Re: Planning on staying at Hotel Ticuan
BoatGunther 10 Reviews 622 reads

I normally book Ticuan through so my stay is prepaid to the hotel, and they don't ask for my credit card since I'm already paid.

Maybe it's just because they know me, but it hasn't been an issue even though I do normally take the CC I used for the hotel reservation with me and leave it in the safe during my visit.

As in LV you always need a credit card to check into hotel rooms(fees, deposit, etc.)  
So does this apply to hotels in TJ or can you use cash for everything?
Planning on going within the next few months-only a 5 hour drive from LV

Obviously there are so many hotels and motels in Tijuana that it's unwise to make blanket statements about anything they do.  However, Tijuana (and Mexico in general) is much more of a cash society than is the United States and I doubt you'll need a credit card for anything while you're in TJ.  

I've lived in Tijuana for over a decade and most of the locals I know don't have checking accounts or credit cards.   When they travel they have no problems due to their lack of credit cards.  They prepay and/or leave a cash deposit where in the US people typically pay with a credit card and/or leave a credit card on file.  When I travel, eat out, etc. I follow their example and use cash without adverse experiences.  

When (a couple of decades ago) I started going to Tijuana there was a problem with hotel clerks, waiters, etc. writing down credit card names and numbers to use or sell.  I haven't heard about that happening in the past few years, but "once bitten, twice shy" sums up my use of plastic south of the border.  And I've yet to find anything I can't do there with cash.

I use ATMs in TJ all the time without trouble.  But I don't use ATMs in the areas rateros roam.  

(When entering an enclosed ATM also check to see the door handle on the inside works so you don't get trapped inside the booth.  Years ago rateros used to tamper with the inside door handles to trap people inside the booth making it easy to rob them.  Fortunately such things are part of the "bad old days" that ended when Mayor Jorge Ramos got tough on crime.  He's out of office now, but the problems that were commonplace before Jorge Ramos was mayor are still by and large a thing of the past.)

Carry lots of one and five dollar bills as people in TJ have trouble making change for a twenty let alone a hundred.

There are times it is better to pay in pesos and times it is better to pay in dollars so carry both.  Ask what is the exchange pay and use pesos or dollars according to what makes the most financial sense.

Before going notify your bank of your travel plans.  Otherwise they might freeze your credit card if you try using it outside the US (including at ATMs).  See if your bank has a Mexican affiliate because if they do that may save you ATM fees.  Also get the non 800 number needed to contact your bank in case of a frozen credit card  because almost always you can't dial a US 800 number from outside the US.  (And send yourself an email with that phone number and your credit card number in case you're the victim of a pickpocket and need to report the loss ASAP).

If you're going to being going places (like the Zona Norte bars) where you're at risk of encountering pickpockets I suggest wearing a pocket T-shirt inside out with the pocket next to your skin.  Carrying your money and ID in the T-shirt's pocket when worn next to your chest makes it almost impossible for somebody--ratero, mesero, chica giving you a lap dance, etc.--to steal your stash and it's easy for you to get to your cash when you need it (unlike, say, a money belt worn under your clothes).  I also suggest carrying a decoy wallet with only a little cash in it so people don't know about the T-Shirt and transferring money to the decoy wallet as need--out of sight of syping eyes.  Also, don't be afraid of using hotel safes in the better hotels.

Feliez vieje!


-- Modified on 11/19/2016 10:31:08 PM

Thanks for the intel

Should not having a credit card with me be okay here?

Not having a credit card will be an issue in getting your room at ticuan. You need to have a credit card on file with the hotel just as in the usa in case you start breaking things and so on. You can pay for your room in cash and they will not charge your credit card unless you start messing things up in your room. Tj can is a great hotel and friendly to all agencies girls. It's funny how you get a call to your room saying who ever is here for you. Use the room safe for your passport and extra cash. Visit hong kong at least once to see if it's your thing. Around ticuan it's very safe. Keep your head up and be on look out in the red light area and only carry what you need in this area. TJ is awesome went for the first time last month and already planning on going back, but it's a 5 and a half hour drive for me, so takes a little planning. Have fun and if any questions ask.  

-- Modified on 11/21/2016 2:31:48 PM

I normally book Ticuan through so my stay is prepaid to the hotel, and they don't ask for my credit card since I'm already paid.

Maybe it's just because they know me, but it hasn't been an issue even though I do normally take the CC I used for the hotel reservation with me and leave it in the safe during my visit.

It must be because they know you.  I have been booking a week at Hotel Ticuan once a year since they opened, the last few prepaid through, and they always ask me to leave an imprint of my phone.

I live in Tijuana so I seldom use hotels there.  But I've been told that at the Ticuan you can prepay and leave cash deposits to avoid using a credit card.

While eating there I've seen lots of locals stay at the Ticuan and, as I posted above, the majority of locals don't have credit cards.  So, again, I think there is a procedure that allows people without credit cards to stay there.

Again, as I posted above, I travel throughout Mexico without using a credit card.  I'd be shocked if I couldn't get a room at the Ticuan without using a credit card.  (No doubt they prefer to have one on file, but that's been the case at many places I've visited that have a no credit card procedure for those without credit cards.)

As stated above the area around the Ticuan is very safe.  It you stay there visit Centenarios/Tupios on 8th half a block after crossing Revolucion for breakfast of lunch.  Good food at great prices.





-- Modified on 11/23/2016 4:07:31 PM

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