
The answer is ....
klumberg 6 Reviews 553 reads

Yes people do win. I can attest to that.

payintherange1693 reads

I can't help but wonder if anyone is ever rewarded during ad gimmicks.  

We see creative ads from time-to-time that offer guys potential rewards, does anyone here ever wonder if anyone is rewarded?  Or does everyone just chalk it up as part of the game?  Some ladies ads post discounts, some have creative ways to reward guys with the possibility no rewards ever given.  Ads of mystery rewards, or ads of 1or 2 grand prize winners, pick from a hat winners and such.  

I like the creativity and join in to have fun, but does anyone ever win anything, does anyone care?  Besides me that is....I care, who doesn't like to hear of winners?!

An alias...
Accusations directed toward an unnamed provider...

You're a real profile in courage.

payintherange592 reads

since I mentioned a number of different creative ads, as well as, ladies that post discounts I must be attacking ALL providers that offer them or partake in creative ads.

Don't short change yourself!  Coming from a guy that was hunting for a list of BBFS providers, I'll take your post for what it is worth!

1. The name of the provider your post was criticizing.
2. That the entries were judged and winners picked.
3. I was not among the winners.

In terms of making a list of BBFS providers, I discontinued the effort because I was receiving unreliable information.  It is an activity that takes place in our community and I think we are all better off with more information about activities rather than less.  

There is a lot of interest in such a list, as evidenced by the PM's I continue to receive asking for names of providers doing BBFS.  I tell them there is no such list.

This information is now making the rumor mills on back channels.  If TER were to make the information part of the providers profile, it would benefit providers and hobbyists.  Providers would have a forum to dispute information about their menu and hobbyists would be better able to decide who to see or avoid.

In terms of you criticizing me for the list, I put my TER id out there with every single post I make.  Like me or hate me; you know who is offering the opinion.

Fuck off chicken shit.

True enough.  In the case at hand, every hobbyist and provider knows who I have seen, who I have reviewed and can make decisions based upon the ideas and attitudes expressed here

payintherange280 reads

"every hobbyist and provider knows who I have seen,"

You have reviewed everyone you've seen?  

How would anyone here know if you had 1 or more fake names here?  

Reality, everyone knows exactly what you want them to know about THIS particular fake name.

Tell me I am wrong!  GaGambler, Uptonogood or whomever it is you want to be when you respond! ;-)

payintherange735 reads

Whoa! News flash guys are still Pming you for the list of BBFS providers and you think that validates your NOT wanting to see them?  Pretty sure you have already seen one or all of the new providers you were given, why not, you were looking to get a list of them so you could see them!  pat yourself on the back for sharing that list with all your friends, you are providing a service to them that TER does not provide, yippee for you!

As for your list of things you dream of... your use of clairvoyance is misguided, but there are many such people out there claiming to reads minds.  Usually it is done in person, but who knows maybe you are specially gifted!

If you wish to point fingers at a specific ad, go ahead, but that is on you.  Whether or not she has picked winners or not is up to her and the entrants she received.  I think in her case posting the winning entrants would take away from the ads when she uses them, so it is better if she exposes them as she uses them for her weekly ad.

As for the names of the gentleman in her case, probably not a good idea for the guys to be wanted to be posted on the open forum.  I am not a lawyer and I am not sure if the guy could be held on a felony of profiting from an illegal activity(that of course pending LE being able to connect the dots and put a TER handle with a real name).

So IF you think this was pointed directly at her ad, take your own advice!

It does not make any sense for her to post the winners!

-- Modified on 4/27/2015 7:54:38 AM

Obviously, you are not a lawyer.  It requires intelligence.  The scenario you paint is so obviously insufficient to support a felony charge it does not warrant further comment.

I don't know what you think I am pointing fingers at, but I simply made a factual statement that the contest was judged and winners decided and notified.  This was verified by a subsequent poster.  So this comment makes no sense.

As for your claim that I think I am clairvoyant, god this is so ridiculous, one hobbyist claimed that a provider that did BBFS lived a XYZ location.  I know for a fact, she lives at ABC location.  Is that clairvoyance or a simple logical deduction based upon claims and known facts.

I never claimed that hobbyists continuing to ask me about BBFS providers validates my not wanting to see them, merely that there is a demand for this information in the community.

What I can conclude from your most recent post, you're an idiot in addition to being a chicken shit.

If you have an ounce of guts, stop using an alias.  GROW A PAIR!

-- Modified on 4/27/2015 5:19:57 PM

payintherange305 reads

"but I simply made a factual statement that {the} contest was judged and winners decided and notified."

My OP commented on many different types of creative ads.  Now if you wish to whiteknight 1 particular ad, knock yourself out!  if you are looking to get a freebies from Portia, again knock yourself out!

I am pretty sure in the mystery gift ad there was no judging, nor in the discounted ads, or the ones using marbles or drawing cards.

My clairvoyant comment was pertaining you you knowing that my OP was about 1 ladies creativity when it specifically stated a number of different ads.  Twist things how you wish so you can White Knight for a lady, it bothers me none.  

My OP regarded a number of ads and if any guys won in any of the cases.

And since the lady that you are White knighting for actually posted her winners, my OP still is valid but can't actually pertain to hers at all can it?

You want to pick another lady to White knight for?  Or you done wining now?

The only thing that has changed is that I got an answer to my OP, guys are winning!  At least from one of the ads!

