Edited...received this email but not sure if it is authentic...regular_smile
zorro 21 Reviews 23633 reads

Juan, if this really is from you, thanks for sharing! :)

Ter now has a TJ message board which I [ White Trash Juan ] have been shamelessly using to shill for my own site lately, you know the one, Anyway, I'm back to my old tricks, answering my own posts as someone else.........these guys at TER are so dumb so why not. Here is my latest with a little editing help from SenorPanocha my best buddy.

Like the movie { Field of Dreams, which is as close to a baseball field as I've ever been } says, if you cry, I will cum.  I got to TJ around midnight Tuesday and hit the bars around 1 AM. I'm kinda like Dracula, I look a lot better in the dark and late at night on a weekday the skanks and crackwhores I end up with are a lot more desperate which is perfect for my cheap ass.

Tuesday night was deader than hell in TJ. I have been
avoiding Wednesdays because many chicas take off the middle of the week if they know I might show up. So what happend Tuesday? Where did all the chicas go? No doubt trying to avoid me.

 Lately I am hitting three bars a lot.This is where all the new chica's that don't know me show up first, Chavelas, Tropical and Miami. Usually one is happening. Tonight LC and Miam were dead. Of course they scurry like rats when they see me coming.

Tropical was happening tonight. Lot's of chicas. Lately I have been on a roll { I mean I've been eating lots of rolls} with lot's of new chicas and all are going to my apartment { because they don't know any better} for total wham bamn is that all there is Juan GFE action. Of course they have to be new cause after one time with me it's all over.

 I live on both sides of the border. Beautiful Chula Vista or Glorious Tijuana.........WOW WHAT LUCKY GIRL DOESN'T WANT TO VISIT THESE EXCITING LOCALES!

 My places are only ten minutes apart just like the spaces between my teeth !  Tonight I met a 24 year old mestiza cutie form Culican. She came to my place at 5 AM after she was done with work for two hours. Price $ I know a deal or what......OYE VEY!!!

I did buy her two drinks in the bar {I KNOW I'm a crazy wild man!} and we were kissing and dancing in the bar for another hour before we went to my place. Kissing me, what a revolting thought !! Man, she must have wanted that 40 bucks bad.

Total GFE at my place.See for a short fat guy with no class I'm pretty bitchin. She was pretty dark skinned. I love mestizas.  It was weird watching my fat grotesque white pimply ass  pumping in her. Fucking in all sorts of positions.  She even liked slapping my ass while she did me in doggie like the little bitch that I am.

  She also bent me over a chair and made me lick my own asshole.....YUCK OR QUAKALA! as they say down south. Gave me a hell of a humping with a finish in the butt.Sure. Lot's of French kissing. Right. Did I mention when I found her she was selling pencils with a tin cup? I also gave her a massage with oil and went to town on that pussy.........mine not hers. She's only been in TJ a month.  I love the new chicas cause nobody's warned them about what an asshole I am !

She wants to go to a movie Wednesday night since she's not working but she can't figure out who to go with. I'm not holding my breath. I've done this a milllion fukin times and they never show, gee you think it's me ??

 I dress real nice, TJ Maxx and Ross.  Hey don't laugh they have real good stuff there!! Last week I found a pair of Bruno Magli Tennis shoes !!

 I'll call her but most chicas flake on me when I plan dates in advance.See, I don't groom myself very well either. Naah,couldn't be me. I struck while the iron was hot. Last night was hot.  Today is another day, another chica.   For those that say you can't get a GFE in the bars you're not trying.  Either that or you have no personality and need a sure thing.  I have a great personality, just ask anyone of my swell TJ friends or the dozens of people I've never kicked off my site, they all love me !!!!

The unknown is what turns me on.Like whether or not I'll get arrested for swearing at at a cop down there or stealing some poor chica's coat after she refuses to do things to me in the room.  

You never know who you will meet in TJ every time you go.Pimps, drug addicts, homeless people, whores.....these are my people!  It's so easy it's ridiculous.  And I'm no spring chicken....thats no shit.  I speak a fair amount of Spanish (not fluent but I try,I've only been doing this about 12 years) which definitely helps. I've never had a real girlfriend but it's no wonder since I've got absolutely no people skills whatsoever!  Final tally.  Over three hours with a chica.  Total cost $55.  The best part is that I get to have a GFE session and I get to leave { see, sometimes they try to take my life! )  No strings.   If you don't count the fact that I have to do it all over again with a new chica the next time!

SP says it would be a lot better for me if I just tied a burrito around my neck and found one of those street chica's I like so much that hadn't eaten in a while then it woudn't cost me a dime !! Great Idea!


