
No need to apologize!
Robert_BadenPowell 828 reads

And no need to explain why you have set limits that are right for you.  It's understandable that you were upset.  

The only person who should be apologizing is the (expletive) who posted that review.

-- Modified on 9/10/2014 7:59:47 PM

It seems to have happened again. A reviewer with no prior reviews posting what I believe to be a bogus review of a well-established massage provider. In all her previous reviews she is noted as DIY. All of a sudden, with a rookie hobbyist she is giving a bj?! I doubt it.
These kind of reviews can be harmful to the provider and they do a disservice to the rest of us.  I've submitted a problem report.

and there should be a process to eliminate these. I see it on occasion and still can't stand it. It gets mentioned on this board at least quarterly.

With all prior reviews says she's DIY, but I was able to get bj.

Robert_BadenPowell1133 reads

And this was much more than a BJ, totally out of line with this provider's modus operandi.  

I've had HJs and BJs and much more from "DIY" providers.  But it was clear the ladies didn't want such exceptions to their menus made public, and I respected their wishes.

Thanks to Rxyman for reporting it quickly.  I was glad to see when I tried doing that yesterday, shortly after the review was posted, a report had already been filed.

it might have been believable because we all know how special you are. And you have a record of writing reviews.

woodchip964 reads

Shouldn't it be the lady who files the problem report since she and the client are the only ones who actually know what happened?  Or is it an outsiders responsibility to be the judge and jury which could taint the review process all together?

I ask this because I have seen several high rated ladies where their recent reviews are at least a 9 for looks and they are rated with "Athletic" with the reviews saying things like "trim" "in shape" or "takes care of herself" only to meet them and find they are overweight and I am not talking about fluid retention.  When I've corrected it in my review to "baby fat" and nicely mentioned the extra weight not one but two reviews I've submitted have been removed.  Is the lady removing them or is it her white knights?  Either way it seems as members we are being duped by incorrect information always keeping in mind YMMV on everything else with any meeting.  I do also understand the number rating on looks is subjective but the other words used have literal meaning.

Not being argumentative just would like to know the view of members.

-- Modified on 9/10/2014 2:36:37 PM

I submitted the problem report because TER has a button for "Report a Problem" right at the top of the review page. I suspected the report was false and could be harmful to the provider, so I used it. I also sent an email to the provider so she can act on it.  TER can do with it what they want but I felt I needed to report it. I assume you could also submit a problem report if you disagree with the description of the provider or for whatever reason, but one has to choose his battles.

Posted By: woodchip
Shouldn't it be the lady who files the problem report since she and the client are the only ones who actually know what happened?  Or is it an outsiders responsibility to be the judge and jury which could taint the review process all together?  
 I ask this because I have seen several high rated ladies where their recent reviews are at least a 9 for looks and they are rated with "Athletic" with the reviews saying things like "trim" "in shape" or "takes care of herself" only to meet them and find they are overweight and I am not talking about fluid retention.  When I've corrected it in my review to "baby fat" and nicely mentioned the extra weight not one but two reviews I've submitted have been removed.  Is the lady removing them or is it her white knights?  Either way it seems as members we are being duped by incorrect information always keeping in mind YMMV on everything else with any meeting.  I do also understand the number rating on looks is subjective but the other words used have literal meaning.  
 Not being argumentative just would like to know the view of members.

-- Modified on 9/10/2014 2:36:37 PM

Robert_BadenPowell914 reads

IMO they should do that, with this case being a good example of why it's important to do so.  So it doesn't hurt for a hobbyist to report a suspicious review, and send a PM or email to the provider to let them know about it.

As for getting a provider's profile changed wrt body type, good luck with that.  In my experience, to get any profile change approved, you need to have convincing evidence to back up the change.  It needs to be more than your opinion.  For example, if the provider's current ads clearly show her body type is different than what's in her profile, you could submit the ad link as evidence.  

But there should be no problem giving your opinion on a provider's weight in your review narrative, especially when done "nicely" as you say you did.  I have no idea why those remarks would be edited.  I've seen remarks like that in many reviews, i.e. comments that disagreed with the body type as stated in the provider's profile.  One thing you might try is put such details in the Juicy Details vs. the General section.

There are some providers and some hobbyists who behave in an unethical fashion in order to do such things as get free VIP, strike back at someone they are angry at (sometimes because that person told the truth about them), and manipulate the system in various other ways.  We can try to help police the system but are often limited because so much of the time getting accurate information about what really happened is difficult by the nature of what we do.