Now you can go back to collecting names of ladies that do BBFS so you can pick your next lady to see!

payintherange489 reads

are from reputable providers.  But it is rare that winners are ever posted in any way, so it was a curiosity of  whether guys win or they all hear the same thing, sorry you were not chosen, better luck next time and such.

Sounds like 1 person won something at some point or it is a shill to protect the reputation of providers.

I'll take it at face value, a winner!

GaGambler365 reads

but in this case I find myself agreeing with Uptonogood in his assessment that you are a sniveling, backbiting, coward.

Ok, he didn't actually say sniveling or backbiting, but I am willing to bet he won't be arguing with me over it.

and to repeat his words, why don't you grow a pair? If you are going to throw out accusations like this, do so under your real fake name, or accept being called a pussy. Your choice.

payintherange261 reads

Being a moderator!  

I am glad you found a new friend.  

Maybe next time you find a friend you can hit "like" if you agree or come up an original thought of your own!

Just saying!   Maybe GaGambler an alias of Uptonogood?  Who knows, who cares?  Not me!

Freyja548 reads

Guess that explains why one is a well regarded contributor to the Board and the other is a bitter hostile john who complains during sessions about why he gets no respect. Yes we ladies talk about the odd ones.

LOL.  Your response cracked me up.  

Posted By: Freyja
Guess that explains why one is a well regarded contributor to the Board and the other is a bitter hostile john who complains during sessions about why he gets no respect. Yes we ladies talk about the odd ones.

Yes people do win. I can attest to that.

payintherange429 reads

Nice to hear!  Congrats

I didn't win. (But I will know if she uses my entry!)

By the way, Board rules state "We consider all reviews to be fictional stories that are posted by TER solely for entertainment purposes." Go bore yourself with that topic for a while.

payintherange355 reads

I hope she is polite enough to give you lube and a heads up...after all it is just sex!

Is that light enough? lol

Is this appropriate humor for a fucking board or do I need to apologies?

-- Modified on 4/27/2015 8:10:43 AM

payintherange487 reads

my humor was so light it floated over your head sorry.

It is very possible she may use your written ad, that was not the entry I was referring to and it was a joke, my apology!  I guess it went unnoticed even on a "fucking" board forum.

When they do it it is called marketing. If you have been doing this for years it has to be hard to sometimes think out of the box.
If a provider was to hire someone to write a new add it would cost by far more than was offered and most likely the person responding and winning has some personal insite on the provider in question.
I call it good business and leave it at that.  
Adds and pictures go a long ways towards a brand.

Also, those of us who have mystery specials or lottery's don't feel it's necessary to say who won .
It's not a problem unless you're making it one and personally I think that an ad writing contest is a wonderful idea. Like you said, it's good business sense. :)

Freyja545 reads

Reputation is everything in this business.  It takes along time to gain a good one and the smart women won't throw it away easily.  If you were wondering specifically about Portia's ad contest (which it seems some are referencing but perhaps not you) I can guarantee you she will award the winners their prizes.  I even thought about entering myself just to get the opportunity to get me some of that... but alas I'm not that creative so I'll just have to pony up the $$ if I want some of that yummy desert.  If a provider has no solid history to demonstrate her sincerity I would take vorlon's advice and tread carefully.  Like all professions and walks of life not everyone is as sincere as one would like.  Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if they were.

"Guess that explains why one is a well regarded contributor to the Board and the other is a bitter hostile john who complains during sessions about why he gets no respect. Yes we ladies talk about the odd ones."

Note the phrase "Yes we ladies"

Now you are trying to convince us you are a hobbyist and not a provider in that "[you] want some of that yummy dessert."

Nice try.

DickCurious424 reads

Some providers hobby. What's strange about that?

I know right ?
If I could visit all my girl crushes provided they'd have me, I totally would hehehe.

I am not so sure about that. Many of the providers here talk about how it would be nice/hot/whatever to visit another provider.

Posted By: Uptonogood11

 Now you are trying to convince us you are a hobbyist and not a provider in that "[you] want some of that yummy dessert."  
 Nice try.

Almost all the providers i visit with like to periodically visit with some other Kitties.  And some of them drop a little coin to do so.  Yum!

No doubt you have some reference to Portia Edens contest for creative ads.  
I'm a professional marketing guy in Chicago and I jumped all over it.  
Submitted 3 ads as part of a themed campaign. I was notified as a winner and all is set up for me to  
come to Minn. in two weeks. She ran it very professional I MHO.  

I was notified on the day promised. I'm guessing she has not been public announcement yet because she was probably  
overwhelmed with entries. She's touring right now too.  
And I'll report back to you when I 'cash in'. Can't wait!

I was planning a business trip to your area and stumbled on her post.  
Loved the idea and gave it my best effort. You'll have to decide when she runs it  
There were suggested photos to take which require special props etc.  
So executing her plan is not so simple. And I think she'll have that with other ads she chooses to run.

payintherange430 reads

In all the hobbyist TER has, there is bound to be a LOT that specialize in marketing, ads, photography, web design.  You name it, the ladies can utilize a great many talents with guys AND gals within hobby circles!

Sounds like Portia's ad hit your wheel house!  Now you will experience HERS!  good luck!

... having one of those 3-point shooting contests at halftime of a T-wolves game and letting NBA players participate. I wonder who would win?

Could other girls use my services?  I know I could help differentiate themselves in such a crowded market.  
Great barter opportunity!

of an adult

Posted By: B2BGuy123
Could other girls use my services?  I know I could help differentiate themselves in such a crowded market.  
 Great barter opportunity!  

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