
How much does she know about your civvie life?
vorlon 119 Reviews 528 reads

Depending how much she knows, you need to carefully consider whether you are comfortable with her also knowing you see escorts.

There's a cute young woman that's waited on me many times at a local business. I was reading some reviews and there she was.  Thinking about giving her a call. Has anyone been with someone you knew outside of the hobby?  How did that go? Any advice appreciated.

... as a provider. Will she recognize you if she sees you outside of her real life job or maybe just think, 'I know this guy from somewhere' ? I don't think you should mention that you recognize her from her RL job; let her make that observation if she recognizes you and let that conversation lead you from there. Once you've seen her as a provider, I think you should avoid going to her RL job. That might make you a creeper and demonstrate stalker-like behavior on your part and make her feel really uncomfortable. She might not come right out and say it because she might just be too nice. Just be appreciative of the little joys that life sometimes throws you.  

I haven't had this happen to me but I'm sure it will. Discretion always.

Never happened with a provider, but an incident from  a few years out of high school comes to mind. My buddy and I went to a local Deja Vu, sat down at the tip rail, and the dancer on stage turned around and my jaw about hit the floor. It was an old friend from High School who I had always thought was drop dead gorgeous. OMG, I still have her in my mind many years later.    :)

Depending how much she knows, you need to carefully consider whether you are comfortable with her also knowing you see escorts.

I'm just another customer. If I do see her as a client I'll have to be sure to pay in cash at her day job, too. Be interesting to see her response if I show up at her door. Pretty sure she'd recognize me.

If it was me I would probably do it.  But my advice is actually to not do it.  Good chance it will not go well because she may get freaked out if/when she recognizes you.  If you do go through it I would suggest not visiting her RL job again in the future until she moves on as that would be probably seen as creeperish behavior.  But...there is the chance all could go well so it's totally on you dude to decide.

I'd not try and mix the two. This situation makes me glad I work BOH at my other employment . Last thing a person wants is their RL compromised.  

Posted By: cruiser50
I'm just another customer. If I do see her as a client I'll have to be sure to pay in cash at her day job, too. Be interesting to see her response if I show up at her door. Pretty sure she'd recognize me.

I think there is a significant chance this young woman will be unhappy to see someone who knows her day job show up as a client. Creates a real power imbalance, if you see what I mean. An implied threat that you could destroy her livelihood any time you like. I'm not saying you would intend such, just that she might perceive it that way. Blackmail, after all, always starts with "I know something about you that you don't want me to repeat." She might refuse to let you in if she recognizes you quickly enough. If you do get in the door it could end up being a very uncomfortable session. And uncomfortable visiting her workplace thereafter. Is it worth the risk? I'd say leave her be.  

The general wisdom on this board has always been if you encounter a provider you know in public, the polite response is to leave her be. I see this as pretty much the same principle. Mixing hobby life with civvy life is the opposite of discreet.

I for one think it's wrong that anyone would suggest that the OP keep RL and the hobby separate and stop going to her other job.  

Why doesn't she quit working and go find another job whether it's at McDonald's, Starbucks, or anywhere else.

I've frequented the "business" of 2 ladies in my real life and then subsequently saw them as providers, unbeknownst to me the first time. In both cases we laughed and talked for a few minutes and then on to business. When I saw them after my appointments in their other jobs, we were all friendly as always.

Anyway, the OP should of course respect her privacy at her job just as she should do the same if he were to come in as a customer. If they both do that, then there should be no problem. If not, then that's the risk we all take in this hobby no matter what side of the coin we're on.

As far as the blackmail comments, well that goes both ways.

Posted By: cruiser50
There's a cute young woman that's waited on me many times at a local business. I was reading some reviews and there she was.  Thinking about giving her a call. Has anyone been with someone you knew outside of the hobby?  How did that go? Any advice appreciated.

more than I disagree.  IF and only IF both parties are mature enough to mingle hobby with RL then there is no issue.  I can't tell you how much money I would spend if I could go get _______ at the store and bullshit with a cool provider.  I caution that many parties can't deal with hobby vs RL and it gets nutty at that point.  If the OP goes for it game on (as I said I would probably too) but there are ramifications when you mingle and often times you may not be able to stop at your fav ________ (fill in the blank).

The OP doesn't indicate that he really knows much about her besides the fact that she has waited on him a number of times.  He doesn't really have any idea how she would react but there is a very real possibility it would not go well.  I'm sure this sort of thing happens now and then without prior knowledge by either party and I imagine most of the time nothing bad comes of it, regardless of whether or not they go through with the session.  But this time he does.  He can see her and run that risk of it not going well one way or another or he can see someone else.  I think it is wiser to see someone else.

I'm not going to contact her. I thought about it. Kind of shocking when after lusting in my mind for her for over a year to see she's a provider. I want to keep my RL and my hobbying life separate as I suspect she does as well. I'd hate to see her leaving her day job because of her being outed, so to speak. I have run into one provider, at Target of all places, after seeing her a couple of times. We exchanged "hello" smiles and went about our business

If you tell me who she is, ill let you know if she's any good after I splash my cums all over her tits.

Posted By: cruiser50
I'm not going to contact her. I thought about it. Kind of shocking when after lusting in my mind for her for over a year to see she's a provider. I want to keep my RL and my hobbying life separate as I suspect she does as well. I'd hate to see her leaving her day job because of her being outed, so to speak. I have run into one provider, at Target of all places, after seeing her a couple of times. We exchanged "hello" smiles and went about our business.  

Just know how to put the "ass" in class(y). It's a gift.....

If not at least you've come to such a considerate decision, that I'm sure you'll not ever have a problem booking  
Any other beautiful provider. ;)

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