
Absolutely not - lying to the police is an offense itself
vorlon 119 Reviews 1192 reads

Give them your real name.  Anything else you invoke your 5th Amendment rights.  Don't try to outsmart them; they are trained to get information out of people.  Your best chance of walking away is not giving them any more information than they already have.

Whynotyou2265 reads

I'm sure this has been discussed but what are some things to do or not do if busted?

I only take money and my car key to appointments so I don't even have ID

police can ask you for ID for any reason.  Refusing would only get you in a worse place.

What to do; offer ID and then tell the police POLITLY, I have not done anything wrong then stop talking.  

What not to do; do not answer any questions.  NONE.

they will lie to you; 'we already know every thing...' or  'the lady already told us so if you just admit you can go home..."

assume that everything they say is a lie, do that because everything they tell you is a lie.  
they can be very convincing, they will assure you "it is not you they want"  they only want to help the lady because she gets beat up by her pimp, or she is trafficked, underage, on drugs.

what ever they say it is a lie.  Do not assume that they are required to tell the truth, they are not.  

 When they say just admit that there was a deal for $ and you can go home.  That is true, they will let you go home and then you will get a summons and you will be charged and arrested.  

Your statement "this is my ID"  I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY.  you will need to talk to my lawyer.
then I still have nothing to say,
 I need to speak with my lawyer.  
 After that; I still have nothing to say,  
you will need to talk with my lawyer,
 talk to my lawyer,  
talk to my lawyer.

do not admit anything, do not deny anything; I NEED TO SPEAK TO MY LAWYER.

If the lady does the same thing they have nothing.  If one of two gets sucked in and says anything your name and picture will end up in the paper.  

Things that need not be said should not be said.


Posted By: Whynotyou
I'm sure this has been discussed but what are some things to do or not do if busted?  
 I only take money and my car key to appointments so I don't even have ID.  

Whynotyou1277 reads

Do I go to my car for my ID since I don't take it into my appointment?

If so, then they run my plates but all that is OK if I say nothing like you said, right? And of course I've done nothing.

Or should I take ID into my appointment?

In some cases it's a felony to do so. Police have access to dmv photo s , I believe so unless you have a brother or friend who looks a lot like you and you know all his info giving a false name will end up badly. If there s any doubt and in some cases just getting a citation will come with being finger printed and they will be able to figure out who you are if you have ever been finger printed before as well.  

Posted By: Whynotyou
Do I go to my car for my ID since I don't take it into my appointment?  
 If so, then they run my plates but all that is OK if I say nothing like you said, right? And of course I've done nothing.  
 Or should I take ID into my appointment?

If you are convicted, then your car can be confiscated.  Very costly.
This is better than the old law where police could confiscate on a charge, not a conviction.
Keep your car out of it.

You did a good job explaning everything, I would just add one more thing to say is "Am I free to leave".  If they say "yes", then beat feet!

...Officer and/or Obstruction of Justice, that's the bad news. The good news is that those charges will likely be dropped when agreeing to a plea deal of the gross misdemeanor charge of solicitation. As cheyen suggests, just give them your name. There's no requirement that anyone has to have their ID with them unless you're driving. Tell them you choose not to answer any further questions. Then you can ask if you're free to go or under arrest. If you're not under arrest, you're free to go, but they won't tell you that. You're free to walk away.

The police have a right to ask for your ID. You do not have to give it, but that is likely to involve additional questioning.  If police ask why you are at a particular location, answer: "it was a confidential appointment".  If they ask with who, answer "I would be committing a contractual breach by answering that question."

If they ask for further information, respond that the legal issues are complex and you'll need to consult with your attorney prior to answering.  If the cop on the beat wishes to pursue, you are likely screwed.  With no probable cause, their inquiry is likely to go nowhere

Posted By: Uptonogood11[/username If police ask why you are at a particular location, answer: "it was a confidential appointment".  If they ask with who, answer "I would be committing a contractual breach by answering that question."  
I think that would even be to much to say. They will keep at you trying to get you to say more. Just stick with giving your name and asking if your free to go. Don't answer anyhting but your name and never let them see you get in your car. Go for a walk after your done with them and circle around to your car after you know they are gone. They can and will impound your car if they can.

