New Jersey

Nicely said, Jen. Isn't it funny how...
MasterZen 33 Reviews 446 reads

once we realize sensitivity and compassion flow both ways, we all seem a little bit nicer to one another? I think I want to kiss and make up with you! (we'll have to invent a tiff). ;)

Gotta love when you email a provider are very discreet and just looking for where to find them then you get some nasty response and tell them not to email you again I've never in my life have been rude nasty or treated a woman I've been with I guess the girls get a bunch of bad emails and ruin it for the rest of us had to get that off my chest good luck out there fellas

Am I right?

and then you pestered her over a weekend and asked why she will not reply to you?

Gee, this sounds familiar

I guess you think ladies are available 24/7 to answer your questions HUH?

Even H@@Kers have the weekend off (LOL)

JackDunphy586 reads

Every hooker I know is working weekends. At $$$$/an hour, gifts, tips, etc, I'd be shaking my tail feather too Friday thru Sunday.

Or maybe you joined the UHU (United Hookers Union)?

You get dental and eyeglasses with your health insurance, or is that an out of pocket expense? :D

and families…not a machine

Posted By: JackDunphy
Every hooker I know is working weekends. At $$$$/an hour, gifts, tips, etc, I'd be shaking my tail feather too Friday thru Sunday.  
 Or maybe you joined the UHU (United Hookers Union)?  
 You get dental and eyeglasses with your health insurance, or is that an out of pocket expense? :D

Thanks jack. I'm not going to get into details what happened. I'll just say that the responses I received were not very helpful . Punctuation ok on this one professor ? If you really think that punctuation in contacting a provider is important then your ridiculous. Just wanted to put up a quick note cause I was pissed off. As far as I'm concerned I've moved on. Good luck out there everyone  

Posted By: lustkatrina
and families…not a machine  
Posted By: JackDunphy
Every hooker I know is working weekends. At $$$$/an hour, gifts, tips, etc, I'd be shaking my tail feather too Friday thru Sunday.  
  Or maybe you joined the UHU (United Hookers Union)?  
  You get dental and eyeglasses with your health insurance, or is that an out of pocket expense? :D

If you will allow me I am more then happy to post the entire email trail?

Thanks jack. I'm not going to get into details what happened. I'll just say that the responses I received were not very helpful . Punctuation ok on this one professor ? If you really think that punctuation in contacting a provider is important then your ridiculous. Just wanted to put up a quick note cause I was pissed off. As far as I'm concerned I've moved on. Good luck out there everyone  
Posted By: lustkatrina
and families…not a machine  
Posted By: JackDunphy
Every hooker I know is working weekends. At $$$$/an hour, gifts, tips, etc, I'd be shaking my tail feather too Friday thru Sunday.    
   Or maybe you joined the UHU (United Hookers Union)?    
   You get dental and eyeglasses with your health insurance, or is that an out of pocket expense? :D

Honestly you wanna post it knock yourself out I re read all the emails if you think after not answering me after three days and me saying I guess you don't want to get together is harassing you?? Then I don't get it I actually really wanted to meet you you sound super sexy and fun but whatever not a big deal anymore like I said over it

You might want to rephrase your question concerning where she is located.  
Try again when she is in a better mood. She's human and a lady that possibly was a bit sensitive that day.  
Here's a hug lol.

He sent me an email that was not associated with an advertisement I was running during a visit

I explained to him that I don't check that email and to always reply to my advertisement because it goes to a different email address

I also tell him I already left NJ…what more does this guy want?

he then emails me again on the email I tell him not to email me on!!

at this point I ask him not to email me again. There is nothing more to say when the man just wont listen to my request not to contact me outside of my advertisements because I have a life and don't answer emails unless I have an active advertisement. Very simple to me so why be pissed?




Posted By: jenniferxj6
You might want to rephrase your question concerning where she is located.  
 Try again when she is in a better mood. She's human and a lady that possibly was a bit sensitive that day.  
 Here's a hug lol.  

My last response to this nonsense I didn't say your name so why did you find the need to say something also what she said about emails is right but she did leave out the part where I asked her what's the best way to contact her and what area she would be in so I could check bp but like I said I'm over it mrs robinson thanks for saving me $$$ good luck to you

once we realize sensitivity and compassion flow both ways, we all seem a little bit nicer to one another? I think I want to kiss and make up with you! (we'll have to invent a tiff). ;)

hard to communicate when the person will not listen or accept the reply

Posted By: MasterZen
once we realize sensitivity and compassion flow both ways, we all seem a little bit nicer to one another? I think I want to kiss and make up with you! (we'll have to invent a tiff). ;)

seem to generally be better with the communication than the men, too. Oh well, we are all human and misfires happen...

I'll just find my Zen place and enjoy the April showers. I think I'll listen to this to make me happy  ;)

No shame in it (wink)

Posted By: MasterZen
seem to generally be better with the communication than the men, too. Oh well, we are all human and misfires happen...  
 I'll just find my Zen place and enjoy the April showers. I think I'll listen to this to make me happy  ;)

Punctuation is very important.

yo grl Im tryn to spnd a lil some witchu.

Hi my name is _ I saw your ad _ I'd like to see if I can set up an appointment at ______. My screening info is ___-____-____.  

Which would you answer? Plus once someone says they're not available then it's a wrap.

That said nobody should direct someone to a specific address and have them knocking on a random door. Like is this real life? That's so disrespectful if it's true.  

I feel about this like I do about the last episode of Sopranos…we'll never know wtf happened for sure.

followme336 reads

Did you Graduate?

Thank you  
2014 = 28

and I think when you get posts like these you gotta think "It takes two hands to clap", even when you don't know the details. Sometimes the communication just doesn't connect, and it's best to shrug it off, walk away and stick to having fun. Just my .02

I said I wasn't going to respond to this anymore but I have to first thanks master zen and FYI Nikki that's exactly what said I have references is love to meet you where are you located so we can get together I would never disrespect a provider or any woman for that fact I am date check verified plenty of ladies  would vouch for me I'm not some thug

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