
Re: I disagree
TrinityLake See my TER Reviews 661 reads

I got lucky.  I got in through a provider who helped me and recommended me to a reputable TER gent who wrote my first review.  I've never done NCNS to anyone.  I've never NOT responded to an email, either.  I do, however, screen.  I make exceptions for some newcomers, but even them I've sent to providers who don't screen to 'take one for the team,' so to speak.  I am a safety girl, and I encourage others to do that, too.

With all these NCNS's.

I don't care how big or small the town/city is...if a lady does not ask you for references...DO NOT see her...AND make sure she has reviews.

In addition....you get what you pay for...

It's simple...think with your head and not your dick. Esp. when it is last minute.

Play Safe and you will have more fun!

Amber Monroe

...how does anyone new ever get into the biz if all guys had a no reviews no see policy.

Posted By: amberamber
With all these NCNS's.

I don't care how big or small the town/city is...if a lady does not ask you for references...DO NOT see her...AND make sure she has reviews.

In addition....you get what you pay for...

It's simple...think with your head and not your dick. Esp. when it is last minute.

Play Safe and you will have more fun!

Amber Monroe

I am not sure there is a connection between reviews, screening and NCNS.  Several men have reported NCNS by providers with many strong reviews.  And, frankly, I am not sure what your reasoning is for
"DO NOT see her", for women who don't screen.  We have had the screen vs no screen discussion many times, and everyone has their different viewpoint.

I see many good solid reviews on providers who don't screen.  Other than the woman who post often, here on TER, very few providers I have met do any screening.  I do have another screen name, with 50 reviews of mostly top tier providers, and have never given out any personal information, other than my first name.  

You suggest that men should think with there heads not dicks, but I think giving out all sorts of private information, when organizing an illegal act, may be the real Dick-thinking.  

Amber, you are a highly respected provider, and I certainly enjoy all your participation on this board, but I just don't  think the NCNS connection is there.  NoCallNoShows are part of the hobby, from both sides. Sad but true. And, reviews and references won't change that.  

It seems as if there are just as many NCNS's with reviewed providers and just as much if not more baggage.
The OP seems more like old matriarch trumpeting then accurate advice.


"giving out all sorts of private information when organizing an illegal act, may be (IS) the real Dick-thinking.  


Some providers with excellent review histories have been well known for NCNS, the infamous Katie Monroe being the most glaring example.  Yes, you can reduce the risk of having that happen by not seeing providers, reviewed or not, who have NCNS'd guys (at least that we know of) but it is still there.  And there are some girls who start off badly but do learn from their mistakes.  Every single reviewed escort was once a newcomer with no review or history to her name; someone has to be the first guy to try and see her and report back how it went.

Both Ladies and Men have been known for NCNS's.
Everyone has to start somewhere and that was my intent to the post...everyone please screen and be safe!


I got lucky.  I got in through a provider who helped me and recommended me to a reputable TER gent who wrote my first review.  I've never done NCNS to anyone.  I've never NOT responded to an email, either.  I do, however, screen.  I make exceptions for some newcomers, but even them I've sent to providers who don't screen to 'take one for the team,' so to speak.  I am a safety girl, and I encourage others to do that, too.

If you agree or disagree...

Just please be Save!

Amber Monroe

I am not going to fuel the flames about the screening debate but to state that guys should only see the well reviewed providers seems a bit self serving to me.  Just curious, how would you have accomplished your first reviews otherwise?

I agree.  If you make it require a ton of work and effort into seeing an escort it takes the joy out of it and makes it seem pointless. I want to have fun not worry about references, who has my info that may get busted.  If it keeps getting so that screening is more a more difficult I will stop hobbying.   If it takes that kinda effort and extensive planning I will call my ex and deal with her bs instead.    

Posted By: oleoneeye
I am not going to fuel the flames about the screening debate but to state that guys should only see the well reviewed providers seems a bit self serving to me.  Just curious, how would you have accomplished your first reviews otherwise?

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