New York

johnsays11 74 Reviews 672 reads

I was canceled by the same provider the last minutes twice with no apology.

I had a client who cancelled at the last minute today and was very cavalier about. when i text-ed him that i wish he could have given me a little notice or at least said he was sorry that something came up. I have had other cancellations it is the nature of our business so i realize that things do come up. But he was just rude. He responded that is the golden rule those who have the gold make the rules. He then threatened to post a bad review if i black listed him.  Which i do not know how to do.  

this is upsetting i have great reviews and i am a nice person. what should i do . i don't want to get a bad review for someone i have seen . should i write ter and warn them  

please any help you can provide would be appreciated.  

Anisa Deleon

..we all know who the "Golden Rule" guy is and he has no credibility. None. Move on and have no fear.

Save your emails and texts so you can provide to TER if the guy posts a review.  Sorry you had a last min cancellation and the guy was a dick about it.  Try not to lose sleep over it.

Andthenshesaid662 reads

Just like ladies shouldn't blacklist clients for bullshit, guys shouldn't threaten to write bad reviews for silly stuff. Provide his TER handle, phone number, and email address. I can't stand guys like this. I would take screen shots of your text convo with him and contact TER ASAP so they can be alerted.


-- Modified on 3/19/2015 7:11:28 AM

Pretty_kitty620 reads

Is this the same guy? I have a name, I refused to see him and he was offended. Posted a fake insulting me. Even when I showed ter the emails they still were a pain about it because they were waiting on his response which he never gave. Continued to email me though, got him there.  
This guy was relentless and created a brand new fake acct saying the same thing as soon as they took the old one off. He didn't even leave a deposit, I just turned him away b/c he was rude.
Girls, where can I out this guy? Provider only board? He was real immature for a grown man. Had some real repressed hate to go through all that trouble, or a lot of free time.

ismellturkey625 reads

Some people can be such jerks. I totally get your frustration since I've had a bad week as well with 5 NCNS to the point where I was fully expecting nobody to show up this week! It really can be upsetting. I hope you can rise above this incident. I think he is just threatening you because there's no way he would know he was blacklisted anyways. I wish you the best and keep your chin up!

Andthenshesaid642 reads

SEXEGENARIAN should know better. The guy is such a disgusting shill anyways I wouldn't even worry about him. Definitely forward his text to TER though. 300 women can't be your ATF and the best, blah.

Pay him no mind. He can not post a review if he has not seen you.If he does you can appeal to have it removed.

At this point do not respond to any communication from him.  Zero....zelch....nada
Totally disregard any contact.

This crap happens now & then. Don't worry about it.

Besides your tormentor has absolutely no credibility on this board.

-- Modified on 3/19/2015 11:50:22 AM

He can't write a review if a session did not take place. Period. You should email TER and provide the texts and emails and they will flag it so that he can't submit a review for you.

Secondly, if you're not blacklisting men that DESERVE to be blacklisted (and this creep clearly is deserving), you need to start asap. I will PM you with how to do it since I don't think I can put it here. It's the only way we can attempt to keep each other as safe as possible.

Third, you need a clear cut cancel policy on your site (if you don't already have one) with a stated timeframe and fee for cancels. Yes, things happen, but my time is just as valuable as his. Deposits for longer dates. Deposits for guys that truly had a good reason to cancel in order to reschedule if I've never seen them before. I don't have the time or energy for assholes.

Oh, he has the gold, he makes the rules?! Bahahahaha! Because here I am, sitting on my goldmine right now, as I type. Whereas his "gold" will be of zero value once word gets out he's a rude time waster, no one will agree to see him!

