
Well said from a woman who knows the massage scene better than any of us. e
ILikewomen 749 reads


Have you been there?  Just like to know how LE knew it was more than just massage parlor?

Google search north branch massage busted

-- Modified on 3/18/2015 8:23:36 AM

-- Modified on 3/18/2015 8:28:29 AM

-- Modified on 3/18/2015 8:39:00 AM

PennyTrayshun1587 reads

google Ramsey sunlight arrest

It happened a few weeks ago.  Nothing was said on this board yet about it.


Neighboring Business(es) call and complain/report their suspicions.   That's how it generally starts.  LE basically has to follow up and investigate

PennyTrayshun1172 reads

if a handjob is considered a sexual service, then yes, paying for and being paid for a sexual service is prostitution.

I would venture to say that a handjob is a sexual service

SigmundFreud1065 reads

It is time we moved beyond these ridiculous puritanical statutes and allow personal freedoms in our state.  Where is Jesse Ventura when we need him?!?  Help, Jesse, Help!

I believe that Jesse is living in Mexico and keeping busy suing Chris Kyles widow.

Posted By: SigmundFreud
It is time we moved beyond these ridiculous puritanical statutes and allow personal freedoms in our state.  Where is Jesse Ventura when we need him?!?  Help, Jesse, Help!

smelltheglove753 reads

You can also tell the voters you get your legal advice here.  Im sure they'll be impressed.

Subdivision 1.Scope. For the purposes of sections 609.321 to 609.325, the following terms have the meanings given.

Subd. 4.Patron. "Patron" means an individual who engages in Previous prostitution Next  by hiring, offering to hire, or agreeing to hire another individual to engage in sexual penetration or sexual contact.

Subd. 8.Prostitute. "Prostitute" means an individual who engages in Previous prostitution Next  by being hired, offering to be hired, or agreeing to be hired by another individual to engage in sexual penetration or sexual contact.

Subd. 10.Sexual contact. "Sexual contact" means any of the following acts, if the acts can reasonably be construed as being for the purpose of satisfying the actor's sexual impulses:
(i) the intentional touching by an individual of a prostitute's intimate parts; or
(ii) the intentional touching by a prostitute of another individual's intimate parts.

Subd. 11.Sexual penetration. "Sexual penetration" means any of the following acts, if for the purpose of satisfying sexual impulses: sexual intercourse, cunnilingus, fellatio, anal intercourse, or any intrusion however slight into the genital or anal openings of an individual's body by any part of another individual's body or any object used for the purpose of satisfying sexual impulses. Emission of semen is not necessary

They can arrest you just for intending to do it even if the act never happens.  That's why you never want to talk about money and acts together.

I would add that the crime of prostitution occurs when an agreement or offer of a sexual act in exchange for money happens.  Whether or not the act actually takes place is not relevant.

NO, I am not a lawyer.

And yes unfortunately even agreeing to just a massage can land you in trouble too. Completely ridiculous!

Posted By: Uptonogood11
I would add that the crime of prostitution occurs when an agreement or offer of a sexual act in exchange for money happens.  Whether or not the act actually takes place is not relevant.  
 NO, I am not a lawyer.

but they must not have liked me cause I did not get the prohibited service described in the newspaper.

Anyone know if the Ramsey or North Branch bust is related to the Cherry K. Blossom agency listed on TER?  Potentially the reason the two providers profiles were pulled?

I reached out to TER when the profiles were pulled, and TER informed me it was because there was a "problem with the agency website" - I followed up again with that, expressing my concerns to see if there were rumors/potential reports of LE issues, and TER replied confirming that the provider listings were pulled only because of the agencies website issues (non-compliant with TER requirements for agency/provider sites).

Then again, when you check the site it's one of the very few that offers up more detailed photos without an age restriction/disclaimer, so that may be the issue too...

Just looking for insights - I have an appointment booked with Hoshi from the agency for Friday and obviously don't need to walk into a messy situation.

NoBS11152 reads

Isn't this a matchmaking place for you to find Asian brides? They help with visas for those that are interested. I have no knowledge of any age disclaimer on the site.

Posted By: dutch151
Anyone know if the Ramsey or North Branch bust is related to the Cherry K. Blossom agency listed on TER?  Potentially the reason the two providers profiles were pulled?  
 I reached out to TER when the profiles were pulled, and TER informed me it was because there was a "problem with the agency website" - I followed up again with that, expressing my concerns to see if there were rumors/potential reports of LE issues, and TER replied confirming that the provider listings were pulled only because of the agencies website issues (non-compliant with TER requirements for agency/provider sites).  
 Then again, when you check the site it's one of the very few that offers up more detailed photos without an age restriction/disclaimer, so that may be the issue too...  
 Just looking for insights - I have an appointment booked with Hoshi from the agency for Friday and obviously don't need to walk into a messy situation.

