
I am Your Ultimate GFE Low Volume Providerregular_smile
Hailie_xxx See my TER Reviews 1347 reads

Posted By: gingermpls
Since I have been a low volume provider I think it has made guys not want to contact me. Guys do you sway away from contacting low volume providers? and Why?

Since I have been a low volume provider I think it has made guys not want to contact me. Guys do you sway away from contacting low volume providers? and Why?

I can't think of many reasons why a guy would, as you say, shy away from low volume providers. I can only think of mainly the advantages of seeing them. Among the reasons I find that the provider has more energy and is more capable of fully responding physically and emotionally, is less likely to run into delays and scheduling conflicts, is probably able to be more discreet and attract less attention of neighbors or hotel staff, and is more likely to extend the session "off the clock" for favored clients.  

The only downside might be lack of availability so scheduling may become frustrating. Some have raised their rates as they have reduced availability. I think it also true that the part time provider is less likely to offer half hour sessions so us bargain hunters are forced to see the higher volume girls but its certainly not by choice.  I think there are certainly advantagss at times with providers who are generally available so they are far more likely to get the call for spontaneous short notice demands. Low volume providers, if popular, have to be booked well in advance and for many guys that is difficult because they can only hobby when circumstances permit. And you don't want to pre-schedule and have to cancel - that gets you put on their dns list.

So its not that a guy favors high volume girls its just what is available when the need arises. Seriously, I can't imagine a guy is thinking that a hooker is better with more practice or because she has fucked lots of other guys today, lol.

-- Modified on 5/9/2012 6:58:28 AM

-- Modified on 5/9/2012 7:07:55 AM

I have never seen anyone promote themselves as "high volume" so all the ladies must be low volume.  It would be interesting to see a little more truth in some of the ads; "I'm high volume, don't be late and hold up the line".

Maybe like looks volume is in the eye of the cashholder, if they don't meet in the hall it's low volume.

Yeah, you know high volume when you encounter it though.  Its like a revolver.  There's one cocked and in the chamber with 5 waiting their turn out in the parking lot, lol.

OMFG..... that is too funny. You are so right! I have had that happen to me and I don't like it.

Posted By: oleoneeye
Yeah, you know high volume when you encounter it though.  Its like a revolver.  There's one cocked and in the chamber with 5 waiting their turn out in the parking lot, lol.  

I know lots of ladies who see 2-4 people per week (myself included) and that, to me, is low volume.  I also know a gal in LA who charges 1k as her starting point and she sees 1-2 people per week.  We both feel "low volume".

Now on the flip side to that, I had a local provider tell me when I was going to travel to "stay low volume in your hotel...don't see more than 4-5 people in a day...".  I am glad she said it over email so she couldn't see my jaw drop at how weirded out I was at the thought of that and I'm just a lowly massage gal, not FS, like the writter of the email was.  NO JUDGEMENT, just not what I, personally, consider "low volume".

I'd say that a good judge is that most gals in this industry try to make between 4k-6k per month (if she's full time).  Figure out what her rates are devided by 30 and you'll have your number of how many people she wants/needs to see in a month.  Again, if this is someone that is traveling a lot and is spending a lot on travel, I would say 10k/mo might be more realistic.

Personally, I work outside of the hobby with a very flexible time schedule so I am low volume yet I can be very flexible.  Other part timers are not as lucky but I know that's how it works for me ;)

But, Ginger, I would stick with what you're doing.  UTR is a lot better than the alternative.  Maybe just throw an ad up here and there and delete it once you have a few new folks who might be possible regulars.  I hope that helps :-)  I've been in the industry for 5 years now and I have learned as time goes by.  You'll find your right fit...

Posted By: Biglittleguy
I have never seen anyone promote themselves as "high volume" so all the ladies must be low volume.  It would be interesting to see a little more truth in some of the ads; "I'm high volume, don't be late and hold up the line".

Maybe like looks volume is in the eye of the cashholder, if they don't meet in the hall it's low volume.

