Meet and Greet

Re: Wow ! - Further Info
vadhaman 79 Reviews 6016 reads

Nothing like a change of location to boost attendance.The response has been incredible. Every time one gal sends regrets and drops out; two or three pop up to take her place. There is still time to join us. just send me a PM.

Just a few major and minor points:

1. Staying at the house: Most of the rooms are spoken for but a couple are left.In extreme cases a few of you may be able to get dibs on a couch and crash with us. We'll try to work something out but the safest and most sensible thing to do is to reserve a room at a local hotel.There are two that are just minutes away. PM me for the names and addresses.

2. Costs and fees: As a very few of you know, the new place does not come cheap. It is a substantial outlay on my part but rather than risk having to cancel, I went ahead and did it. While my parties are not money-making ventures; they are also not charitable exercises i.e. I want my expenses covered.Therefore door fees are as follows :

a. Ladies who are just Meeting and Greeting at the Pool Party and BBQ will be admitted free.

b. Ladies who will be "working" at the party will be advised by PM or e-mail of the door fee. No splits; no tip-outs; nobody to "take care of". Anyone who works the main party will be able to attend Rehab Sunday for FREE = no additional fee. You will get a ticket

c. Gentlemen will be advised via PM or e-mail what the door fee is. It includes all food and drink and a ticket for FREE admission to Rehab Sunday.

d. Rehab Sunday- If you attended Day 1 you are good to go to relax and unwind on Day 2. If you are joining us for the first time on Sunday, there will be a modest charge.That includes EVERYONE and ANYONE joining us for the first time on Sunday including "meeters and greeters".The fee is solely designed to assure we have enough food and drink for everyone and not just "leftovers" from the day before .

e. If Rehab Sunday has to be used as our Rain Date- then the Day 1 fee schedule will apply.

3.Car-Pooling- My offer stands to any gentlemen who gives a lady a ride. You will get a free LD ticket you can use for semi-private VIP or towards the cost of a private room. That is strictly to help the "out of town" ladies and those without cars. Since parking is NOT an issue at the new location, I am revoking my offer of reduced rates for ladies car-pooling in groups of 3 or more.Sorry. Sue me! The reason I posted the offer was ONLY because parking was a problem at the OLD location and I literally had to set up a shuttle van service to get the drivers from the parking area back to the house (about 1/2 a mile ).Since parking is no longer an issue, there is no need for such an offer.

4. Parking- There is plenty of parking around and near the house. Please observe the parking signage and use common sense. My security people will be patrolling around the house and anyone blocking a driveway or illegally parked will be called out and have to take the "walk of shame" back to their car and MOVE IT ! Nothing attracts unwanted attention and pisses off the neighbors more than one or two dummies parking wherever they want to. A little consideration and a little common sense = No Problems. Parking AT the house itself is RESERVED for your host and his dedicated staff. Even if you have a room reserved you may have to park on a sidestreet.We'll see if there is room and TRY to accomodate paid houseguests, but don't count on it.

Of course you may drop off any passengers AT the house. I will have a "parking marshall" to assist and direct you to the nearest parking.

5. General Rules of Behavior. This has NEVER been a problem before.Those of you who have partied with me before KNOW I am NOT a nitpicker and don't believe in "chicken shit" rules.So long as safety and security are not compromised, I am VERY liberal. I am always pleased by how well behaved everyone is at these type of events but there could always be a first time so.....

a. First and foremost- We will be using someone else's house. Please treat it BETTER than you would your own. I , me, this guy, your gracious and hardworkin host and retiring party impressario, is on the hook for any and all damages.So please use a coaster, throw out your own garbage, don't try to swing on the chandelier and try not to break anything.

b. Smoking- OUTSIDE ONLY ! Please do NOT smoke anywhere inside the house and please use an ASHTRAY. I will have at least a dozen.

c. NO DRUGS ! None. Zero. Zip. NADA !
ZERO TOLERANCE in full force and effect.

d. There will be a time and a PLACE for almost anything and everything. You will be told where you can do what. Don't be afraid to ASK. The general rule will be that there will NOT be any public nudity or sexual behavior outside, except in designated areas designed and set up for party games and group activities. We'll be in N.J.; not Negril.Just let common sense prevail and all will be well; and a LOT OF FUN ! Likewise, sensible noise control will be in effect. If we keep it to a dull roar, we'll be fine.

6. Raffle and door prizes. We will have door prizes for both the guys and the gals. Don't I always ? The Grand Prizes for one lucky fella and one lucky gal will effectively make him and her "King and Queen of the Party". His and her door fees will be refunded and he may lap-dance or get private room time at no additional charge to his heart's content . And the content of certain other body parts I suppose. As long as they don't give out. I guess I'll have a trained paramedic on site, just in The only thing NOT included will be ahem , er, "personal consultation fees" charged by the lady or ladies of his choosing.

7. It's a POOL PARTY!!!!! so bring your bikini, trunks ( there will be an extra charge for any guy wearing Speedo "nuthuggers" unless he's built like Mark Spitz or Michael Phelps) and a towel.We will have designated changing areas for guys and gals.

I think I covered all the bases. Afaic there is no such thing as a "Dumb question" so feel free to ask about anything of which you are unsure or which I may have been unclear.

All systems are "GO" BUT we had to change the party location. Too many problems with the original site. The good news is that our new location is even better ! Bigger. Easier to get to.Closer to NYC and NNJ. MUCH easier to park and we will have limited overnight accomodations available on site !

For right now, the ONLY people who should be PM-ing me, frantically or otherwise, are those few who were given location info for intelligent planning because they wanted overnight accomodations close by. They are still very possible. Everyone else; just relax and please follow the instructions that you were given as to WHEN to contact me for the address and password.