Is if you gentlemen would STOP writing detailed reviews on that other site that has the initials R.M. and STOP speaking freely about brick & mortar locations on any forum as it's public, anyone can see it.  
I hate seeing the many mongers here and there discuss about discretion, safety and how they need "utmost privacy" repeated ad nauseum but can't even hold up their end of the deal by respecting a massage parlor or providers need for utmost discretion and privacy.

I'm serious here.
 It puts many people at risk on both sides and further proves that can be used against the places you claim you like going to so much.
Pffft, I'd love nothing more than for this state to get with the times & legalize HE because it's not going away anytime soon so you need to be careful .  
That is all. - xoxo

BrunoBraun1067 reads

One thing which has always bothered me about the introduction of the internet to this endeavor is the junior high attitude of the consumers.  One only needs to say yes, it's worth a visit.  Best is to just PM amongst yourselves.  

You also do not need to call on the phone asking if you have futon, table shower, share a shower, happy ending.  Nothing is a sure bet.  If you are an asshole you will be treated as such.  I have a dear friend who is a massage therapist who is constantly having clients remove their draping or try to force her hand on their dicks.  They place extra money on the table expecting a happy ending.  

Not all massage places offer extra services, Asian or not.  Leaving no tip or $10 when you don't get what you want just makes you look like the immature assholes  you are.  

As someone who has been a consumer for 35 years, I've had to learn the subtleties of the dance.  If you want a sure thing, see an escort.  If you want to bicker over a few dollars, you probably can't afford to be doing this.

So I'll just say...

Very well said Bruno.

that names no names just lets LE know that they should hassle every massage lady out there because YMMV exists!

Great point. While certain explicit review sites don't help, the main cause of avoidable investigations/busts is poor spa site location. Any location where there are soccer moms, kids or church ladies within line of sight is going to get more scrutiny.

The detailed reviews lead to more traffic, which is an issue. Combine it with an election year or the need to justify a task force/enforcement budget = easy target.

Law enforcement often doesn't have a choice -- if they receive multiple complaints, they have to check it out. We can bemoan the waste of resources but it's a pointless argument. I do question the long sting operations to net 2-3 providers with no higher-level arrests (immigrant/victim rings or organized crime)

I know through someone else that the spa next door to the asian massage place was noticing a lot of traffic next door.  They noticed lots of men going in and out of the place.  They alerted the police which then started the investigation.  Not really smart to start your business next to a legitimate business of the same kind.  Especially in a smaller town like North Branch.

Any traffic is too much in that area.  
I mean it's not a busy town at all.
Also, doubting they're saving any "trafficked" women and that's what pisses me off most.  
Pffft using sex workers & humiliating gentlemen for these pathetic crusades to produce clickbait so all those bleeding heart right-wing Christians have something to read and judge to which I can assure you.... Behind closed doors, They are all on Fet-Life or ALT.planning their next daddy-dom heteronormative mini bear spring mixer . haha

Vi I absolutely love how you vividly describe the right-wing Christian mentality.  Couldn't have put it better myself.

Posted By: MsDynamite
Any traffic is too much in that area.  
 I mean it's not a busy town at all.  
 Also, doubting they're saving any "trafficked" women and that's what pisses me off most.  
 Pffft using sex workers & humiliating gentlemen for these pathetic crusades to produce clickbait so all those bleeding heart right-wing Christians have something to read and judge to which I can assure you.... Behind closed doors, They are all on Fet-Life or ALT.planning their next daddy-dom heteronormative mini bear spring mixer . haha

...individual liberties than the right wingnuts could ever dream of. Just ask Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid their views on legalized prostitution. It'll turn your stomach. There are no politicians of either major party who have the guts to support a libertarian attitude toward legalized P4P.

... I'm really sorry to have to admit you are pretty much correct. It's not really about principal for the politicians, it's about having the courage to lead. Instead of admitting that criminalizing prostitution only fosters the victimization of vulnerable women, and accepting the examples of Australia and New Zealand which clearly show that legalization works, our politicians of all stripes cravenly grasp at the pretext that will please their most vociferous and unreasonable constituents. It's the easy way out of the issue and they'll keep doing it until someone figures a way to follow in the footprints of the Legalize Pot movement.

There are lots of studies that show regular sex is good for pulmonary health, fights depression, and keeps the prostate healthy. We just need to find the groundswell of support.

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