You do not have to explain why you are at a certain location.  The only thing you are required to give
them is your real name, address and DOB.  After that, say NOTHING but "I need to speak to my attorney.  
Am I free to go."  OR "You will need to speak to my attorney.  Am I free to go."  Don’t be rude.  Don’t be cocky.  Don’t have an attitude.  Be polite but firm.

That's it.  Nothing more and nothing less

Whynotyou731 reads

Which is better, keep silent or asking for a lawyer?

1. Give my real name.
2. Ask am I free to go?
3. Keep silent otherwise or ask for a lawyer.
4. Go for a walk when I can leave but only go to car when safe.

Does that sum it up?

...make sure you have the ability. No ID, no name, "I'm I free to go?" Silence unless you are asking if you are free to go. They can try to wait you out, so be patient and silent. Take a nap or pretend to. Do not go to your car if you have one. A nice walk or coffee shop works out well.

Give them your real name.  Anything else you invoke your 5th Amendment rights.  Don't try to outsmart them; they are trained to get information out of people.  Your best chance of walking away is not giving them any more information than they already have.

CuriousSort930 reads

You are only required to provide an ID if you're operating a motor vehicle.  Any other time you are under no obligation to provide an ID and are not violating any laws to not provide an ID.

However, if they ask you your name you are supposed to provide them your real name.  Being untruthful could land you in trouble.

What you want to say is, "Officer am I being detained or am I free to go?"  They can detain you in order to try and get you to say something to incriminate yourself.  They have to have reasonable cause to detain you.   But they can't detain you forever.  Your job is to find out if you're arrested or not.  So just keep your mouth shut.

Sorry to just chime in but how would I determine I can leave.  I don't want to start to leave and next thing I know I'm being detain for leaving the scene?

First off get it in your head that you are not doing anything wrong, period. Maybe you are visiting a friend for a casual get together and it's been years since you've seen each other, maybe you were  set up on a blind date whatever you need to get into your head do it.....
people all over the world meet up everyday for so many reasons and there's not some clandestine situation always at play, do you often feel like a drug dealer? Or drug buyer? Probably not, so what's wrong with meeting a friend? Just do NOT go talking money, ever there's just no reason.....

Look at the newbie tips and follow protocol.
I think too many people walk around with too much guilt in their minds, now the other tip I have is:
Make sure the gal you are going to visit is well reviewed!

And finally- if I was dealing with police I would be very, very choosy about what words I would use with them so thinking of worse case scenario once or twice is probably a good thing, but then let it go & think positive.
         Personally I wouldn't use the word "detained" because it seems they can always do that & you have a life right?

I would just go on "auto pilot robot," officer am I free to go or under arrest. Repeat a million times, if they say they are holding you (detaining you for investigative purposes) then tell them you do not consent to interrogation & have nothing further to say call a lawyer. Everyone else has said some great things...... So go ahead & gather some of these statements to have in your head but plan on never having to need them because you are not a criminal. ;)  

Posted By: oldnavy81
Sorry to just chime in but how would I determine I can leave.  I don't want to start to leave and next thing I know I'm being detain for leaving the scene?

Posted By: oldnavy81
Sorry to just chime in but how would I determine I can leave.  I don't want to start to leave and next thing I know I'm being detain for leaving the scene?I'm
Just keep asking if you're free to go.  Once they say yes walk away

Be advised;
 the P don't just lie to you, they lie to the court also.  anything you say will be used and twisted and edited and misquoted.  The vice police are more dishonest then con men.  I have seen cases where police will plant evidence, empty condom packages ect...  This is their game on their court, if you play you will lose.

