
No disguise.
george1969 120 Reviews 5507 reads

I never thought of a disguise, specially a speedo.   But, I do ask the lady when on the phone with her where the elevator or stairwasy is so when you walk into the lobby you look like you know where you're going.   That way you look like your retruning to your room instead of visiting a provider.

When going to see a lady at a hotel, do you have a disguise?
Business suit, book bag, suit case, etc.
Is there anything you do to not bring too much attention to yourself?

lol, Jay I usually walk in wearing a speedo and cowboy boots. It is amazing, when I walk in everyone looks the other way.
Fun question

I never thought of a disguise, specially a speedo.   But, I do ask the lady when on the phone with her where the elevator or stairwasy is so when you walk into the lobby you look like you know where you're going.   That way you look like your retruning to your room instead of visiting a provider.

I usually wear a sport jacket, and sometimes carry a legal pad.  Makes it look like I belong, and have some business there.  Fun question!

A Fedex Box !

Posted By: oldguy666
I usually wear a sport jacket, and sometimes carry a legal pad.  Makes it look like I belong, and have some business there.  Fun question!  

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