Your math may be off a little, do you mean divide by 300 instead of 30?  I also know a few ladies that have much higher income goals than that.  I do agree that when a lady travels her guys per day probably doubles, the main reason I shy away from the traveling ladies.

I wrote that incorrectly.  Sorry for the confusion :-)

Here is what I meant.  

If someone wants to make 80k/yr (just for the sake of argument) and her usual session is 500/hour, she would need to see 160 gents per year.  That's 13 gents a month or (roughly) 3 gents per week.  

Anyway, I was mostly just saying that depending on the lady you're seeing you can almost make a math equasion out of it...not that you'd want to assume but I was just putting in another way of looking at it :-)

Posted By: Biglittleguy
Your math may be off a little, do you mean divide by 300 instead of 30?  I also know a few ladies that have much higher income goals than that.  I do agree that when a lady travels her guys per day probably doubles, the main reason I shy away from the traveling ladies.

.....for traveling ladies I don't think we see more in a day per se and want to see and do see the same amount of gents we'd see at home and to counter not having more volume we raise our rates instead anywhere from say 50 to 150 per hr.

I am glad I made an impression, Charlotte. ;) *teasing*

Seriously though, I agree that four to five gents in a day is high volume for me (subjective of course, so no judgments here), but touring is a different ballgame. The point of touring is to make as much money possible in a very short time period. Most ladies are not going on tour to make just enough money to cover the cost of the room and flight. They want to make a profit. Get in and get out with like $3000-$4000 minimum profit in just two days. You can do this with less gents and extended engagements too, but we are assuming hourly meetings for the example.

So...some touring ladies will see well eight to ten (random number) guys back to back throughout the day (assuming they are popular), while others will see four to five spaced out from 6am to midnight. Four to five would be low volume compared to eight and would attract less attention from hotel staff. That is what I meant in the email I sent you. So I just wanted to put my comments in to context. Other than that, I like your response on volume. I totally feel you on everything.

By the way, tell MM I say hi!:) hugs

PS. I have to give it up to the touring ladies who handle their business and never have issues with hotel staff.

If I knew who you were, I'd verify but I don't.  My guess is that you're NOT the one who told me that because the gal who did is retired and has long since moved on :-)

Either way, I will say that your comments are probably true which is why I found that touring is not a good fit for me :-)

Posted By: SomewhereOverTheRainbow
I am glad I made an impression, Charlotte. ;) *teasing*

Seriously though, I agree that four to five gents in a day is high volume for me (subjective of course, so no judgments here), but touring is a different ballgame. The point of touring is to make as much money possible in a very short time period. Most ladies are not going on tour to make just enough money to cover the cost of the room and flight. They want to make a profit. Get in and get out with like $3000-$4000 minimum profit in just two days. You can do this with less gents and extended engagements too, but we are assuming hourly meetings for the example.

So...some touring ladies will see well eight to ten (random number) guys back to back throughout the day (assuming they are popular), while others will see four to five spaced out from 6am to midnight. Four to five would be low volume compared to eight and would attract less attention from hotel staff. That is what I meant in the email I sent you. So I just wanted to put my comments in to context. Other than that, I like your response on volume. I totally feel you on everything.

By the way, tell MM I say hi!:) hugs

PS. I have to give it up to the touring ladies who handle their business and never have issues with hotel staff.

Maybe I am confused. I thought you knew her. Nonetheless, I enjoyed your initial post and that is all that matters. xo

LOL.  NOOOOOOOOOOOOW I know who this is!  No, you were not the one who told me what I had mentioned above...

In any scenario, miss you!  Let's get together soon.

Posted By: SomewhereOverTheRainbow
Maybe I am confused. I thought you knew her. Nonetheless, I enjoyed your initial post and that is all that matters. xo

Just speaking for myself, its easier to define high volume as the provider is who advertises without stating only certain days with limited hours of the day when available.  Its the provider who runs ads just about every week and while not necessarily being available 24/7 is open for business more often than not.  I would say that low volume is the provider who has the intention and/or need to see only 1-3 clients a day and/or is only available a few days a week.  Its all relative.  I have known providers who see only 1 or 2 a week and are very UTR and on the other end of the spectrum those who are literally 24/7 types.  The traveling ladies are definitely high-volume - at least while on tour. Those who are popular will be busy from 8 am till midnight.  I think its safe to say that most of the ladies who advertise on Backpage are probably high volume and those with pimps are extremely high volume.  

