
This is why elections matter
STPhomer 176 Reviews 365 reads

And frankly why I remain baffled why people vote the way they do.
I mean , all those states have one thing in common.
A certain political party.

Too far this time. What about clams, just for the sake of argument? You going to tell me there's anything unnatural about a little tongue action on a clam? I've read the bible cover to cover and it doesn't say a damn thing about clams. Oh sure it says lots of things about oxen, but mostly how to bbq them or whose riding them or giving them away etc, nothing against a little rear end action on your ATF ox. Just give me a break, i'll be so glad when the primaries are over.

reardoor344 reads

no wonder i cant find real ts to cum this way (stupid law)

And frankly why I remain baffled why people vote the way they do.
I mean , all those states have one thing in common.
A certain political party.

I can't believe they have the audacity to even have something like this on the table when the spotlight is shining so brightly on their misdeeds on Flint. Like how dumb can you be? Lordy!

You don't really mean you think poisoning its citizens , especially children is a more important  issue than regulating what consenting adults might be up to in the privacy of their bedrooms?
Shame on you.....shaaaame!
( being sarcastic )

That evil buttsex!! It's corrupting America. hahaha

Then they want the death penalty, no health care or food assistance, no environmental protection, slap you in jail for who you fuck and how, and of course guns at starfucks and in church.

Can you give me a list of Republicans running for prez that holds the views you claim they do? I am about as right wing as there is and I don't hold those positions.

Epic fail Daniboy or will you provide me that list?

According to Snopes, it's not all true.  It looks like social media blew this all out of proportions (see link below).

Who's the snitch? I mean, are men telling on the good bjs AND the bad ones oorrrrr 🙄🙄🤔🤔 Because that makes all the difference. I need to make sure it's just the bad ones before I decide to close down the fun gates for good. ;)

This will go down as one of the most redicuous laws/bans. Like in Vegas, it's illegal to deface a burger in public. Who prosecutes this nonsense? And how do they know what happens in these four walls? I bet there is a wife/gf/so smiling with smug satisfaction right now ;) haha

I've never been to Michigan, but if they had to ban it you guys must be having too much fun!. ;) 🙃🙃😂😂😂

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