
Still get nervous the first time or two -e-
Agnar 29 Reviews 530 reads

-- Modified on 9/11/2014 6:06:53 PM

Do they ever go away? Everytime I go to see a new provider or even my ATF Im more nervous then if I was going on a first date with someone. One of the biggest reasons for getting into this "hobby" was to gain confidence and be more comfortable with women.  
When I look at reviews or ads on the board for possible new lady friends I totally choke and cant even get myself to contact them for an appointment. It might just be me...I dont know haha.  
Did any of you have this problem, has it gone away...will it ever go away

When I started it was nerves, now it's anticipation and excitement.

Hansolo614 reads

Yep, especially when meeting someone new.  I always love to see who's going to be peaking around the door or knocking on my door.

The first few times I did it - I was nervous, but good nervous - Just Hit Send.

See Victoria Sloan.  She makes everything go away except pleasure.

You are about to spend time with a kind beautiful young woman! Maybe even your dreamgirl.
 I love the nervous anticipation of seeing a woman, it is a rush. Just dont take it too serious- try to relax and have fun

And charming too!  Part of the reason I love being involved in the hobby is the amazing and sensitive fellas I get to spend time with.  It's a gift to me to be able to help build confidence...You gentlemen certainly build mine!

...that this encounter is a big deal to you and you hope you come across well and that she likes you. Performing artists and athletes often describe the thrill they get from the jitters they get before performing. Maybe a little alcohol might help relax you enough that you'll come across as Rico Suave.  :)

We fantasize, plan, prepare, and try our luck. It's just like fishing. Of course, it's strictly "catch & release". I'm keyed up with anticipation every time.

But with the ladies with whom I have a longer history with, I'm usually just looking forward with great anticipation to seeing them.

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