I'll be in NYC soon and guys like this need to be blacklisted so it doesn't happen to anyone else. Sorry it happened to you : (

ismellturkey705 reads

Posted By: Alexandra Kole
He can't write a review if a session did not take place. Period. You should email TER and provide the texts and emails and they will flag it so that he can't submit a review for you.  
 Secondly, if you're not blacklisting men that DESERVE to be blacklisted (and this creep clearly is deserving), you need to start asap. I will PM you with how to do it since I don't think I can put it here. It's the only way we can attempt to keep each other as safe as possible.  
 Third, you need a clear cut cancel policy on your site (if you don't already have one) with a stated timeframe and fee for cancels. Yes, things happen, but my time is just as valuable as his. Deposits for longer dates. Deposits for guys that truly had a good reason to cancel in order to reschedule if I've never seen them before. I don't have the time or energy for assholes.  
 Oh, he has the gold, he makes the rules?! Bahahahaha! Because here I am, sitting on my goldmine right now, as I type. Whereas his "gold" will be of zero value once word gets out he's a rude time waster, no one will agree to see him!  
 I'll be in NYC soon and guys like this need to be blacklisted so it doesn't happen to anyone else. Sorry it happened to you : (
Blacklisting can only do so much. There are men on their who have over 10-20 different names with a load of fake everything and ladies still see them. Once they are caught and ladies don't respond, they move on to another hobbyist persona. One guy I saw had two blacklists and many handles where he raped two girls along with many blacklists for many other reasons. Very hard to track these guys down if ladies don't hold them accountable after screening them and having their version posted for all providers to see.

Agreed that BL only goes so far, but not to do it at all when it's necessary makes it that much more difficult for the next lady : (

I'm a firm believer in requiring REAL names and IDs, as then he is less likely to misbehave, and he can change his email and number and username a thousand times, but his name is his name, and that's what'll be on the BL, so it'll show up under any other new email or phone number or username ; )

Do some bark about my policy? Sure they do, but they can move onto someone else that will see "John Smith" if they'd like. I'm certainly not starving. I find there are plenty of guys that know a highly regarded, well reviewed provider isn't misusing his information. There is a difference between discretion, which I am very serious about, and anonymity.

He who has the gold, gets to see the one who makes the rules because she has the pussy.   What a twerp!    The sad thing is that a few guys make the rest of us look like assholes simply because we share the same chromosomes.

You actually wanted to see this dude?? GROSS!!

You won "the luckiest girl of the day!" award!!!!

Couldn't be me. I can't stand weirdos like that he probly would have went ahead and wrote a fake review about me because of how I let him have it over the email I sent him. I am a nice person and very sweet but do not talk crazy or threaten me especially when I have done nothing wrong.  


I was canceled by the same provider the last minutes twice with no apology.

it isn't about cancellation - that just happens in this biz on both sides and is irritating to whomever it happens to.

This whole thread is about a guy using reviews to blackmail a gal. That's reprehensible and there is no way most of the decent guys here would EVER tolerate or support a d-bag that does it.  

Read the whole thread and the one below it.  

I think Anisa deserves credit for speaking up and outing the bad behavior, just as bad behavior on the part of a provider deserves a bit of airtime here on the boards. I don't see SEXE stepping up to share another side of the story.  

And... are you implying that even if SOME provider SOMEWHERE cancelled on you, that a different provider somewhere else thus deserves to be cancelled on by someone else? That makes no sense whatsoever.

AliASSSSS655 reads

Posted By: anisadeleon
I had a client who cancelled at the last minute today and was very cavalier about. when i text-ed him that i wish he could have given me a little notice or at least said he was sorry that something came up. I have had other cancellations it is the nature of our business so i realize that things do come up. But he was just rude. He responded that is the golden rule those who have the gold make the rules. He then threatened to post a bad review if i black listed him.  Which i do not know how to do.  
 this is upsetting i have great reviews and i am a nice person. what should i do . i don't want to get a bad review for someone i have seen . should i write ter and warn them  
 please any help you can provide would be appreciated.  
 Anisa Deleon

AliASSSSS512 reads

Posted By: ThePrivateAssistant
Getting on the Provider Only board is easier said than done, my dear.  

If something happens like this again I would ignore it and not post about it unless there actually was a bad review. I know that it sucks getting threatened. But if someone is like that you're better off not having met. And although words hurt, unless some actually posts something then no one else knows. And as others have pointed out the rules are strict about not posting about someone you didn't see. Especially since you didn't intend on blacklisting him.

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