
Please note: #4 is never worthy of BL but ...
brilove See my TER Reviews 971 reads

It is a small reason why I would not recommend. I would feel horrible if I recommended him to another provider friend and he wrote a review that that about her. Just wanted to make that clear!

What do you do when you have had issues with a hobbyist that are not worthy of blacklisting yet not worthy of recommendations from you?  I have told him not to contact me anymore yet he still does and asks for appointments about 2-3 times a month plus I get a reference inquiring about once a month for him. Why would he use me as a reference when I told him not to and refuse to WL him?

Maybe this is blacklist worthy? I have a few DNS on my list, only 3 that I will not recommend, and blacklist 1 so it's not like I'm being unreasonable. Here are the details; please advise.  

Here are the reasons why I will not see him again nor will I recommend:

1) he has canceled on me more times last minute then I have actually seen him (I tried being understanding in the beginning because he was going through divorce and the cancellations were due to his ex supposedly not picking up the kids)

2) once I sent him a "Merry Christmas" message and he responded with "don't contact me again" ... He later apologized and said that he was on a date when he got that text (not sure why a simple two word text like that is if concern as he is single) ... I felt it was okay to send him the Merry Christmas text due to the fact that he and I message back-and-forth a few times before that.  

3) he also double booked with me and another provider then canceled on me (I told him at that time to not contact me any further and he cannot use me as a reference yet he still does ... Asking for appointments and asking for references) he just doesn't get it!

4) maybe this isn't a valid reason but his review for me although it wasn't horrible he did state a few things in it that were rude and I've even had other regulars email me or in person tell me how upset they were regarding his review.  

5) last but not least I have not seen him in many, many months and have not heard good things about him from others. I am embarrassed by his behavior and the fact that I told him about TER.  

I've given him more chances than I should have I don't feel that he should be blacklisted as a time waster but I will pass on this information to whomever requests it ... Just tired of getting used as a reference.  

Thanks in advance!!

It is a small reason why I would not recommend. I would feel horrible if I recommended him to another provider friend and he wrote a review that that about her. Just wanted to make that clear!

HandleWithCare735 reads

That might be a good first step--er, second step--ask some providers you know and trust what they would do in your place. Maybe you've already done that. If not, in hindsight I think it would have been better to use the back channel for this discussion than a public forum. But, it's public now so...

IMO the action that went way over the line was continuing to contact you when you told him to not contact you any more.  The other biggie was the frequent last minute cancellations. Providers need to be warned of these behaviors, in some way other than not whitelisting him--which isn't very effective since many reputable hobbyists have no whitelists.

If I acted in that way, I think a provider would be justified in blacklisting me. No provider should have to put up with that kind of behavior.

I wanted this to be on this public board; I was hoping he would read this and see it from a different view. I am not afraid of him or worried he is truly stalking nor have I just dropped the ball in communicating that I do not want contact from him or to use me as references. I told him twice many months ago, that should be enough. I have ignored the rest if his emails  and texts (asking for appointments). Even after using me as a reference to a few ladies and I give bad ones for him, he still doesn't get it. Hopefully he will read this and move on ... If he contacts me again I will simply copy and paste the link to this thread.  

Posted By: HandleWithCare
That might be a good first step--er, second step--ask some providers you know and trust what they would do in your place. Maybe you've already done that. If not, in hindsight I think it would have been better to use the back channel for this discussion than a public forum. But, it's public now so...  
 IMO the action that went way over the line was continuing to contact you when you told him to not contact you any more.  The other biggie was the frequent last minute cancellations. Providers need to be warned of these behaviors, in some way other than not whitelisting him--which isn't very effective since many reputable hobbyists have no whitelists.  
 If I acted in that way, I think a provider would be justified in blacklisting me. No provider should have to put up with that kind of behavior.

I have used call blocking on a couple of occasions, not hard to do the same with E-mail. Sometimes the simplest answers are overlooked.

I've used both of these in personal life and work fantastic.   Out of sight out of mind

Posted By: Steelhand
I have used call blocking on a couple of occasions, not hard to do the same with E-mail. Sometimes the simplest answers are overlooked.  

No point in your continuing to waste any more of your time on him.

...make up bad shit about him. I think posting this on the board is a very smart and appropriate move. He will see this thread and know it's about him and other Providers will PM you and ask you who it is. I agree it falls short of Blacklisting but you have every right to try and thwart any guy who doesn't know how to act appropriately.

2+2=4931 reads

1. He calls and repeatedly wastes your time (=money) with cancels.
2. He plays double message with you (see also 1)
3. See 1 and 2.  
4. He is rude (and abuses his power 1,2,3)
5. He somehow makes you feel like his abuses are your fault.
6.  You have given him more chances than you should and feel guilted into giving him more.