-- Modified on 7/31/2003 8:06:16 PM

juanstijuana23148 reads

Taxi Libres are the new white and orange cabs in TJ.  They have meters and are in competition with the other cabs who have ripped gringos off for years.  From the zona to the border the cost comes out half of what the cabs rip us off for.  A Taxi Libre will be around $2.50 to the border, while a yellow cab will get $5 and many try to charge more if they can get away with it.

As of late though, many Taxi Libre drivers are pulling the crap that their meters don't work.  Total BS.  They are asking people for $4-$5.  If the driver tells you the meter doesn't work, get out of the cab and look at his ID for his name or number on the cab or license plate number.  Drivers get suspended or fined for pulling this crap.  

You can complain by calling the tourist bureau (you can use this bureau as well to file police complaints or any other problems you have in TJ)which is open 24 hours a day and they speak English.  The phone number from the US is 888-775-2417 or you can call 078 while in TJ.  The main taxi number to complain is 011-52-664-621-7744 (from the US) and from TJ is 621-7744.

The norm is for a Taxi Libre meter is to start a 6 pesos (.60)  Don't let these guys get away with this stuff.  Report them.


I've taken lots of taxi's and there are many good guys just trying to earn an honest day's work. And there are many that are like weasels, just waiting to take advantage of you.

It's great that Juan posts this kind of info so that you aren't taken advantage of, but realize that ALL taxi cab drivers aren't scam artists.

Remember, if you ask a taxi cab driver for example, "where is the best massage parlor", they may not necessarily take you to the best one, but to the one that gives them a kick back. If you do venture south and want to find a good massage parlor, ask here or become a member on one the TJ forums and ask the guys that really know.

TJ_VET30715 reads


Juan is so cheap that he cannot afford the extra $1.50 and actually calls this a scam.   Even if what he is saying were true (which I seriously doubt), if you cannot afford $4 for a ride to the border, then you ought to stay out of Tijuana until you can afford to go there with some class.  

And suggesting that you should complain and giving you phone numbers to call shows how little respect he has for others.

In Mexico, management takes customer complaints very seriously and someone usually loses their job when a customer complains to the management about them, no matter whether they are guilt or not.  

The poor guy driving Juan's taxi probably had three kids and was just barely able to keep food on the table before Juan's complaint cost him his job.

Give your driver a big tip next time instead of bitching about how much it costs.

Avoid being a UGLY american because it reflects on the rest of us who happen to like the people of Mexico.

Juan, if this really is from you, thanks for sharing! :)

Ter now has a TJ message board which I [ White Trash Juan ] have been shamelessly using to shill for my own site lately, you know the one, Anyway, I'm back to my old tricks, answering my own posts as someone else.........these guys at TER are so dumb so why not. Here is my latest with a little editing help from SenorPanocha my best buddy.

Like the movie { Field of Dreams, which is as close to a baseball field as I've ever been } says, if you cry, I will cum.  I got to TJ around midnight Tuesday and hit the bars around 1 AM. I'm kinda like Dracula, I look a lot better in the dark and late at night on a weekday the skanks and crackwhores I end up with are a lot more desperate which is perfect for my cheap ass.

Tuesday night was deader than hell in TJ. I have been
avoiding Wednesdays because many chicas take off the middle of the week if they know I might show up. So what happend Tuesday? Where did all the chicas go? No doubt trying to avoid me.

 Lately I am hitting three bars a lot.This is where all the new chica's that don't know me show up first, Chavelas, Tropical and Miami. Usually one is happening. Tonight LC and Miam were dead. Of course they scurry like rats when they see me coming.

Tropical was happening tonight. Lot's of chicas. Lately I have been on a roll { I mean I've been eating lots of rolls} with lot's of new chicas and all are going to my apartment { because they don't know any better} for total wham bamn is that all there is Juan GFE action. Of course they have to be new cause after one time with me it's all over.

 I live on both sides of the border. Beautiful Chula Vista or Glorious Tijuana.........WOW WHAT LUCKY GIRL DOESN'T WANT TO VISIT THESE EXCITING LOCALES!

 My places are only ten minutes apart just like the spaces between my teeth !  Tonight I met a 24 year old mestiza cutie form Culican. She came to my place at 5 AM after she was done with work for two hours. Price $ I know a deal or what......OYE VEY!!!

I did buy her two drinks in the bar {I KNOW I'm a crazy wild man!} and we were kissing and dancing in the bar for another hour before we went to my place. Kissing me, what a revolting thought !! Man, she must have wanted that 40 bucks bad.

Total GFE at my place.See for a short fat guy with no class I'm pretty bitchin. She was pretty dark skinned. I love mestizas.  It was weird watching my fat grotesque white pimply ass  pumping in her. Fucking in all sorts of positions.  She even liked slapping my ass while she did me in doggie like the little bitch that I am.