IOP, non of us should be talking about being ethical, were all doing illegal and in many eyes of 99% of the population doing immoral stuff here.

Posted By: vorlon
There are some providers and some hobbyists who behave in an unethical fashion in order to do such things as get free VIP, strike back at someone they are angry at (sometimes because that person told the truth about them), and manipulate the system in various other ways.  We can try to help police the system but are often limited because so much of the time getting accurate information about what really happened is difficult by the nature of what we do.

Robert_BadenPowell960 reads

... they are to many, many providers and hobbyists.

If you can't understand how someone could be concerned about ethics and still participate in the hobby, that's unfortunate for you and for providers you meet.  But don't knock those who are able to do that.

I didn't say someone being high ethical wasn't important.  I said your claim of having high ethical value and having an account on TER is laughable....  

Posted By: Robert_BadenPowell
... they are to many, many providers and hobbyists.  
 If you can't understand how someone could be concerned about ethics and still participate in the hobby, that's unfortunate for you and for providers you meet.  But don't knock those who are able to do that.

I see nothing immoral about what we do here so long as it is between consenting adults.

Really??  Your just being delusional, it's safe to say 99.99% of the population outside of TER disagrees.
Vorlon- Are you married/attached?

Posted By: vorlon
I see nothing immoral about what we do here so long as it is between consenting adults.

And until the majority can come up with a good reason why I should regard what I do as wrong then as far as I am concerned they are wrong.

Oh, and 99.99% would mean that only a little over 30,000 people would have no problem with what I do.  The total number of escorts and hobbyists alone is far larger than that.

And no, I have no SO.

The status of my problem report is "unapproved".

woodchip1094 reads

I guess that answers the question for the most part.  It appears the system is working in this case as my view is it only makes sense that the lady is the one to completely throw out a review if she has a reasonable objection.  In this instance she could easily make a case.  In my case I'm guessing they did not want potential clients to know about the extra weight which is a disservice to the site and its members.

I've never used the "problem" button for anything other than combining profiles, phone number and websites changes while searching for a potential date, nearly all approved. I tried submitting one on age once based upon what was on her website vs TER but it was unapproved.  If I used it to dispute actual reviews it could be used 50% of the time just on descriptive looks within the reviews.  I've found the "services offered" are is pretty accurate within the YMMV mindset, everything else is 50/50.  

I don't post here much due to time.  That also means no time to monitor every review of every lady I have seen to make sure they are in line.  Maybe some have that kind of time thus one of the reasons I was asking the question.

Ok I figured this out I think - didn't realize there was a discussion  

I am Chelsea - I have reported the review - no idea who Talon is but I certainly have NOT given ANYONE a "BJ." (Get a life much Talon?)  

Every once in awhile I get harassed - a few times a year... Usually getting called some colorful names...whatever - but this whole oral sex thing is absolutely ridiculous. If I was doing those things most likely would be in more than one review. I would not be able to live with myself if I was doing sexual acts such as those that were stated. No offense to anyone if that is your thing - I don't judge - it just isn't MY thing. I have my limits for a reason.

I appreciate the support of those who have reported the review. This type of review is exactly my nightmare. One of my fears is getting an aggressive client who won't take no for an answer or this to somehow show up in a custody thing regarding my child. I am getting out of the business very soon partly because of this fear.

-- Modified on 9/10/2014 5:12:40 PM

-- Modified on 9/10/2014 6:48:00 PM

PrincessLover969 reads

Thank you for letting us know you don't judge the menu options of others and in the same breath informing us your decisions are based on your high moral character.  Good luck in any future custody hearings you may have.

-- Modified on 9/10/2014 5:58:38 PM

who are you ? Princess lover? no reviews?

I don't judge - I just meant I have my limits for a reason. I apologize if that came off the wrong way I was upset when I posted.  

Posted By: creativefunguy
who are you ? Princess lover? no reviews?

Robert_BadenPowell829 reads

And no need to explain why you have set limits that are right for you.  It's understandable that you were upset.  

The only person who should be apologizing is the (expletive) who posted that review.

-- Modified on 9/10/2014 7:59:47 PM

PrincessLover1061 reads

No reviews.  In fact I don't see escorts, I'm here for the lively conversation.  My moral character is too high to engage in such activities.

Your fucking kidding right?  If, so then you should have NEVER even created an account here.