-- Modified on 5/9/2012 7:19:04 AM

MsChayse1855 reads

Where do I begin? Hmmm....

1) I run ads almost weekly. It's good (IMO) to maintain a presence.

2) I am a traveling lady. Usually in response to a request I will throw up an ad for a two night visit to their area. During those two nights I see no more than five (preferably four) gents.

3) I advertise on BP although typically only while touring but on occasion I will throw up a local ad to supplement. From that ad (a one week sponsor ad) I will commonly only accept on the average two new visitors.

As a rule my advertised hours are 9am-10pm but I only accept no more than two appts per day. Meaning, if I have seen two gents already by 7pm, I am done for the day.

That said, I consider myself low volume. I also recognize some may disagree as definitions vary. Some have said more than a few appts per week is high volume.

I'll go by per day. I wouldn't begin to consider someone high volume unless they saw more than 4 throughout one day .....however i think someone is low-volume if they don't see more than 2 a day. I'm also thinking along the lines of someone who is a fs/gfe/pse provider.

-- Modified on 5/9/2012 4:59:45 PM

When I don't post ads anywhere, I find my phone rings less.  My regulars have always been good but when I stop posting ads even a few of them think I've "retired" or that I am not as available, which is not the case.  

I know when folks see you name, ads and newer photos it brings you into their memories so maybe just doing a healthy balance of UTR but still keeping your hand on the pulse :-)

Posted By: gingermpls
Since I have been a low volume provider I think it has made guys not want to contact me. Guys do you sway away from contacting low volume providers? and Why?

Having an active website and up to date scheduling calendar really help~!

It can also encourage planning ahead and pre booking appointments for available times while allowing you to
maintain some balance and control over your days and nights =)

....most of my times with providers, they're seeing 2-3 people per day at most, it seems.  I tend to pre-book pretty far in advance, so I've not had trouble finding a time.  I also prefer longer sessions, when possible--90, 120 minutes--so low-volume ladies are better for that.  Less stress all the way around.

I'd hate it if she had to hurry me out the door for the next client.  That's never happened to date (knock on...uhhh...wood!).  

If "low volume" means a provider doesn't advertise, then I'd probably miss her.  I mainly troll TER, and only see ladies reviewed or recommended by others there, or who advertise on the TER ad board.

For whatever it's worth.....


-- Modified on 5/9/2012 2:06:21 PM

ThreeCupsPlease1081 reads

This whole discussion flows from Ginger's presumption that being a "low volume provider"  has "made guys not want to contact her."  

That may be the case or there may be other reasons.  I would urge Ginger, and anyone else who is curious about why guys may not want to contact Ginger, to read her most recent TER review.

I think the message is that low volume providers, if honest with their advertising, consistent with their service, and priced appropriate for their appearance and service, should have little trouble filling their limited availability.  In fact many low volume providers hardly need to advertise at all and simply keep raising their rates till supply does not exceed demand.  If a babe has the looks and the goods and only needs a few appointments a week we rarely will hear from them here.

DickCurious960 reads

Sorry for sounding the skeptic here, but I think that the term, "low volume provider" is often used as a marketing tool by providers for various reasons. One reason is that it may make them sound more exclusive and special. Another reason is so they can use it for the excuse of why they have few or infrequent reviews.  There are, of course, providers that are low volume simply because it is sufficient to fulfill their monetary and physical needs.

If you advertise and then seem really picky (taking only the few appointments you want) you permanently alienate some future clients. Likewise trying to advertise sparsely will not yield the connections you need.

