FFM doubles:

1) Overall, what has your experience been like when doing doubles?  

2) If you're a hobbyist, do you prefer to find two girls separately and introduce them during the session? Or would you rather ask a girl you know/like to bring a friend along, so that there's better chance for chemistry?  

If you're a provider, do you know offhand of a girl you can bring to the session should the client request a double? If you don't have a girl you work regularly, do you seek one out through TER or whatever other site, or do you just tell the client you're more than enough woman to handle?

3) As a hobbyist, does it bother you if one or both of the girls are just doing it for the $$, even if they are really good at pretending? Do you require the girls to be legitimately bi (or at least bicurious)?

As a provider, have you ever done an appointment with another girl who was gay for pay, and if so, was it obvious and/or uncomfortable?

As a VERY bi girl (50% on the Kinsey Scale), I'm just curious if I'm the only weirdo who specifically asks for the other girl to be for true into other girls. Gay for pay gals just don't make me wet, no matter how hot they are. A girl that I'm sort of dating long-distance is also a provider and very bi herself. We've done stuff together when I was in New Orleans, and she's currently in New York for a few days, so life is groovy. However, once she leaves, I'll have to find a new partner-in-crime..

JackDunphy580 reads

To me, the two girls HAVE to be into each other. Faking comes out in the session and it will be very disappointing.  

As for which method is best, girls that know each other and girls that don't, it really depends on the hobbyist experience with FFM. I always recommend newbs to threesomes to see two girls who know each other b/c there is too much money on the line and too much hassle to set up the kind of date that would be satisfying to the guy if they didn't know each other.

Having experience helps here, so I don't feel bound to having the girls know each other. I will session with each separately and then after knowing they are both bi, I will show each of them the others pics, they read their reviews, etc. If I sense both are very attracted to each other, I will arrange that the 3 of us get together.

Those kind of FFM can be extremely hot. Its funny watching the one girl squirm in anticipation of waiting for the other girl to arrive.  I have seen the most experienced p4p girls get nervous. But that's part of the fun as well.

Thanks for the response! Sounds you are a threesome champ :).  

Having done it both ways (ha!), I also agree that there's something very hot doing it with a girl I've never met before. After all, who doesn't like a little strange? It IS nice when the gent sends me her photos and reviews ahead of time so I can tease my mind a little and wet my whistle, so to speak.  

And of course, it's always fun to team up with a girlfriend that I dig, since we are into each other and already know each other's fuck styles. Makes for a lot less fumbling around trying to get a read on what makes one another tick.  

Repeat doubles with new acquaintances are always awesome--like seeing an old friend (whose pussy I just happen to have in my face!).

And the chemistry was awful.  One gal was totally not into it.  It ended up being me with the other chick and the one who wasn't into it, just kinda left halfway through.  Wish I hadn't paid her ahead of time.  That was 17 years ago.

I'm sorry to hear your experience sucked. I totally understand, as I have been in a couple of three-ways in which the other girl was clearly NOT into me, just putting on a (really bad) show, and it was a serious blow to my ego! Proof that girls, even the ones compensated for their time, too get their pride hurt from sexual rejection.  

But don't give up! There's a whole queer sea of hot, sexy bi girls--my gal pal and myself included--that are all about spreading the lezzie love to their male companions.  

I've met plenty enough girls who are seriously into pussy (and had some serious pussy myself) that I know there is hope even for those who've been burned by a bad threesome :).

Find girl you like and most likely they already have a list of other girls they play with ( just setup appointment )  1 super easy step

Setting up a girl with another girl:
1.  You must have met either girl at least once so that you are already verified

2.  During one of your sessions or after sessions you can throw out names and sites of other girls you might be interested in me or her meeting

3.  I take such information and contact all xxx of them and ask about doing a duo session, usually the other girl will reach out and come meet for drinks to break the ice.  During that private meeting we know if we have chemistry or not, you are NOT invited to this meet/greet.  I will then relay xxx info back to you.

4.  You agree on one and I setup a date and all the formalities to fulfill your fantasies :)

5 ( not really a step )  You show up to play :)

P.S.  Be expected to know rates will be a little higher or be more generous because of the girl's leg work to make it all happen FOR you

-- Modified on 7/8/2014 12:07:09 PM

Thanks for sharing this, Anais! Helpful to know for future reference.

I've had one amazing session (with Julie Jones, who is sadly no longer in NYC) where a mutual client introduced us.  

When I advertise duos, they are with personal friends and lovers. That way, we each know we get along and have our own chemistry. I can't do the FMF thing where myself and the other provider have no contact - if a beautiful lady is romping around in bed with me, I'm going to want to play with her, too ;)

I have to say, however, as fun as F-F-M duos are, my fav are F-TS-M!

Oh, and I think this is something that more than a few bi providers are guilty of when meeting another provider- "we should do doubles together!" is code for: "I really want to sleep with you!"

I feel the same way: if a sexy lady is writhing around naked in bed in front of me, she better believe I'll make a play for her! So non-bi gals, watch out: I might try to fuck you ;).  

Have never done anything with TS. If a TS girl still has a penis, are you supposed to treat it as non-existent out of consideration for how she self-identifies as a woman? Or does it vary from TS to TS? Hope this doesn't come off as naive-sounding--I just have so many questions!

