
Agreed... tough call...
crsm27 29 Reviews 496 reads

It also depends as well.

Stop by and say hello.... if she recognizes you.   Take her to lunch and pay for it (something quick and easy.... fast food type).     Then just talk to her and see what is up.   Then if she is asking or wanting more cash....  i am sure you can figure out a donation type system.... if you want to take advantage of that.

But also a good read above as well.

If you gotten to know a provider more than just fucking around and now you see her on the street holding signs that says "Homeless, anything will help"

Not sure if you feel emotionally attached given the situation.  Does it seem like she is truly down on her luck? --doesn't appear showered in the last 24 hours, clothes [tougher to rate]--looks old but clean, clean and new, worn/dirty..?

I guess if it were me and I felt like I knew her and liked her I would say hello and chat a little bit if she is nearby an intersection--I've noticed truckers are more open to assistance with the vagabond type.

Here are some stats that cover a lot of the general issues at play with homelessness:

FYI - secondary research summary publication: less than 5 years old but references are older than that.

Posted By: talon199094
If you gotten to know a provider more than just fucking around and now you see her on the street holding signs that says "Homeless, anything will help"?    

It also depends as well.

Stop by and say hello.... if she recognizes you.   Take her to lunch and pay for it (something quick and easy.... fast food type).     Then just talk to her and see what is up.   Then if she is asking or wanting more cash....  i am sure you can figure out a donation type system.... if you want to take advantage of that.

But also a good read above as well.

be as real and honest with myself as possible about what my boundaries need to be.
Then think it over once again.
And then I would help.

...and you realize your wife hates it when you bring home strays. So you hit the gas and remind yourself that you don't fall easy for these panhandler scams and vow to send an extra donation to the Women's Shelter and Salvation Army. There are many, many government and NGOs ready to provide assistance to those who only need to ask.

There's always got to be an asshole, guess shits got to come out sooner or later. Never been married and this is a serious question.

Posted By: Drumsticks
...and you realize your wife hates it when you bring home strays. So you hit the gas and remind yourself that you don't fall easy for these panhandler scams and vow to send an extra donation to the Women's Shelter and Salvation Army. There are many, many government and NGOs ready to provide assistance to those who only need to ask.

Must of ran out of your social security money already.  I feel bad for your wife, you go spending all of yours and her ss $ on pussy.  News flash:  They only care for you when you have $$$...fucking pathetic.  

Posted By: Drumsticks

I shouldn't even need my SS benefits but I'll take them anyway if only for hoping there's less for you when the time comes!  :D

If you take ss, then your fucking on ss and using ss $$ to pay for pussy.   It's your $ and I don't fucking care what /how you use it.  I'm not wrong when I say you used ss for pussy!  

Posted By: Drumsticks
I shouldn't even need my SS benefits but I'll take them anyway if only for hoping there's less for you when the time comes!  :D

dignity in her and I didn't want her to know that  that I now she was oput in the street begging for $$.  I've asked a friend to drive by and put in some $$.  This is Sunday night around 7PM near Lake street.

In that situation, it would depend on the particular provider.  There are some who I would feed and shelter for a short period of time, provided they have a plan to get back on their feet.  There is one who I would simply drop off at rehab.

Sad to say, but she just got out of rehab.

Posted By: vantheman666
In that situation, it would depend on the particular provider.  There are some who I would feed and shelter for a short period of time, provided they have a plan to get back on their feet.  There is one who I would simply drop off at rehab.

Posted By: talon199094
If you gotten to know a provider more than just fucking around and now you see her on the street holding signs that says "Homeless, anything will help"?    

are pathetic at managing money.

I know a  provider who I guess is around 40.   She had a sugar daddy for over 10 years and worked as a provider.  She has no financial assets and 40 grand in credit card debt.

Give if you want to, but don't be fooled for a moment that it is going to help.

California, the primo welfare State.  

In all sincerity since I live in CA, I would have done what someone else already have said, pulled over and take her to a buffet style restaurant to eat her fill and tell her story since we saw each other. If she truly have no place to stay, I'd drop her off at a good woman's shelter and call in to check on her weekly. As to financial assistance, it would not be a good idea if she's truly destitute. Getting her the proper care is more than a handout.  

Over the years I have developed a few friendship with a few ladies. (never at the same time.) I have tried to help one complete her education because I know someone who is looking for the type of specialized education. She choose to not complete it.... I have since lost touch with her. If she and I were to bump into each other, I would just walk on past her. She was given a second chance, but there will not be a third chance.  

Some ladies choose this, while others had no other choice.  

As to the original question, it depends on who she is. A few I'd do no more than to see to it that she's fed a good meal, while a few others I'd do a bit "more"

Ive never seen a hot 20 something provider or ex provider holding a homeless sign on the street. Usually some dirty middle age man but you were there and know her? What are the odds

Yes, I've gotten to know her.  It was last  Sunday around 7PM, Lake st. and Stevens corner.

Posted By: tayler3000
Ive never seen a hot 20 something provider or ex provider holding a homeless sign on the street. Usually some dirty middle age man but you were there and know her? What are the odds

Well you certainly know more providers than me. I only know the one recently in rehab. If its her thats wild but shes had a crazy life


Posted By: tayler3000
Well you certainly know more providers than me. I only know the one recently in rehab. If its her thats wild but shes had a crazy life

No way, dont think her family would let that happen if thats who i think it is but who knows. Id like to know  more if you can pm

Talon is right, I saw her too. But I did not believe myself.

Crazy. She still out there? Seems like she had a million friends bugging her all the time but i guess the partys over. She probably start drinking again or providing and at least get a hotel

Meant to say hope this doesn't make her want to drink again or something she doesnt want to do. Its a cycle. Probably trying to adjust from rehab. Family and friends sometimes cant help

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