
Oh.. Lol.. that brings to mind a Seinfeld Episode..
GiaBellini See my TER Reviews 574 reads

The one in which Elaine hires a fridge guy.  He comes to her apartment to do repairs or something and you hear her mind saying, "I could kill this guy right now and no one would be the wiser.  I could kill him and hide him and no one would ever know."
I thought of that today when I had to call a man down to my office to change one of those ceiling embedded florescent light bulbs.  He came in with his big ladder which wouldn't fit all the way unless my office door was closed.  I was working at my computer but thinking... "Hmmm.. I could have my way with this guy right now and no one would ever know."   hahahah
Well, he kind of took the fantasy out of it because he kept trying to engage me in conversation.. like.. He felt so needed by this "Damsel in Distress" and he should check my security badge because my picture on our business website "doesn't do me justice."  etc..
Finally I was thinking... "What the??  Is he flirting with me?"  
Well it's no fun if they flirt with me and then I have to be the one to act all prim and proper.  I'd rather have the subtle glances, the questioning furrow in their brows, the awkward blushes.  I don't like the obvious overtures, not at work.  My fantasy is: no talk, just act, softly, gently, without force...  just impulse....  fantasy.    
(I wonder what would happen if my fantasy ever came true.)  

Posted By: eddy81
It is pretty cool still if the woman is attainable or desirable. It is annoying if the woman is not attainable or desirable.  It is really annoying if you have to work with a woman that you in no way want, but they are oozing sexuality all over the place.

At my regular place of employment there are some occasions in which I'm allowed to come to work in jeans or casual attire.  Today I wore a pair of jeans that have gotten a little snug.  With all the bending and moving about today, the seam of the crotch kept riding up and sliding in between the lips of my ... well...  you know.
I kept having minor orgasms because of the thick seam rubbing against my clit so often.  This led me to a heightened awareness of my sensuality.  I have my own private break room with a couple of couches and a plush rug that happens to be close to one of the heating and venting areas of the large building.  Men in denim uniforms are continually coming and going down my hallway and into their work area.  
During my breaks I kept having very torrid fantasies that one.. (or two) of those men would open the door to my break room and catch me with my fingers in my pussy.  No words would be spoken but the door would be closed behind them as they entered into my break room.  
I would only want them to slowly come toward me, begin to touch me, stroke my hair, face, shoulders... pull me up from the couch I was lounging on, take one of my hands and guide it to their own throbbing crotches.  I fantasized that one would start to kiss me while the other undressed me slowly...  

Oh my gosh...  can't go on!  I'm getting too turned on right now.  Needless to say, my jeans were quite wet when I got home today.

I wonder if men can sense that...  "I'm so horny right NOW" vibe on a woman.  I wore that energy today like a thick blanket.  I felt like sex was just radiating off of me.  I have to admit, without saying anything, or smiling any more than I normally do, I believe that men were paying extra close attention to me today.  Did they sense that I wanted to be mounted by one of them?  Can men tell when a woman is "in heat" ?  even if she doesn't do or say anything that would expose her ardor?

They were probably tempted but afraid. Maybe next time you leave the door partly open. That should get your desired results:-)

BunnyPhallus633 reads

Posted By: GiaBellini
At my regular place of employment there are some occasions in which I'm allowed to come to work in jeans or casual attire.  Today I wore a pair of jeans that have gotten a little snug.  With all the bending and moving about today, the seam of the crotch kept riding up and sliding in between the lips of my ... well...  you know.  
 I kept having minor orgasms because of the thick seam rubbing against my clit so often.  This led me to a heightened awareness of my sensuality.  I have my own private break room with a couple of couches and a plush rug that happens to be close to one of the heating and venting areas of the large building.  Men in denim uniforms are continually coming and going down my hallway and into their work area.    
 During my breaks I kept having very torrid fantasies that one.. (or two) of those men would open the door to my break room and catch me with my fingers in my pussy.  No words would be spoken but the door would be closed behind them as they entered into my break room.    
 I would only want them to slowly come toward me, begin to touch me, stroke my hair, face, shoulders... pull me up from the couch I was lounging on, take one of my hands and guide it to their own throbbing crotches.  I fantasized that one would start to kiss me while the other undressed me slowly...  
 Oh my gosh...  can't go on!  I'm getting too turned on right now.  Needless to say, my jeans were quite wet when I got home today.  
 I wonder if men can sense that...  "I'm so horny right NOW" vibe on a woman.  I wore that energy today like a thick blanket.  I felt like sex was just radiating off of me.  I have to admit, without saying anything, or smiling any more than I normally do, I believe that men were paying extra close attention to me today.  Did they sense that I wanted to be mounted by one of them?  Can men tell when a woman is "in heat" ?  even if she doesn't do or say anything that would expose her ardor?  