And yes, I have been guilty about using that line before ;). Now being a little older and wiser, I lay it on pretty thick if I just want to sleep with a girl on her own!

Obviously I offer different preferences, body types and nationalities to clients so I can accommodate their fantasies..Doubles can be tricky specially of the girls are not into each other and are not willing to be adventurous with each other and logically aim please men and women, nothing worst than faking something that has to be pretty natural for those who are truly bisexual.

Amen. Just as you would never want a guy to have sex with you because he feels obligated, I'm sure you certainly do not want a girl to half-heartedly go down on you and make grossed-out faces because she thinks vaginas are ew

AnotherDonJohn492 reads

1. Awesome
2. Bring a girl
3. Doesn't bother me - just make it good

Posted By: Carminaxxx
This is a multi-part question (feel free to answer as much or as little of it as you want) for both providers and hobbyists who do/have done FFM doubles:  
 1) Overall, what has your experience been like when doing doubles?  
 2) If you're a hobbyist, do you prefer to find two girls separately and introduce them during the session? Or would you rather ask a girl you know/like to bring a friend along, so that there's better chance for chemistry?  
 If you're a provider, do you know offhand of a girl you can bring to the session should the client request a double? If you don't have a girl you work regularly, do you seek one out through TER or whatever other site, or do you just tell the client you're more than enough woman to handle?  
 3) As a hobbyist, does it bother you if one or both of the girls are just doing it for the $$, even if they are really good at pretending? Do you require the girls to be legitimately bi (or at least bicurious)?  
 As a provider, have you ever done an appointment with another girl who was gay for pay, and if so, was it obvious and/or uncomfortable?  
 As a VERY bi girl (50% on the Kinsey Scale), I'm just curious if I'm the only weirdo who specifically asks for the other girl to be for true into other girls. Gay for pay gals just don't make me wet, no matter how hot they are. A girl that I'm sort of dating long-distance is also a provider and very bi herself. We've done stuff together when I was in New Orleans, and she's currently in New York for a few days, so life is groovy. However, once she leaves, I'll have to find a new partner-in-crime...  

I love doubles, and *love* groups. I was actually just thinking this morning that I haven't been to an orgy in a while... that's gotta change soon!  

I do have a few girls that I know I enjoy for double dates. Every woman is different, and the dynamic is even more variable when we're talking about three people, so I invite the lady based on what kind of experience I believe we would all enjoy most at the time. One of my girlfriends is extra kinky, another is extra freaky, and others are just plain awesome :) I try not to be selfish about the situation, as I'd just invite them all to pile into the bed with me and then there might not be enough room for our gentleman, lol.  

If I'm traveling alone or my girlfriends are unavailable, I'd rather have the gentleman pick out his second lady of choice. I may make suggestions though, there are a number of ladies I've had my eye on :) I would also suggest that he pick someone he has experience with, so that we know what we're looking forward to.  

I love men, but I date women primarily in my personal life, and I love being sexy/social with the ladies of this lifestyle. I'm always up for lunch to see if there's ample chemistry for future rendezvous...

As far as the gay for pay girls... I hate to be harsh, but please don't do that to me. It's no fun for anyone.

Thanks for your response, Madame X. Wish I had an arsenal of sexy, freaky ladies ready to be invited to play, as you do! Guess I better start upping my girl game :).  

Have met a lot of girls lately like yourself who lean more towards women in their personal lives but are still into men sexually. Very refreshing to see so many ladies being open about their sexual preferences, especially when it skews more lesbian. And especially when they are a provider!

Chauncey Gardner466 reads

But it's certainly North of 50. I'll skip to your last question.  First,  I have no way of knowing whether ANY woman is TRULY bi, whatever that means.  All I can tell you is that after several decades of P4P I can tell when a lady is just plain uncomfortable.  Back in the bad old days when an agency was likely to send you two ladies who'd never even talked much less knew each other you occasionally got a couple of gems (I recall two dynamite ladies in Philadelphia in the late 80s who I practically had to pry apart they were so into it) but more often you got fakers (one chick put her hand over the other girl's puss and pretended to go down on her), flakes (with one pair the rule was I could watch them and could touch one but NOT the other) and fidgeters (with one pair the 2nd girl was so nervous and uncomfortable that she flinched every time the first girl touched her and had her eyes squeezed shut for much of the session).

Thankfully the last few years have been blessed with a richly varied parade of lovelies who, by all outward appearances,  body language and behavior genuinely love eating, kissing, strapon fucking and generally getting it on with other ladies. I think that, as with porn, there is a new generation of providers who are genuinely curious, experimental,  polymorphously perverse, and sexually open like no generation before them. Part of what I've been the beneficiary of is a lot of young women who had early and apparently very enjoyable sex with other women long before they came to P4P. I've seen some of the most amazing looking women have some of the most intense sex with each other in the last several years and there simply was nothing like that available (at least in P4P) 20 years ago.

So is it real or Memorex? When it's so close you can't tell then that's good enough for me.

To me there is nothing more sensual than to be with a man and a woman at the same time. The tender touch of a woman mixed with the strong hand of a man... oowww gets me every time!  

I have a few girlfriends who are truly bi and the experience is always unforgettable!  I love meeting new girlfriends who are already acquaintances with my secret boyfriends too!  

Best of luck in finding your partner-in-crime Carmina ;-)

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