We now have a Rain Date, just in case. Keep praying and sacrificing those virgins to the Sun God for good weather anyway. lol. We will also be having a "Rehab Sunday" in addition to the Pool Party.If you attend the Pool Party you will get a ticket for the following day.Half the bedrooms are already spoken for. I am giving the "out of town" ladies first crack at the remainder for the next week or so. After that I wil be taking reservations for whatever is left. Check in will be in the late evening AFTER the party starts winding down for obvious reasons.

Nothing like a change of location to boost attendance.The response has been incredible. Every time one gal sends regrets and drops out; two or three pop up to take her place. There is still time to join us. just send me a PM.

Just a few major and minor points:

1. Staying at the house: Most of the rooms are spoken for but a couple are left.In extreme cases a few of you may be able to get dibs on a couch and crash with us. We'll try to work something out but the safest and most sensible thing to do is to reserve a room at a local hotel.There are two that are just minutes away. PM me for the names and addresses.

2. Costs and fees: As a very few of you know, the new place does not come cheap. It is a substantial outlay on my part but rather than risk having to cancel, I went ahead and did it. While my parties are not money-making ventures; they are also not charitable exercises i.e. I want my expenses covered.Therefore door fees are as follows :

a. Ladies who are just Meeting and Greeting at the Pool Party and BBQ will be admitted free.

b. Ladies who will be "working" at the party will be advised by PM or e-mail of the door fee. No splits; no tip-outs; nobody to "take care of". Anyone who works the main party will be able to attend Rehab Sunday for FREE = no additional fee. You will get a ticket

c. Gentlemen will be advised via PM or e-mail what the door fee is. It includes all food and drink and a ticket for FREE admission to Rehab Sunday.

d. Rehab Sunday- If you attended Day 1 you are good to go to relax and unwind on Day 2. If you are joining us for the first time on Sunday, there will be a modest charge.That includes EVERYONE and ANYONE joining us for the first time on Sunday including "meeters and greeters".The fee is solely designed to assure we have enough food and drink for everyone and not just "leftovers" from the day before .

e. If Rehab Sunday has to be used as our Rain Date- then the Day 1 fee schedule will apply.

3.Car-Pooling- My offer stands to any gentlemen who gives a lady a ride. You will get a free LD ticket you can use for semi-private VIP or towards the cost of a private room. That is strictly to help the "out of town" ladies and those without cars. Since parking is NOT an issue at the new location, I am revoking my offer of reduced rates for ladies car-pooling in groups of 3 or more.Sorry. Sue me! The reason I posted the offer was ONLY because parking was a problem at the OLD location and I literally had to set up a shuttle van service to get the drivers from the parking area back to the house (about 1/2 a mile ).Since parking is no longer an issue, there is no need for such an offer.

4. Parking- There is plenty of parking around and near the house. Please observe the parking signage and use common sense. My security people will be patrolling around the house and anyone blocking a driveway or illegally parked will be called out and have to take the "walk of shame" back to their car and MOVE IT ! Nothing attracts unwanted attention and pisses off the neighbors more than one or two dummies parking wherever they want to. A little consideration and a little common sense = No Problems. Parking AT the house itself is RESERVED for your host and his dedicated staff. Even if you have a room reserved you may have to park on a sidestreet.We'll see if there is room and TRY to accomodate paid houseguests, but don't count on it.

Of course you may drop off any passengers AT the house. I will have a "parking marshall" to assist and direct you to the nearest parking.

5. General Rules of Behavior. This has NEVER been a problem before.Those of you who have partied with me before KNOW I am NOT a nitpicker and don't believe in "chicken shit" rules.So long as safety and security are not compromised, I am VERY liberal. I am always pleased by how well behaved everyone is at these type of events but there could always be a first time so.....

a. First and foremost- We will be using someone else's house. Please treat it BETTER than you would your own. I , me, this guy, your gracious and hardworkin host and retiring party impressario, is on the hook for any and all damages.So please use a coaster, throw out your own garbage, don't try to swing on the chandelier and try not to break anything.

b. Smoking- OUTSIDE ONLY ! Please do NOT smoke anywhere inside the house and please use an ASHTRAY. I will have at least a dozen.

c. NO DRUGS ! None. Zero. Zip. NADA !
ZERO TOLERANCE in full force and effect.

d. There will be a time and a PLACE for almost anything and everything. You will be told where you can do what. Don't be afraid to ASK. The general rule will be that there will NOT be any public nudity or sexual behavior outside, except in designated areas designed and set up for party games and group activities. We'll be in N.J.; not Negril.Just let common sense prevail and all will be well; and a LOT OF FUN ! Likewise, sensible noise control will be in effect. If we keep it to a dull roar, we'll be fine.

6. Raffle and door prizes. We will have door prizes for both the guys and the gals. Don't I always ? The Grand Prizes for one lucky fella and one lucky gal will effectively make him and her "King and Queen of the Party". His and her door fees will be refunded and he may lap-dance or get private room time at no additional charge to his heart's content . And the content of certain other body parts I suppose. As long as they don't give out. I guess I'll have a trained paramedic on site, just in The only thing NOT included will be ahem , er, "personal consultation fees" charged by the lady or ladies of his choosing.

7. It's a POOL PARTY!!!!! so bring your bikini, trunks ( there will be an extra charge for any guy wearing Speedo "nuthuggers" unless he's built like Mark Spitz or Michael Phelps) and a towel.We will have designated changing areas for guys and gals.

I think I covered all the bases. Afaic there is no such thing as a "Dumb question" so feel free to ask about anything of which you are unsure or which I may have been unclear.

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