1) he has canceled on me more times last minute then I have actually seen him (I tried being understanding in the beginning because he was going through divorce and the cancellations were due to his ex supposedly not picking up the kids)
2) once I sent him a "Merry Christmas" message and he responded with "don't contact me again" ... He later apologized and said that he was on a date when he got that text (not sure why a simple two word text like that is if concern as he is single) ... I felt it was okay to send him the Merry Christmas text due to the fact that he and I message back-and-forth a few times before that.  
3) he also double booked with me and another provider then canceled on me (I told him at that time to not contact me any further and he cannot use me as a reference yet he still does ... Asking for appointments and asking for references) he just doesn't get it!
4) maybe this isn't a valid reason but his review for me although it wasn't horrible he did state a few things in it that were rude and I've even had other regulars email me or in person tell me how upset they were regarding his review.  
5) last but not least I have not seen him in many, many months and have not heard good things about him from others. I am embarrassed by his behavior and the fact that I told him about TER.  
I've given him more chances than I should have I don't feel that he should be blacklisted as a time waster but I will pass on this information to whomever requests it ... Just tired of getting used as a reference.

TCButtman644 reads

To even worry about blacklisting a bad client. The only references you could give is exactly what you have posted here. After a few bad references he will stop

And have sent it too each provider that has requested a reference from me for him. I'm shocked he still using me as one.  

Posted By: TCButtman
To even worry about blacklisting a bad client. The only references you could give is exactly what you have posted here. After a few bad references he will stop.  

Every time he uses you as a reference is an opportunity to warn others about his behavior. Blocking or simply never responding to his messages should eventually get rid of him. For your own personal safety always remember he's still out there.

he's deluded, desperate and therefore ...trying to think of a 'd' word meaning unsafe... a little  dangerous.

Just be honest and tell him I wish not to see you anymore and then he will leave you alone. I wish girls would do that to me when I email them and nothing back.

Use me as a reference months ago ... Plain and simple! He doesn't get it. No, I do not respond to him when he asks if I'm available tonight or tomorrow over and over because he knows the answer and it's not worth my time. I do, however let the ladies know why I will not recommend him when he gives them my name as a reference.

It is kind of like replying to Talon, even giving him a yup, feeds him to reply!

He pushes your boundaries, is a chronic timewaster and does not respect your decision.  IMO, any of those by themselves makes him a candidate for a blacklist.   I would note all of these things in any reference request.

Advice and views from the hobbyists as well ... Plus if he reads that other guys think he has gone too far, he is being disrespectful etc. then maybe he will get it. Sometimes you have to hear it from another source to truly soak it up.  

Posted By: belindabell
He pushes your boundaries, is a chronic timewaster and does not respect your decision.  IMO, any of those by themselves makes him a candidate for a blacklist.   I would note all of these things in any reference request.  
-- Modified on 10/13/2014 10:15:17 AM

-- Modified on 10/13/2014 10:16:13 AM

It really sucks about that but that's all anyone can do.  

Posted By: belindabell
He pushes your boundaries, is a chronic timewaster and does not respect your decision.  IMO, any of those by themselves makes him a candidate for a blacklist.   I would note all of these things in any reference request.  

thumper6969931 reads

that you were contacting him on a personal level via non-date texts.  You open a can of worms when you go beyond provider/hobbyist relationship.  IMO

If you had booked his calls and sent bad references that should have been enough for you.  I don't think blasting him here was worth yours our our time.  

Based on your previous posting history, this was, to me, out-of-charactr for you.

Yes I used to send simple text messages such as merry Christmas and happy valentines day to regulars who used text messaging and I thought it was ok and just a sweet gesture. I do agree with you now in that it's possibly crossing a line so I don't do it now.  As far as texts other than business, there were none in case I didn't make that clear.  

No I do not agree that I've misused the board, wasted my time, maybe yours but honestly no matter what I or anyone else posts on here, there will always be some who don't like it or agree and that's ok. I did get what I needed out of it and that was some good advice plus the possibility that he will read it and see others' views on it.  

Not all my posts can be happy, upbeat and stress free .... I had an issue and I asked for advice

Hi this is brooke, I don't post on the board much but I was just reading your response to comment about how you're asking for advice was "out of character" for you and I just have to say; well said girl! ... It is very rare to read something so eloquently put by another fellow provider ( or anyone for that matter!) I am very very proud to call myself a provider in the ranks of such a well spoken woman congrats and good job! :)

You've done nothing wrong by posting here; it's a legitimate topic for this board.  You are a positive contributor to this board and rarely have anything negative to say about anyone or anything thing.  This particular issue is a problem that you want to resolve and you are trying to move forward without having to blacklist the guy.

Hopefully the situation resolves now.

No reason to think every single one will be of interest to everybody.

And can't you block him
On your email also?
He will eventually get a clue!!
Some People!!!

He did find this and read it. Apparently he does not remember getting either the email or the text message about no contact but I did send them. That may explain why he continued the contact and using me as a reference, however because I value my integrity and stand by my references when I give them as not only being safe but respectful, I still will not give him my seal of approval.  I am confident that he will not contact me any farther and not use me as a reference thus he "got the message" as I had hoped.  

Long story short ... He is not an asshole, douche bag, or stalker ... He has used BP until recently and IMHO needs to utilize the TER newbie board to get accustomed to what the TER ladies expect if these are the ladies he wants to see.  

I will add he was quite respectful when contacting me regarding this issue and I wish him well. I try to see the best in people and always hope we can learn and improve; he is no exception to this and I'm sure all will be good in the end.

Glad it worked out for you and good of you to steer him toward TER. It's hard starting out, hopefully he explores TER and learns how to be a better client so he can enjoy all the great things the TER ladies have to offer.

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