Posted By: PrincessLover
No reviews.  In fact I don't see escorts, I'm here for the lively conversation.  My moral character is too high to engage in such activities.

PrincessLover806 reads

Why not create an account?  Are you disagreeing with my assertion that there is plenty of lively conversation around here?

Pay no mind to him, he's the type of askhole that eats cookies in bed and then wonders why the ants are in there biting his ass

High moral, here on this board?  Funniest thing I've heard today.

Posted By: PrincessLover
Thank you for letting us know you don't judge the menu options of others and in the same breath informing us your decisions are based on your high moral character.  Good luck in any future custody hearings you may have.

-- Modified on 9/10/2014 5:58:38 PM

2+2=4901 reads

You have perhaps taught some people who follow this board something.
I am glad that people on this board alerted you to the review.  
I am even more glad that you explained the consequences of this kind of trashy behavior on the part of reviewers to people with the capacity and willingness to learn.  
I hope the review comes down and the IP is blocked permanently.
Best wishes to you,

Where the fuck did I say that you've given me a BJ?? I've NEVER seen you, and would never see anyone your age, and certainly have NEVER mentioned you in any of my posting.  Either you are high or definitely on something.  Let me repeat I have NEVER seen you and will NEVER see someone your age.

Posted By: Chelsea.Fox
Ok I figured this out I think - didn't realize there was a discussion  
 I am Chelsea - I have reported the review - no idea who Talon is but I certainly have NOT given ANYONE a "BJ." (Get a life much Talon?)  
 Every once in awhile I get harassed - a few times a year... Usually getting called some colorful names...whatever - but this whole oral sex thing is absolutely ridiculous. If I was doing those things most likely would be in more than one review. I would not be able to live with myself if I was doing sexual acts such as those that were stated. No offense to anyone if that is your thing - I don't judge - it just isn't MY thing. I have my limits for a reason.  
 I appreciate the support of those who have reported the review. This type of review is exactly my nightmare. One of my fears is getting an aggressive client who won't take no for an answer or this to somehow show up in a custody thing regarding my child. I am getting out of the business very soon partly because of this fear.  
 -- Modified on 9/10/2014 5:12:40 PM

-- Modified on 9/10/2014 6:48:00 PM

Posted By: talon199094
Where the fuck did I say that you've given me a BJ?? I've NEVER seen you, and would never see anyone your age, and certainly have NEVER mentioned you in any of my posting.  Either you are high or definitely on something.  Let me repeat I have NEVER seen you and will NEVER see someone your age.
I believe it was this previous post that made her assume you were talking about her.
Posted By: talon199094
With all prior reviews says she's DIY, but I was able to get bj.

Yeah, I guess she could have thought that.  I've never even clicked on the specific review link when I posted that.  I was answering the OP question about if anyone has seen a provider that only had DIY reviews but managed to get more.  

Posted By: ladyjae09
Posted By: talon199094
Where the fuck did I say that you've given me a BJ?? I've NEVER seen you, and would never see anyone your age, and certainly have NEVER mentioned you in any of my posting.  Either you are high or definitely on something.  Let me repeat I have NEVER seen you and will NEVER see someone your age.
 I believe it was this previous post that made her assume you were talking about her.  
Posted By: talon199094
With all prior reviews says she's DIY, but I was able to get bj.

Sasha8749896 reads

I am a fairly new provider and had my first very agressive client today and I too am worried about a negative review. Does reporting the review seem to help?

Hi Sasha,

No reporting the review hasn't helped. TER suggested I email the client and mention I don't recall the session (which is ridiculous if you ask me) and ask him when and where he saw me. That all said - I'm not too worried about it anymore. If someone mentions the review I'll just set him straight:-) and really even if TER removes it sooner or later another will pop up. This particular one has been the most ridiculous. I have gotten a lot of supportive email from concerned members of TER and a few hate emails. I am going to just move on. I'm sorry you had an aggressive client - I'm actually going to pick up some mace to have just in case. Also to use walking to my car as the days get shorter.

Good luck with everything and feel free to PM me if you have any questions:-)


ake reviews get posted like once a week and they are super easy to spot. They totally don't match the others and that is the only one the person has reviewed. If anyone believes them they are dumb and then they just piss the girl off when they see her and expect it. This only hurts the girl and these guys just want free ter - or are pissed off clients or ex bfs.
  Talon I doubt you saw her - you only see 5's and shes an 8-9

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