"I have nothing to say.  I need to talk to my lawyer, am I free to go"  repeat it again until they give up.  If you look right at the cop and politely repeat those words they will accept that you are too smart to entrap yourself.  Nothing else you can say could possibly help.  Learn the script.
name, rank, serial number.  

be safe everyone

Posted By: Whynotyou
I'm sure this has been discussed but what are some things to do or not do if busted?  
 I only take money and my car key to appointments so I don't even have ID.  

If you are in the hobby you need to know the rules. You will not talk your way out of it. If they had enough to arrest you they would have already done it. It is amazing watching the reality show The First 48. Most people end up talking to the police during an "interview" the police let them dig a hole then they catch them in lies, use tricks and lies to get them to change their story and get trapped.  The next thing they know they are confessing to a murder the cops could not have proved if they had just shut up and asked for a lawyer.  

Learn about a terry stop vs. an arrest.  

If stopped do not discuss why you are there.  Give your name or ID if asked, ask if you are being detained, ask if you are free to go.  The can detain you while they investigate.  It is imperative to decline to answer all questions besides name. Keep your mouth shut even about little details time, place who, why etc.  You do not have to feel you are being impolite. You can say I would be happy to cooperate and that your lawyer handles any and all questions related to police matters.  At that point they will either investigate further, arrest or cut you loose.  Don't go to a car, just go for a walk.  

Good luck and shut up

I admit I know very little about this but if ever in trouble, hopefully I'll develop an extreme sore throat.

Goes to show the value of seeing well-reviewed providers though.

Posted By: seeyouonline
Don't go to a car, just go for a walk.
Yes!!!  this is a great, often overlooked point.  If free to go, walk away, out of sight... Not to your car.  Not to the SuperAmerica across the street to grab a burrito...  Out of sight, out of mind...  If you are still in sight, they're still thinking about "I wonder what that guy's really up to" and that might lead to a Columbo-like "oh, one more thing."  Just walk in a direction that gets you out of sight and out of mind the fastest.

A few things come to mind...

1.  In MINNESOTA, you usually do not have to present an ID, unless you are doing something that requires an ID.  For instance, if you are driving, drinking at a bar, carrying a permitted concealed weapon, etc. you absolutely must present your ID upon request with or without probable cause.  In all other cases in MN, you are not required to have ID, nor show it even if you do.

2.  There is a difference between a Terry stop (named for the supreme court ruling Terry v. Ohio) and being formally detained.  For instance, if you are walking down the sidewalk and they say "hang on a minute, we'd like to talk to you" you can't just refuse even if they don't have probable cause.  You do HAVE to stop.  In many states you DO have to verbally state your real name, and in some states your address during a Terry stop.  That is, you have to honestly identify yourself even if they don't have probable cause.

3.  I capitalize MINNESOTA for a reason...  ID laws are state laws and MNs are different than Iowa, Wisconsin, etc.  Don't ever refuse to to identify yourself or show your ID unless you are SURE the state you are in allows you to refuse.  Many states don't.

4.  You can withhold consent in a way that doesn't get your ass beat with a baton.  If they ask for consent to search, answering "kiss my ass" is not at all the same as "Sir, if forced to comply I will not resist or threaten you in any way, but, I will not consent to a search."

5.  Remember what a Terry stop is...  It specifically means "we don't have enough information to really detain you, but we're allowed to ask you a few questions to help us understand what's going on here."  You aren't required to answer, but they are allowed to ask.   If they already had enough evidence to arrest you, believe me, they'd arrest you.  So the fact that they need your help in proving your guilt should tell you something

Posted By: Whynotyou
I'm sure this has been discussed but what are some things to do or not do if busted?  
 I only take money and my car key to appointments so I don't even have ID.  
Know your Constitutional rights to unlawful search and seizure plus right to refuse to incriminate yourself.    

As other have said, police can and will lie to you to eek out a confession.    

They can also detain you for 72 hours without charging you, some states it is 48 hours, after which they must either release you or charge you with a crime

Some times chiefs sleep with our women...sometimes they really go rogue and rob banks.  Banks are the real criminals BTW...I love it when pigs get called out in public.  Clap clap clap New Ulm...

