
No. Just No.
ClientEastwood 1 Reviews 605 reads

I've only met a handful of providers but based on my time with skarlette it was the opposite of everything you said.  The lady is hot, kind, funny, classy, and smart.  She always responded, was professional, and really did go above and beyond.  Thankfully it looks like no one believes you.  By far the best time I ever had with a provider.

LovinYou2849 reads

Avoid this girl at all costs.  She's completely flaky - she had a no call no show on me a few times.  She also have been incredibly unresponsive and flaky.  For a girl who wants to charge that much, that's really not how you treat your customers.  It looks like she used to be good, but sounds like something is going on with her.  I would stay away if I were you.  I am planning on doing that myself.

I have seen her a couple times and she was fantastic.  Her skills are pretty damn good.

and with other - she be cold stone

THAT is  evidence of class and mind . I think this girl is  very classy and intelligent not to see those  who down grade adult companions to services.

Thank you for posting  that comment - you made my heart smile and I am VERY happy now and have more reasons to keep my love to men ..

Not to costumers !!! To LOVERS .

Those who just can t find it at home yet kept normal state of mind.

I may be  will come to  Michigan::)
 I even took new pic.
 yet I be in LAS VEGAS on June 12 13 and 14. I think Michigan is better place however ..I love nature and lakes and water .. and prefer it over the  casinos, bars and loud places

Right on, MiAssMan, particularly that women's covetable oral skills. I've seen her in action and while she doesn't brag, I will for her.  Never seen ANYTHING like it!   A+++++++  
Don't think you and I have met but I really respect you for sticking up for her.  She didn't deserve that comment from that guy.  Some people are just miserable and take this stuff way too seriously lol.  

Hey your name reminds me of this one Seinfeld episode.  Not sure about you, but I'm a Seinfeld and Curb fanatic.   Check out this link haha:  

Posted By: MiAssMan
I have seen her a couple times and she was fantastic.  Her skills are pretty damn good.

That is hilarious Marisa.  We need to play.  

Posted By: marisa madison
Right on, MiAssMan, particularly that women's covetable oral skills. I've seen her in action and while she doesn't brag, I will for her.  Never seen ANYTHING like it!   A+++++++    
 Don't think you and I have met but I really respect you for sticking up for her.  She didn't deserve that comment from that guy.  Some people are just miserable and take this stuff way too seriously lol.  
 Hey your name reminds me of this one Seinfeld episode.  Not sure about you, but I'm a Seinfeld and Curb fanatic.   Check out this link haha:  
Posted By: MiAssMan
I have seen her a couple times and she was fantastic.  Her skills are pretty damn good.

Sorry that you took the time out of your day to write this complaint about me and  that you feel that way . I know I'm damn great in bed and treat my clients with the utmost respect . Haha maybe I was avoiding you for a reason ;) I choose who I want to see and you absolutley  rubbed me the wrong way . I have limited availability and I charge more ,so I can avoid  low class clients such as yourself . But yes ... Keep complaining and making Threads about me because all publicity is good publicity ;)  BTW I will gladly share our thread  of emails where you cancelled multiple times and were a TTW.

LovinYou1347 reads

Oh honey.  We all have our own things we're into.  Not low class here, but sounds like you might be.  Are you really all that good in bed?  Want to prove it?

Posted By: LovinYou
Oh honey.  We all have our own things we're into.  Not low class here, but sounds like you might be.  Are you really all that good in bed?  Want to prove it?  
Hmmmm.…sounds to me like YOU are the Flake!  You start off advising other hobbyists to stay clear of her then as soon as she responds to you and shows you some attention you issue a challenge to her so she will see you?  Whiplash much?

skarlettestarr, you have many good reviews for good looks and performance in bed.  The majority can't be wrong.

244 emails he sent, right babe?!  Cyber stalk much?  Wasn't he asking you a million questions about your personal life too?  Like if you had a bf and all sorts of other weird q's?  Can't wait til I come home and see you so I can read the rest of his creepy emails!  This guy needs to get a life so he can stop obsessing over girls who don't want to see him.  

 Love you "SS", see you tomorrow!!

25 of the last 30 reviews rate her a "10" for performance - This is the best track record I have seen.  

LovinYou, apparently, even without meeting her, you have decided that you alone are wise.  Everyone else, and I mean everyone else, has said that Skarlette is a star.  

I have not yet met her. Having looked at these ratings, now I am going to have to see her. Thanks for helping me arrive at this conclusion

Are excellent. Nice failed attempt of damaging her business. I don't believe you. Skarlettestarr is Hot and not flaky based on her reviews.

Why take the time out of your days to publicly retaliate against her when she ultimately declined meeting you after the 244 exchanged emails, including the personally invasive ones from you asking about her love life and if she had a bf and other things?  LOL Maybe a more fitting screen name for you would be "LovinYouSoMuchYouStopResponding".  And why warn everyone on TER to not see her and then invite her to prove herself to you?  They say arrogance and self-awareness rarely go hand in hand.  True.  

Yeah, maybe she cancelled.  So what?  You never have?  Shit happens.  She's in school full time and studying for her GRADUATE MATHEMATICS DEGREE.  Nothing low-class about that, although there is about your grammar. Quick lesson: The word “HAVE” is used with “I”, “you”, “they”.   And then the word “HAS” is used with “it”, “she”, and “he”.  It's ok, lot's of first graders have confusions as to whether to use singular (has) or plural (have).  

Why not put on your big boy pants and handle it like a man instead of wasting your efforts on the smear Skarlettstarr campaign?  What's the point when her  47+ excellent reviews surely trump one rogue and dubious post about her?  She didn't deserve a public thread like that to be written about her and frankly neither do many of the girls who get insulted by the disrespectful little web trolls out there who feel such a need to act out their feelings of anger and inadequacy on the net.  All it does is show everyone how proud these idiots are of their childish antics.  It's sad and unattractive watching grown men behave like gossiping little girls. I find it petty and childish to feed into the incessant boredom of internet trolls.  And to be honest, it really just doesn't interest me.  I know how much of a boner trolls get from the response and while I really could not care less about what's said about me, you tried to publicly discredit my best friend who's a really cool chick and that doesn't sit well with me.  

I truly mean no disrespect and you might even be a pretty decent guy in real life.  Maybe you were having a bad day and the net just brought out the darker side of you but don't group yourself in with the rest of the repeating troll offenders out there who fuel their childish need for attention by abusing their online anonymity to insult providers.  Not cool.  Just don't be that guy!  Keep it fun :

Haha this is kinda funny.  I literally JUST NOW had to cancel on someone because my taxi guy doesn't understand the English language whatsoever and took me to Wrigley Field instead of Wrigley Square during Chicago rush hour.  The half hour drive is now turning into a 2 hour drive. And I also had to cancel the other day because of a monster headache.  I really felt badly about it because I know it can be a huge inconvenience to some people but sometimes it's simply unavoidable…

If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell ya!

My what a tool!
You ladies keep doing you!
In fact you seem so cool and down to earth, any chance you two might consider a double appointment? :)

I've only met a handful of providers but based on my time with skarlette it was the opposite of everything you said.  The lady is hot, kind, funny, classy, and smart.  She always responded, was professional, and really did go above and beyond.  Thankfully it looks like no one believes you.  By far the best time I ever had with a provider.

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