
No fake boobs
TalonTed 91 Reviews 1517 reads

Forgot to mention a very important requirement, no fake boobs.

Posted By: talon199094
The kind that you would like to make her your gf. With decent boob size, but not huge.  My short time in this hobby, I've probably seen 60+ providers and none have really struck me as gf material.  
 At my age it doesn't take much to get me going so I do NOT care for her performance rating, only looks.

The kind that you would like to make her your gf. With decent boob size, but not huge.  My short time in this hobby, I've probably seen 60+ providers and none have really struck me as gf material.

At my age it doesn't take much to get me going so I do NOT care for her performance rating, only looks.

There is no question in my mind the answer is Poppy. She possesses all the qualities I desire with a personality to match her beauty.

Now, to each their own in what they are looking for in all this, but you don't care about performance at all?

As far as the under 30 crowd, Poppy is the easy pick for me.  She is incredibly beautiful and just plain fun to be around.

I am curious.  I know you cruise the BP ads and take what I consider a lot of chances , but have you ever tried meeting someone who is both gorgeous and wants to make sure you have an incredible time?  If you have, does that really compare/trump some gal that is gorgeous, but just lays there waiting for you to be done with your business?

Natalie Chambers! So kind, a heart of gold. What a Great woman!

Forgot to mention a very important requirement, no fake boobs.

Posted By: talon199094
The kind that you would like to make her your gf. With decent boob size, but not huge.  My short time in this hobby, I've probably seen 60+ providers and none have really struck me as gf material.  
 At my age it doesn't take much to get me going so I do NOT care for her performance rating, only looks.

If you can touch'em, their real!!  End of story.

Easy for me to tell the difference.  Boobs are my favorite part of a woman unlike most guy. I think I'm self proclaim boob expert.

Posted By: Uptonogood11
If you can touch'em, their real!!  End of story.

... a truly great body, and a face that I find quite beautiful.  

Claire South

DickCurious1794 reads

... it appears that you're not inclined to spend sufficient funds to see a quality provider.

I've spent more than enough $$$ the last year and half, for someone to buy decent new car to send their kids to college.

Posted By: DickCurious
... it appears that you're not inclined to spend sufficient funds to see a quality provider.

ILikewomen1230 reads

At least some of your reviews are fake.  The one with the link is a classic, your review does not even bother to note that her pictures are fake although the profile does.
The review before that describes an agency but you put do not know and your review is nothing like the other two reviewers.

It's time to go back to your play station.  This board is for mature audiences only.

-- Modified on 8/21/2014 7:37:17 AM

Why the do I need to repeat in the descriptions about the pictures being fake, when there's an option on top with regards the pictures being real or not?  Molly Jo has a few #'s one for the 'Spa' and the other is her own #. I can described to you the room I was in with Molly with details like mirrors and a fucking sign on the wall  that says  something like " Any talk of sexual act will terminate your session and no refund". Take that fuck tard.

Posted By: ILikewomen
At least some of your reviews are fake.  The one with the link is a classic, your review does not even bother to note that her pictures are fake although the profile does.  
 The review before that describes an agency but you put do not know and your review is nothing like the other two reviewers.  
 It's time to go back to your play station.  This board is for mature audiences only.

Keep fighting the good fight...I really love to laugh...(not with you, but at you)...
thanks again...

Yeah, I know people like you are jealous that it looks right and kosher, with I'm fucking 20 something, and when you're  doing a 20 year old, looks like your playing with your grand daughter. When I settle down, it will be with just that one person.

Posted By: krampovbj
Keep fighting the good fight...I really love to laugh...(not with you, but at you)...  
 thanks again...  

I would have guessed 13 years old tops...with the level of narcissism and maturity you have exhibited...

Please... do tell...what is it like to be "God's gift to women"??!!??  

Us old Fart's would really like to know...
May there be many more 2's in your future...
Keep it up dude...you still are my fav...

I am sure, you will remind her of that on a daily basis...
I just love the ignorance of youth...
Thanks again for your insightful prose...
If brains were Dynamite...you would not have enough to blow your nose...

Are the cops still following you???  I lose sleep at night wondering about that...

It's my best guess, last time I tried to ask for ID almost lost my left nut. Kinzy had an apartment in Burnsville, and Avion hotel name PP in Bloomington. Go seem them for yourself then come back and tell me I'm wrong, or STFU

ILikewomen1831 reads

matfel saw Kinzy--he has 29 reviews. Had no problem with her.

When you walk in to her apartment #3xx in Burnsville, she'll take you upstair for the actions.  She'll tell you to go right in and do NOT knock. I knock, and she got made on me on my second visit. I'll be more than happy to provide her info if you want to visit her.  Still fake, fucktard? She looks like someone in their 40 end of story.  So, if I mis-judge who the fuck care? Well maybe just her.

Posted By: ILikewomen
matfel saw Kinzy--he has 29 reviews. Had no problem with her.

ILikewomen1138 reads

Avion can be tracked by her phone number.  Neither of her two reviewers give her age like you do.  You are the fuck tard who tries to destroy providers with fake reviews

Read my previous reply, I've describe her apartment to you.  I remember well because Kinzy was very old looking to me.  Looks like, someone drained her boobs.  I call it like I see it, and saving many 'John' time and hard earn $$$$, and not being unappreciative prick like you.  Go ahead and ask the privioius reviewer to described her Burnsville apartment.

Posted By: ILikewomen
Avion can be tracked by her phone number.  Neither of her two reviewers give her age like you do.  You are the fuck tard who tries to destroy providers with fake reviews.  

thumper69691096 reads

like your good buddy iknoweverthing, or wait it's Ilovewomen.  He is a different kind of troll, don't you know.
Under a previous alias he even promised not to post any more.  He is a piece of work.  
Arrogant?  just a little
Know it all? just ask him

1) Poppy - best regardless of age
2) Kali

Aww I'm very flattered and blushing to be mentioned :) thank you my sweets :)

Posted By: Ski-U-Mah
Olivia - what a knock out

TCButtman1181 reads

I think she is very pretty and super nice.

MrGencysExit1468 reads

God, reviewers getting reviewed it's my worst nightmare come true.  

As to the topic, Haena gets my vote

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