To the OP, it's a misdemeanor to provide a false name to the police. It's also a misdemeanor to lie to the police. A creative officer can even charge you with obstruction of justice depending on the circumstances, which is a felony.... This is why it's best not to speak to law enforcement or answer any questions without a lawyer present. If you are being charged with a crime, then you ARE legally required to ID yourself, but you're NOT required to answer any questions pertaining to your alleged crime.

Talking to the police can NEVER, and I mean NEVER help your case.... As the saying goes, "You can beat the rap, but you cannot beat the ride." ... Keep your mouth shut, and it greatly increases your chances of beating "the rap".

Posted By: cheyen
police can ask you for ID for any reason.  Refusing would only get you in a worse place.
Most of what you stated is correct. The police can ask for your ID whenever they want.... That doesn't mean that you're legally required to give it to them. If you haven't done anything wrong and they don't have any reasonable suspicion that you've committed a crime or that you're about to commit a crime, then you don't have to give them anything.

NOW, if you're loitering around a high drug and/or prostitution area, that could give them the aforementioned reasonable suspicion they need to obtain your ID. When approached by the police and questioned, the best question you could ask them is, "Am I being detained or am I free to go?". If they say something like, "I'm not detaining you, I just have a few questions" or "I just want to talk to you man." ... You should say something along the lines of, "I don't have time to chat, have a good day officer." (Casually walk away, NEVER run, running can give them reasonable suspicion that you've broken the law or that you're about to do so).  

If you're walking away from them, at that point they'll either let you go, or tell you that you're being detained. You 'could' ask why, but at this point it's best to tell that you won't be answering any questions and that you'd like to speak with a lawyer.... They may say, "You're not under arrest, we just have a few question since this is a high drug and/or prostitution area."  

Their tone will usually be calm and friendly at this point, like they're your buddy... Don't be fooled, they're trying to nail your ass to the wall. Simply reiterate to them that you won't be answering any questions, and ask are you free to go. If they continue to question you (which they probably will), you can just look at them (it may be awkward for you, but it's awkward for them as well.) Or you can repeat your previous question, "Am I being detained, or am I free to go?" Remember, you may have to repeat this a few times as they most likely will keep trying to ask you questions and extract information from you. Remain silent, ask if you're free to go, or ask for a lawyer.... Those are your ONLY three options, don't try and talk your way out of it no matter how smart you think you are. Police can AND WILL twist what you say, and at times outright lie about what took place.  

Minnesota is a one party state, which means only one person has to consent to recording a conversation. This means you can (and should) record any conversation and or interaction with police if you have the opportunity to do so. Wearing a body camera isn't a bad idea, as you won't have to go reaching for your phone (and possible get shot) when the police approach you.

They may place you under arrest, they may not. At the end of the day, if you do end up getting arrested, it's better to be going to jail without having incriminated yourself, then to have ratted yourself out by saying too much.... Remember, NEVER talk to the police without a lawyer present, NEVER answer ANY questions.


Their only purpose in talking to you is to incriminate you, not to clear you.  And I think it's important to understand the subconscious aspect of it...  It's not necessarily that all cops are bad and out to get you.  It more subtle than that.

Their personal motivation is to catch bad guys.  No cop gets an award for letting people go, they get awards for making the big bust.  No cop brags to his teammates after his shift "I actually filtered out 20 innocent people today by asking them fair-minded screening questions that exonerated them."  No cop ever gets a note in his locker "good job for giving out the most warnings and fewest tickets in the entire state this month."  Everything about their job, EVERYTHING, motivates them to incriminate and discourages them from exonerating.  If you turn out to be innocent, you wasted their time, so they don't want you to be innocent.  If they suspect you and you're innocent, then their hunch was wrong, and no one likes to be wrong.  All of the subconscious drivers that underlie LE work favor guilt, even if we're supposed to be presumed innocent.

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