
Re: Buzz-word BS
souls_harbor 512 reads

I would be hard to say, as it would be in the interest of a provider to claim to be forced into it if pinched by the police.

Posted By: Dr.BudGreen
I'm just curious if those allegations of sex trafficking have any merit or if the ladies involved were there by their own choice

(Windom, Mn.)-- Investigators say they’ve broken up a prostitution ring that was based out of southwest Minnesota.

8 agencies arrested seven people they claim were involved in a sex trafficking operation June 9th that was based out of Windom.

23-year-old XXXX of Las Vegas was arrested on four felony counts of promoting prostitution; 26-year-old XXXX of Robbinsdale was charged with one felony count of promoting prostitution; and 28-year-old XXXX of St. Cloud was charged with three felony counts of solicitation, inducement and promoting prostitution, along with one felony count of 5th degree drugs. 25-year-old XXXX of St. Cloud was charged with a gross misdemeanor for giving a peace officer a false name.

Authorities say three other suspects allegedly involved are still awaiting charges through the Cottonwood County Attorney’s Office

Posted By: LChayse
(Windom, Mn.)-- Investigators say they’ve broken up a prostitution ring that was based out of southwest Minnesota.  
 8 agencies arrested seven people they claim were involved in a sex trafficking operation June 9th that was based out of Windom.  
 23-year-old XXXX of Las Vegas was arrested on four felony counts of promoting prostitution; 26-year-old XXXX of Robbinsdale was charged with one felony count of promoting prostitution; and 28-year-old XXXX of St. Cloud was charged with three felony counts of solicitation, inducement and promoting prostitution, along with one felony count of 5th degree drugs. 25-year-old XXXX of St. Cloud was charged with a gross misdemeanor for giving a peace officer a false name.  
 Authorities say three other suspects allegedly involved are still awaiting charges through the Cottonwood County Attorney’s Office.  

All of the articles I found online mentioned 'sex trafficking' but I didn't see any mention of how many of these trafficking victims were rescued. Or were the victims arrested too?
Or maybe those people were willing participants and they are just victims of LE.  

On a somewhat related note, I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge of the AMP in Monticello that was in the news recently. I know that sex trafficking is a problem. I'm just curious if those allegations of sex trafficking have any merit or if the ladies involved were there by their own choice. I've never been to an AMP so I really don't know if it would even be possible to tell just by visiting.  

On a completely unrelated note, I don't have VIP at the moment so I can't see who is PMing me.

Be safe and have a good weekend

souls_harbor513 reads

I would be hard to say, as it would be in the interest of a provider to claim to be forced into it if pinched by the police.

Posted By: Dr.BudGreen
I'm just curious if those allegations of sex trafficking have any merit or if the ladies involved were there by their own choice

The number of people actually arrested for and charged with trafficking is much smaller but talking always talking about the trafficking is good publicity for LE, never mind what it does to the those arrested for just wanting to get laid or offering a useful service.

Wow, those are some mighty big... Words there. In San Diego we just had a few gentleman known in the community arrested for like charges. I'm not discrediting what you are saying. Would actually like to hear more & back up info always a plus. Thank you!

Posted By: vorlon
The number of people actually arrested for and charged with trafficking is much smaller but talking always talking about the trafficking is good publicity for LE, never mind what it does to the those arrested for just wanting to get laid or offering a useful service.

Not sure how you know "sex trafficking is a problem" since you've never been to an AMP according to your words. You're learning everything from movies, news, LE?

Possible to tell that the ladies are victims "just by visiting"? Really? What about Chinese and other Asian restaurants, are they victims of sex trafficking, too?

When you visit providers, do you wonder every time which of them are being pimped? There certainly are some but that's a topic for another thread.

In contrast to you, I have been to AMPs , hundreds and hundreds of them over the years. I count dozens of very good friends among the ladies who work hard at AMPs. I've been to their homes, met their families, they have kids in schools/universities, etc. Hardly sex trafficking victims.

You Dr. Bud have shown your ignorance and prejudice against AMPs and I'd tell you to go try a few of them out before talking about them further.

Posted By: Dr.BudGreen
All of the articles I found online mentioned 'sex trafficking' but I didn't see any mention of how many of these trafficking victims were rescued. Or were the victims arrested too?  
 Or maybe those people were willing participants and they are just victims of LE.  
 On a somewhat related note, I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge of the AMP in Monticello that was in the news recently. I know that sex trafficking is a problem. I'm just curious if those allegations of sex trafficking have any merit or if the ladies involved were there by their own choice. I've never been to an AMP so I really don't know if it would even be possible to tell just by visiting.  
 On a completely unrelated note, I don't have VIP at the moment so I can't see who is PMing me.  
 Be safe and have a good weekend  

Specifically this part

I'm just curious if those allegations of sex trafficking have any merit or if the ladies involved were there by their own choice. I've never been to an AMP so I really don't know if it would even be possible to tell just by visiting.[\quote]

He's asking for information, not making claims.  And sex trafficking is a problem.  It's not hard to find stories of people who have actually been convicted of it.  It's just not nearly the problem LE and various other groups make it out to be.

I've been to a lot of AMPs over the years and trafficking seems grey. Specifically, the Chinese AMPs are the ones I am referring. The stories of the MT I've met are talk of 12 hour work days, 7 days per week; left behind children in China or in USA; physical abuse from husbands or partners in China; no other skills or job opportunities for work besides this work; they are moved from one place to another, not by choice; subject to arrest and consequences; etc...

I don't think these women are trafficked anymore than migrant farmers or immigrants are being trafficked for doing various kinds of work that others are unwilling to do.  

I guess each one of us will decide how we feel about this situation and whether we visit.

Dont4get506 reads

i wonder what happened to the guy who was balls deep during the rade       how would you review that    if the loks r good?

Posted By: Dont4get
  i wonder what happened to the guy who was balls deep during the rade       how would you review that    if the loks r good?

At how you treat him.

Posted By: LChayse
Posted By: Dont4get
   i wonder what happened to the guy who was balls deep during the rade       how would you review that    if the loks r good?

Dont4get394 reads

st sayin itd be a odd review    thats it   do they have a 0 or -2 for jail

Posted By: Dont4get
  just sayin itd be a odd review    thats it   do they have a 0 or -2 for jail  
Gotcha. I have to admit I could stand to relax a bit. Thanx!

What did she call the cop?  Porky?

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