rochmn711 reads

You mean RIGHT NOW?

Lol!! Rochmn...

Posted By: rochmn
You mean RIGHT NOW?
But, in REAL life, the fantasy must stay a fantasy.  I can't violate the "no fraternization" clause at my real life job.  I can't flirt.  I can't wink, or let my eyes wander or linger.  No.  I am professional.  

That's why I close my door and fantasize.  But that's why I also feel so curious if it's detectable.  It's something subtle but in the moment it seems like it's screaming... "Take me now!!"  Only, I can't even give the tiniest hint.  

Imagine the complications, the drama, the strange expectations and unnecessary confusion of an affair.  I'm not the least bit interested in that type of time and energy drain.  It's the fantasy that turns me on, and then the realization that in THIS lifestyle I can live it in the sanctity of the p4p envelope.  No ties, no drama, no expectation except...  well... you know.  : )

I have been able to sense the vibe and usually smell when a woman is ovulating. When I was a senior in college it was awesome, now it is kind of a curse.

I feel excited that it can be sensed even though nothing will come of it. It's a turn on to realize that men know that I want them, even tough no one will act on it... It's there!

It is pretty cool still if the woman is attainable or desirable. It is annoying if the woman is not attainable or desirable.  It is really annoying if you have to work with a woman that you in no way want, but they are oozing sexuality all over the place.

The one in which Elaine hires a fridge guy.  He comes to her apartment to do repairs or something and you hear her mind saying, "I could kill this guy right now and no one would be the wiser.  I could kill him and hide him and no one would ever know."
I thought of that today when I had to call a man down to my office to change one of those ceiling embedded florescent light bulbs.  He came in with his big ladder which wouldn't fit all the way unless my office door was closed.  I was working at my computer but thinking... "Hmmm.. I could have my way with this guy right now and no one would ever know."   hahahah
Well, he kind of took the fantasy out of it because he kept trying to engage me in conversation.. like.. He felt so needed by this "Damsel in Distress" and he should check my security badge because my picture on our business website "doesn't do me justice."  etc..
Finally I was thinking... "What the??  Is he flirting with me?"  
Well it's no fun if they flirt with me and then I have to be the one to act all prim and proper.  I'd rather have the subtle glances, the questioning furrow in their brows, the awkward blushes.  I don't like the obvious overtures, not at work.  My fantasy is: no talk, just act, softly, gently, without force...  just impulse....  fantasy.    
(I wonder what would happen if my fantasy ever came true.)  


Posted By: eddy81
It is pretty cool still if the woman is attainable or desirable. It is annoying if the woman is not attainable or desirable.  It is really annoying if you have to work with a woman that you in no way want, but they are oozing sexuality all over the place.

...cleavage. At the office, when us men spot a woman sporting a cameltoe we have a secret networking protocol so we can notify others of this attraction and they can make a point of checking it out. That, and the pheromones you were emanating would likely explain the extra attention you were receiving.  

Sex at the office is a time honored tradition. In more liberal times, it was considered pretty cool and when your co-workers found out, they were cool with it and it became fodder for much gossip and salacious entertainment. Not so anymore, sadly. Amorous encounters in the workplace now lead to dismissals and resignations instead of promotions and pay raises which we know should be the natural order.

with women who are highly sexual. For others they wouldn't know what I am talking about.

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