  She also bent me over a chair and made me lick my own asshole.....YUCK OR QUAKALA! as they say down south. Gave me a hell of a humping with a finish in the butt.Sure. Lot's of French kissing. Right. Did I mention when I found her she was selling pencils with a tin cup? I also gave her a massage with oil and went to town on that pussy.........mine not hers. She's only been in TJ a month.  I love the new chicas cause nobody's warned them about what an asshole I am !

She wants to go to a movie Wednesday night since she's not working but she can't figure out who to go with. I'm not holding my breath. I've done this a milllion fukin times and they never show, gee you think it's me ??

 I dress real nice, TJ Maxx and Ross.  Hey don't laugh they have real good stuff there!! Last week I found a pair of Bruno Magli Tennis shoes !!

 I'll call her but most chicas flake on me when I plan dates in advance.See, I don't groom myself very well either. Naah,couldn't be me. I struck while the iron was hot. Last night was hot.  Today is another day, another chica.   For those that say you can't get a GFE in the bars you're not trying.  Either that or you have no personality and need a sure thing.  I have a great personality, just ask anyone of my swell TJ friends or the dozens of people I've never kicked off my site, they all love me !!!!

The unknown is what turns me on.Like whether or not I'll get arrested for swearing at at a cop down there or stealing some poor chica's coat after she refuses to do things to me in the room.  

You never know who you will meet in TJ every time you go.Pimps, drug addicts, homeless people, whores.....these are my people!  It's so easy it's ridiculous.  And I'm no spring chicken....thats no shit.  I speak a fair amount of Spanish (not fluent but I try,I've only been doing this about 12 years) which definitely helps. I've never had a real girlfriend but it's no wonder since I've got absolutely no people skills whatsoever!  Final tally.  Over three hours with a chica.  Total cost $55.  The best part is that I get to have a GFE session and I get to leave { see, sometimes they try to take my life! )  No strings.   If you don't count the fact that I have to do it all over again with a new chica the next time!

SP says it would be a lot better for me if I just tied a burrito around my neck and found one of those street chica's I like so much that hadn't eaten in a while then it woudn't cost me a dime !! Great Idea!


-- Modified on 7/31/2003 8:06:16 PM

juanstijuana20881 reads

Zorro posts that TJ is a shithole and he'll maybe go to TJ once in the next year again and that's if he's mentally ill or insane.  I love TJ and go 3-4 times week.  So whose going to add more info and insight to the TJ part of TER?

To boot I know from others that Zorro is friends with Señor Panocha whose been thrown off of just about every Internet sight, including TER.  I hear that Panocha continues to write insane letters to TER.  Now Zorro shows up from other part of TER to stick his nose into TJ posts after Panocha can't get his way.  Panocha is still crying all over the board he moderates about TER.  Funny that Zorro now shows up and is friends with Panocha.

TJ a place he now hates and those are Zorro's words.  So who belongs here?  Whose come here to cause problems and flame?  Zorro why are you posting here at all?  Zorro, maybe you should be the one leaving!  


ABeautifulMind20551 reads

The tone and context of your all your posts collectively give the impression that you were a short, pimply, and pudgy nerd instead of the type of guy that was "super-model status."  I mean, what's with all the contempt, anger and insecurity, man?  You reek it.

I had a degree of respect for you before, but now you are just plain mean-spirited and dare I say, lacking any kind of class. Well, you actually have the wanna-be kind, I'll give you that.

This is an American website, so please take your fascist tendencies someplace else.

Maybe we ought to take a petition on TER to boot your stinkin' ass outta here!!  'Cause it's stinking up the place!  I'm sure getting a majority vote to toss your ass would not be too difficult.  

Damned you're a rotten apple!  Shit!

Yank McCrank23766 reads

Dude... you sound pretty slanted, if not a bit like a bigot to be generalizing and classifying people like this.  Is this what you are like on your website?  Do you hound and harass your members too?

I'm confused.  Where did he come off sounding like a bigot?  Can you please clarify what you mean?  Thanks.  Sedagive.

juanstijuana24798 reads

With TJ sites it's the same old same old.  Most of us vets know how to read between the lines.  Just guys making up usernames to stir the pot.  It's best to ignore them.  Especially, when someone comes up with things like being a bigot in an informational post.

Our site and the credible TJ sites post pure info.  We report things as we see them.  If something has posted wrong info we investigate it and get the info right.  The bottom line is that a metered cab is a metered cab.  People are taking the taxi libres because they are cheaper.  That's how they are getting their business.

If many drivers are saying that their meters don't work it is a scam to charge more regardless of what they quote.  You have to search harder in the zona to find a taxi libre.  If the price were the same, guys would just grab a yellow cab outside of CC or AB.  It has nothing to do with what a monger/hobbyist can afford to pay for a cab. A Taxi Libre is a metered cab.  Period.  In fact, I must be a real asshole because I take lot's of money from cabbies mouths and their families.  I walk all the time.  


-- Modified on 7/28/2003 11:18:40 PM

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