Personally, from a guy's perspective, I like to connect with 2-3 favorites and rarely cruise BP, CV or the others at all any more. I try to see one or two new gals a month because it takes effort to connect with a new favorite, and sometimes my favorites are unavailable (or quit, leave, etc). Now comes the tricky part for the guy; if you want a low volume gal and she wants you as a client, what frequency best suits that situation? If your provider is idle too much there's a problem, and if you want to book too often... another problem.

Lets face it, when I get to a session my mind is on one thing, and the clock is running.

Ginger...your hot, got great reviews, everyone likes you and you have few rules (it seems). FYI... low volume is fine/good.  Your definitely on my short list. The problem is my short list is pretty long. Please.... for the love pete - do not change anything!

Hope to see you soon.

It seems like they appreciate quality(regular clients) not quantity. Better all around!

Posted By: gingermpls
Since I have been a low volume provider I think it has made guys not want to contact me. Guys do you sway away from contacting low volume providers? and Why?

But if the perception is that scheduling is difficult because of limited availability or other issues that can discourage people.

Posted By: PrincessPuss
sounds more like a misleading advert.

PrincessPuss1253 reads

yourself for the gentlemen.
Inaccurate, misleading info and fucking raw affects the Hobbyist in a negative way (jaded).
Your misrepresentation and poor decision making skills does/will reflects negatively on Providers that are honest in representing themselves and using better judgement.

PrincessPuss1586 reads

in an attempt to save face since yor last reviewer outted you.

From what many providers have told me, they get lots of inquiries about bbfs.  There are lots of idiots out there that seem to think its worth the risks.  But I would think the risks are sky high if its a provider that is indiscriminate about it too.

PrincessPuss2009 reads

It appears the reviewer didn't have to ask for bbfs...the Provider did it with no regard...whoa.!
That's just crazy!

doggie_daddy421211 reads

Not to me. BBFS is unprotected sex no matter how you slice it.
Is it different for you if she is a 9/10 or 10/10 vs a 7/8?

Posted By: doggie_daddy42
Not to me. BBFS is unprotected sex no matter how you slice it.
Is it different for you if she is a 9/10 or 10/10 vs a 7/8?
Bareback is pretty common between two partners who are exclusive or know each other extremely well enough to trust that neither is likely doing that with others, and also have clean and recent test results to prove it.

The review says sex occurred "after I asked for a cover." I don't read that to mean BBFS occurred, nor that it was offered. Asking for a cover is one way for a guy to indicate it's time to stop fooling around. Maybe you don't like her, but that's a pretty vicious attack on pretty damn thin evidence.

I've never met Ginger, but I think I'll be discounting most anything Princess Puss has to say in future.

PrincessPuss1515 reads

Posted By: minn4evr
The review says sex occurred "after I asked for a cover." I don't read that to mean BBFS occurred, nor that it was offered. Asking for a cover is one way for a guy to indicate it's time to stop fooling around. Maybe you don't like her, but that's a pretty vicious attack on pretty damn thin evidence.

I've never met Ginger, but I think I'll be discounting most anything Princess Puss has to say in future.

First you accuse her of doing something using a review as documentation when the review says just the opposite.  Then you make nonsensical statements.  Quit being a troll.

"She pulled me into a tight wet pussy that felt very good, after I asked for a cover." means the same as "After I asked for a cover, she pulled me into a tight wet pussy that felt very good."

Likewise, "Because she loves children, she decided to become a teacher." means the same as "She decided to become a teacher, because she loves children."

Hopefully no damage has been done with the BBFS claims.

This review mentions a cover so I don't think he got bbfs. It doesn't mention camel slides or anything else out of the ordinary so this accusation has no merit.

Relevant exerpt:  "Nothing was off limits and she pulled me into a tight wet pussy that felt very good, after I asked for a cover."

MsChayse1349 reads

Even the "catty" feedback has something valuable to consider. Typically if your phone isn't ringing there is more than one explanation for it. If the shoe fits, wear it. If not, hold it for a rainy day & move on to tomorrow. Just be honest w/ yourself while evaluating the insights of those outside yourself.

Posted By: gingermpls
Since I have been a low volume provider I think it has made guys not want to contact me. Guys do you sway away from contacting low volume providers? and Why?

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